{Chapter 49}

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update but here are all the bonus chapters for this book. Hope you enjoy it as much as i did while writing them.
Love you

The Mafia Leader Chapter 49: Bonus Chapter 2, All the signs were pointing at it...

Savannah's pov:

Three months later*

Today Damien texted me and told me to get ready for a surprise date. I was really excited and curious to see what he had up his sleeves.

For some reasons this morning, mom and dad were really happy and excited. Mom couldn't stop smiling and dad tried his best to calm her down before she said something she wasn't supposed to say. They were hiding something from me. Even Elijah and Paigne were being mysterious.

When Damien suddenly texted me about the surprise date, I kinda had an idea about what it might be but I didn't want to put my expectations high. All the signs were pointing at it but I didn't want to assume things.

Right now I was getting ready in my room. Damien sends a dress for our surprise night with a cute note.

Hey Love,
I hope that you are as excited as I am for our date this evening. I bought this dress and I can't wait to see you in this. I know you will rock this dress like you always do in any outfit that you wear (even my shirts). I can't wait to see you in it. See you soon.
Love you,

(Savannah's outfit⬆️)

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(Savannah's outfit⬆️)

The dress was stunning. My jaw literally dropped when I saw the dress. I was even more surprise when the dress fit me so perfectly. I did my makeup, I did my hair and took my bag. It was now 5:30 pm and that's the time Damien said that he would pick me up.

I made my way downstairs and went into the living room. My parents, Paigne and Elijah were casually sitting on the couch talking to each other. They all turned toward me when they heard me approaching them.

"Oh, my," Paigne gasped looking at me wide-eyed.

"Was that the dress he send you?" Elijah asked and I nodded.

"You look really beautiful. Just like a princess." Even if mom was smiling, I could tell she was sad.

"My little princess... grown too fast," Dad added with a sad smile.

"Why are you two so emotional? I'm just going on a date." I pointed out and they all chuckled. We heard the doorbell rang and Elijah immediately stood up, jogging towards the door.

I walked behind him. He opened the door and my eyes landed on Damien. Like always he looked hot and handsome.

"Hi," Both Elijah and Damien handshake.

The Mafia Leader, Damien.Where stories live. Discover now