{Chapter 39}

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The Mafia Leader Damien, Chapter 39: That's blackmailing...

Savannah's pov:

We sat silently, enjoying the silence around us.

"Can I know now what you wanted to tell me?" I asked glancing at him.

"Sure," Damien started, "Luke's uncle wants you. Ian River. He was the one who sends the notes and the emails. While looking for Ian River, I came to know that your dad, Mr Ross, know him well."

Dad knows him?

"I came to your office and talked to your dad. I had to tell him everything but I was quite surprised when he told me that he knew I was a Mafia leader." He chuckled and my eyes widened.

Dad knew!! And he still agreed that I work with him?

"He told me that Ian had always been one of his enemies and that he wanted his skin for messing with your family, especially you now." He explained and looked at me.

"Dad wants his skin because he sent me some email?" I asked confused and he shakes his head no.

"Luke. He sent Luke to you. His plan was to force himself on you, make you pregnant and compelled me to leave the mafia." He explained and I gasped.

What the hell? Get me pregnant? He's disgusting...

"What!" I said and he sighed.

"I know, sick bastard. I made a hole in the wall when I found out about this. I just want to find him and kill him. For everything." He stated looking in front of me. All his words were spat with hatred and disgust.

"Damien, you have to promise something," I said and he turned toward me.

"What is it?" he asked confused.

"You will never leave the mafia even if someone kidnaps me or I'm in danger," I stated and he furrowed his eyebrow.

Damien's pov:

This girl is crazy. Is she even listening to herself? I don't care about me. If I have to step down from the mafia to save her, so be it.

"Are you even listening to yourself? I can't promise anything like that." I scoffed.

"Damien, please. You work a lot to reach where you are right now. I don't want you to leave everything for me. I don't want to be your weakness, anyone can hurt you and make you do what they want." She pleaded and I sighed.

"Savannah, I'll protect you to the end. I don't care if I lose anything else. But I do care about you. So you will be my main priority." I stated and she stared at me.

"Damien..." she trailed off and I shake my head no.

"I'm not going to promise anything, anytime soon. So let's not argue and enjoy this date." I said, and she sighed.

"Fine." She murmured looking in front of her, at the lake.

She's mad..

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I pulled her to my side, leaning to kiss her cheeks. However, she moved away and I kiss her hair.

"Come on Sav," I sighed but she ignored me. I turned to my side and took out a flower from the flower vase on the small table.

"Come on, smile now." I insisted, putting the flower in front of her. She looked at it and glanced at me. She reached out to grab it but didn't smile.

I hate to see her like that...

"Can I at least get a kiss on the cheek?" I asked and she nodded. She leaned and kissed my cheek. I grabbed this opportunity and pulled her on me.

I attack her face with kisses and she squealed, trying to pull away.

"Damien," she laughed.

My hand went to her side and she started to wiggle away from my arms.

"No, please. Damien!" She laughed, making a smile appeared on my face.

I stopped tickling her and she was now laying on my laps, breathing heavily. She laid there for a good 5 minutes before she pulled herself up. I caged her with my arms around her so that she doesn't move away.

"Now you are caged," I stated and she rolled her eyes.

"Let's talk about something else. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked about changing the topic. Her head snapped toward me and she stared at me.

"You want me to be your girlfriend? What if I say no?" She dared to ask.

"I have my ways to make you say yes." I shrugged.

"You can't force me." She challenged me.

Challenge accepted...

Savannah's pov:

I love messing with him. He stared down at me fiercely, and I was kind of nervous about what he was thinking. Why didn't he reply yet? What is he planning?

He suddenly pinned me down with him being one top of me. He had both my arms pinned over my head while he smirked at me.

"Damien..." I trailed off as his hand roamed my side.

Please don't tell me he was going to tickle me again.

He started to press my side and I wiggle to free my hand.

"Damien, please." I pleaded while laughing.

"You woke up the tickle monster." He said.

"Tickle monster? What am I, 3?" I asked trying to escape from him.

"You are acting like one. And all you have to say is 'yes'." He stated and I could feel my eyes tearing up from all the laughing.

"That's blackmailing," I argued.

"Just say 'yes'."

"Ok, yes. Yes, now stop!"

He stopped tickling me, and I sighed in relieved.

"Finally," he murmured and crashed his lips on mine. His lips were addictive. His hands were on my waist and he was drawing small circles on my waist.


Love ya

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