{Chapter 17}

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The Mafia Leader Damien, Chapter 17: -You didn't do a great job. So I'll let you back to it...

Damien's pov:

I dropped Savannah to her office before driving home. She wanted to clean up my bandage but I refused. I didn't want her to see the cut. I promised her that I would clean it up at home.

I kind of like how she was being worried for me. It shows how much she cares about me.

I reached home and walked inside. Zach and Crawford were in the living room and they looked up when they heard my footsteps.

"What happened?" Zach asked putting his laptop to the side.

"I need to clean this and then we need to pay Mr Lewis to another visit. Crawford gets the guys ready." I ordered and Crawford nodded.

"What happened there?" Zach asked confused. He helped me to clean the cut while I explained what happened in the office.

"I'll gladly go there to mess up his face," Zach stated.

"We will do that but after I got the papers for the land. I can't let Savannah down." I said and he nodded.

"The guys are ready," Crawford said as he walked in. I looked at my arm and my bandage was new.

"You need to change that shirt, there's blood on the back too," Crawford added and I nodded. I walked to my room, grabbed whatever was first in the closet and got ready. I wasn't going to wear any suit this time.

I made my way downstairs and walked to the car. Everyone was waiting for me.

"Alright, listen. I need 5 of you to accompany me inside the building, the rest will stay outside and looked after the guards." I ordered and they nodded. I sat in the car and Crawford drove since he was already in the driver seat.


I wasn't surprised to see a police car in the parking lot when we reached. The guys immediately went around the building while 5 of them accompany Zach, Crawford and I inside.

Some guards try to stop me but my bodyguards took care of them. We walked inside and we didn't have to walk too long since they were right in front. All his employees were beside him.

"Here he is officer!" Mr Lewis pointed at me and the officer turned around. I wasn't surprise to see my friend Harry. We usually help each other when we really need it.

"He did this to me. ARREST HIM!" Mr pervert shouted.

"You did a great job to his face with an injured arm." Crawford murmured beside me.

Harry walked to me and I know he was hiding his smile as he needs to keep a straight face.

"Mr Lewis called the police station to inform us that you try to kill him, is this true?" He asked sternly.

"That's true," I stated.

"Well, Mr Russo I'm afraid to tell you that-" Harry started and Mr Lewis started to smirk at the back,"-You didn't do a great job. So I'll let you back to it."

This time, I smirked looking at Mr Lewis paled faced. The other employee looked shocked but didn't try to protect Mr Lewis.

"Don't make too much noise though, I don't want other officers to come here," Harry told me and I nodded. He walked outside and the five guys that walked with me inside went near the employees. Mr Lewis had nowhere to run.

I take my time to walk to him, watching him tremble like a leave. I let Crawford and Zach go ahead. They both grabbed him by his arm and make his knee on the ground.

"Bring me a chair," I ordered to the guy behind the counter and he nodded, wide-eyed. He put a chair in front of me and went to hide behind the counter again. I dragged the chair in front of Mr Lewis and sat down.

"How about we talk about the deal now?" I asked calmly.

"What deal? There is no deal." He said not looking at me. Crawford reaches out and pulled his head back by his hair.

"You're right. There is no deal," I started, "you will give me the property legally without taking any money from me. If you refuse, this will be the last time you would be breathing."

I heard a lot of gasps as I talked but I ignored them. I'm not being mean. This will teach him not to mess with any girl again and this will also teach him, not to mess with me.

"That's not p-possible. This land is expensive." He said wide-eyed.

"Your lost. I came here earlier to deal with you and what did you do? You eye-raped my girl in front of me." I stated coldly.

"I d-didn't k-know she was taken." He stuttered.

"No girl should go through that you dumbass," Zach stated.

"So, are you going to do it or not?" I asked and he looked at me defeated.

"Y-yes, I will." He sighed.

"Get started then, I'm not leaving without this paper," I stated and both Zach and Crawford let him go.


After two hours, we were done. I let Zach and Crawford look after Mr Lewis while I walked outside.

"You did it?" Harry asked and I nodded.

"Thanks for keeping him here while I came," I said and he chuckled.

"No problem, we usually get a lot of complaint from a business man that their assistance was touched improperly by him. Every time one of the officier came here, he would give them money and tell them to close the complaint. Fortunately this time, I took the call and came here." He explained and I nodded.

"I need to leave right now, I'll talk to you soon," I said and he agreed.

I walked to my car and drove to Savannah's office. I looked at myself in the driving mirror and I was still presentable. When I reached her office, I walked directly to the elevator with the file in my hand. I nodded at the front girl behind the counter and she smiled at me.


Love ya

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