{Chapter 37⚠️}

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The Mafia Leader Damien, Chapter 37: I missed you...

Savannah's pov:

It's been a whole week since the incident. Dad looked tensed and worried for some reasons. Damien was busy with his Mafia's affairs and the bodyguard was back but this time I noticed that there were three guys outside the building.

When Elijah saw them, I had to tell him everything. He wasn't surprised that Damien put some bodyguard to look after me. I didn't saw Damien at all. We talked on the phone but didn't see each other's faces. I missed him.

I sighed and went back to work. I had some files to check and then I'll have to sign them. The door opened and when I looked up, I was surprised to see Damien. He looked good like always.

"Damien," I said standing up. He closed the door behind him and loosen the tie around his collar. He gave me a small smile as he walked toward me.

He pulled me in a hug, wrapping his arm around my waist. His cologne immediately filled my nose. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest.

"How are you?" I asked, after a few minutes. He was still hugging me and I could feel that he wasn't okay. Having me in his arms was just helping him to calm down.

"Damien?" I said as he didn't reply. I frowned and pulled away from him. I didn't remove my hand around him. He looked down at me and I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

"Just tired." He finally replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked concerned.

"Not now." He sighed. He removed his hands around me and walked to my leather chair. He removed his suit, put it on the table and sat down on the chair.

He put his hand forward and I put mine on top of his. He pulled me on his laps and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him stayed like this as long as he wants.

"I missed you." He murmured in my neck, his breath falling on my neck. I started to think about the night we shared together. How his hands were all over my body, how his lips felt on my skin, how his tongue did a great job.

I came out of my thought because I didn't want to remember it now, not when I'm on his laps.

"Why are you clenching your legs?" He asked and I looked down. I didn't know I was doing that until he asks me about it.

"I wasn't clenching them." I lied and he chuckled.

"Are you wet Savannah?" He asked, his lips kissing my ears.

"No," I replied instantly.

"Oh, so you're okay if I put my hand on your thighs?" He asked and I nodded.

I can do this!

He pulled away to look at my face. He put his hand on my thigh, closer to my core. I bit my lips as he moved his hand around. I wore a dress today and Damien had full access to my upper thigh.

I felt he moved the fabric away and grabbed my thigh tightly. He let some kisses on my neck and suck a specific spot. He removes his hand and wrapped them under my thigh.

He stood up with me in his arm and put me on the table. He opened my legs and settle himself in between. He crashed his lips on mine and let his hand roamed my body. His right hand stayed to my side and grabbed my boobs making me moan.

Guess not... I can't do this...

He pulled away from my lips and looked down. He lifted my dress up and grabbed the two side of my panties.

"Damien, no! Anyone can come here "I said but he didn't listen to me. He took it down and put it on the table. He looked at me right in the eyes and I gasped when I felt one of his finger inside me.

"Damien..." I tried to warn him but it came out like a moan.

"So wet already." He murmured and pecked my lips.

"Damien, your bedroom might be soundproof but my office isn't," I said in between moans and he chuckled.

"You shouldn't make any noise then." He smirked and pumped two fingers inside me. I bit my lips hard, trying not to moan loudly. I was close to my release but he stopped. He pulled his hand away and unbuckled his pants. He didn't pull it down completely, instead, he took out his hard dick in his hand and sat down on the chair behind him.

"Stand up and turn around." He ordered dominantly. I turned around and I felt his hands go to my side. He pulled the dress up to my waist, leaving me bare at the bottom. I felt him unzip the dress but he didn't remove it away from me.

He grabbed my side and pulled me on him. He alined his dick to my entrance and started to thrust into me. My hand went to my mouth, to stop myself from moaning loud. One of his hand went inside the dress and grabbed my boobs under the bra.

He thrust harder and harder, making it difficult for me to hold my moans. I felt myself clenching around him and I knew I was close.

"Fuck, Damien... I'm close." I moaned.

"Go for it baby," he said and after a few thrust, I cum. He stopped for 2 seconds before he continued. He didn't have his release yet. He pulled out and turned me around. He stood up and made me sat on the table. He grabbed his dick in his hand and went up and down, near my clit.

I reached out and grabbed his dick. He looked at me in the eyes, while I jerk him off. A light moan escaped his lips and I went faster. He groaned and cum all over my lower part.

"Fuck baby," he sighed and crashed his lips on mine.


Love ya

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