{Chapter 43}

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The Mafia Leader Damien, Chapter 43: His cheeks were cold, he was getting cold...

Savannah's pov:

We walked around and fought some guys. We were trying to find Damien and we still didn't find him. We reached the end of the hall and there was a door opened.

Zach walked in first with his gun up and we followed him. I gasped when I saw the sight in front of me.

"That's Ian River." Crawford spat angrily.

Ian had his gun pointed right at Damien. Ian said something but Damien didn't care. He moved to attack Ian when Ian shoot making us froze. He shoots three times on Damien.

Damien fell backwards.

No. No. No!


I literally ran to him as fast as I could with my heels. I kneel beside him as I reached him. He kept opening and closing his eyes.

"Damien," I said, cupping his face. My sight was blurry and I know my eyes were filled with tears.

"Please open your eyes." I pleaded as I watch him. He opens them and tries to keep them opened.

"S-savannah." He said and I nodded frantically.

"Yeah, I'm here," I said and he gave me a smiled.

"Fuck, we need to take him to the hospital now," Crawford ordered and two guys came to pick Damien.

"Savannah, let's go. We need to reach the hospital as soon as possible." Zach said, his hand on my shoulder. He pulled me up and we immediately walked to the car, completely forgetting about the asshole who did that to him.

They put Damien in the back of the car and I sat with him. He had his head laid on my laps as Zach rushed to the hospital.

"Damien, look at me," I said, giving a light tap on his cheeks. His cheeks were cold, he was getting cold. I looked at his wound and saw that someone had wrapped a piece of fabric on it, to stop the bleeding.

"Damien," I said again when he didn't respond. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Please keep your eyes open." I pleaded.

He reached out to grab one of my hand, intertwining it with his and he laid it on his chest.

"S-sav-vannah," his voice came out as a whispered.

"I-I'm sor-rry. I t-tried m-my best to prot-tect you. I lo-ove y-"

"No!" I stopped him, tears rolling down my cheeks, "You are not saying this now Damien. You will be fine. You will be okay once we reached the hospital."

He gave me a weak smile, squeezing my hand, "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered loud enough for him to hear it and leaned to kiss his lips. They were freaking cold.

"We're here," Zach informed and I looked up. I wiped my tears and clear my throat.

He parked and immediately to of the bodyguards came to Damien. They were the same bodyguards Damien put outside my office.

We walked inside and immediately doctors and nurses came to him. They took him inside one of the emergency room while Zach went to fill the forms for him.

I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder and I looked at Crawford.

"He'll be okay." He said and I nodded with a fake smile.

We both sit on the chairs outside and waited for the doctors to come out with some good news. Zach came back and he bought three cups of coffee with him. He handed one to Crawford and handed one to me.

"No, I'm good," I said and he sighed.

"I know you're not. It's already midnight, please have some of this." He pleaded and I nodded. The coffee was good and really hot. I drank two sips and felt my stomach full.

I put the cup on the seat next to me and leaned in my seat. Some people pass by and looked at us weirdly. It might be because of my clothes, or because of the blood all over me. Damien's blood.


My head snapped up and I was relieved to see Elijah. My mom, dad and Paigne were here too. I stood up and run in Elijah's arm, hugging him tightly.

Elijah's pov:

She throws her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. I knew she needs comfort more than any words that I can say. I felt her shaking and when I heard her sob, I knew she was crying.

She held everything inside her for god knows how long and she needs to take it out. When Zach called to inform us what happened, we immediately rushed here. Savannah was my twin and somehow I can feel what she feels.

I rubbed her back, letting her cry everything out.

"Take her outside for a little time." Mom said and I nodded. I unwrap my hand and put them on her shoulder. I pulled her away to see her face but she hides it behind her hair. I pulled her to my side and walked us outside. We stopped at the benches.

I made her sit down and sat beside her.

"Hey, everything will be fine. He'll be okay." I reassured her even if I wasn't sure myself.

"It's all my fault. Ian was after me. I shouldn't have let him go." She said tears still running down her cheeks.

"No Sav, nothing that happens is your fault. Even if you stopped Damien, he would have to go to save you. He loves you too much to just sit down and watch you suffer." I said and she nodded.

"I know and that's why he is here tonight." She sighed.

"Hey, everything will be alright. Stop crying. I bought some clothes for you to change. Do you want to change now?" I asked and she nodded.

"How did you k-"

"I know you will spend the night with him, so I bought some clothes for you. Let's go to the car."

We both walked to the car and I handed her the clothes I picked for her. I turned around and let her changed up.


Love ya

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