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Today I was awoken by a joe and two little girls.
"Allie. Allie. Get up, Uncle Joe said you guys have a date and it's the afternoon already. Get up." I look up and see Alena jumping next to me and Valentina jumping right by my head.
"Ok. Ok. I'm up."
"Yay. Finally. Allie is not a morning person."
"No. Not at all." We laugh and the girls leave the room.
"Nice one Jonas."
"Well it's 12:30 and we have plans at 4:00."
"Ok. How long did you try to wake me up before you brought the girls in here."
"Pfff not Lon— fine. I gave up at 20 minutes." I laugh and get out of bed. I walk into the kitchen and grab some coffee. Dani walks up and sits at the breakfast bar.
"I heard your not a morning person at all."
"Yep. Well at least they got it right."
"So when is your last day of shooting."
"Well I told the guys I'm not gonna be home for another week but I'm coming home in two days. Don't tell them and we can work something out to surprise all three of them at the same time!"
"Good. So now I only have to survive two more days with the dufaces!"We both laugh and take a seat on the couch.
"Where's Nick and Kev?"
"They went to go get something. They should be back soon." As soon as Dani finished her sentence the boys come running into the house.
"Now what did you guys do!?"
"Well first we got food for the five of us tonight because you and joe are going out. Then we got caught by Paparazzi and nick might have kicked one of them.
"NICK." Dani and I both yell at him while joe walks in.
"What did little nick kick a paparazzi man again." We laugh and then watch some tv. It's been a couple of hours and I have to get ready for the date! I go and shower then I finally for once pick out my own outfit. I do my makeup and by the time I'm done we gotta get going.
"Wow Allie, my date not gonna lie is looking HOT!"
"Aww thanks. Don't forget there are kids around." We both laugh and I give him a kiss. We say bye to everyone and we head out the door. We go to this pretty nice place for dinner and we head to the park. This is the park we played at when it was my first night seeing Nick perform on broadway when we where younger.
"Joe this view is beautiful."
"I know right. Man this park brings back so many memories."
"I know right. Hey joe what time is it—." I turn around and see joe on one knee.
"Allie. You are the love of my life. I want to spend everyday with you. I want to love you for the rest of my life. Allison Hazel Marshall. Will you marry me?!" I start to cry with tears of joy!
"Yes. Yes I will marry you!" He gets up and put a the ring on my finger and he picks me up and spins me around. He's crying also. Don't say anything but he's for sure the most emotional Jonas brother.
"Well who knows you planned this!?"
"I told nick and just him."
"Oh wow. I'm so excited I'm gonna be a JONAS!!!"
"Yeah me too. We should plan something to surprise them."
"I should walk in and plop on the couch and say. I'm tired from carrying around this big engagement ring."
"Oo great thinking future Allie Jonas."
"Why thank you future mr Joseph Jonas!" We get to the car and head home. I walk in and plopped onto the couch.
"So how was your date."
"Good, but I'm tired of carrying around this big engagement ring!" Everyone's faces lit up.
"OMG CONGRATS GUYS!!!!" They all hug us and we sit down and talk about it.
"So when did it happen."
"Well joe wanna explain."
"My nerves really kicked in when we left the house. After dinner, we went to the park that we hung out at while nick was on broadway when we where younger. Allie was looking away and at the sunset, so I thought it would be a good time. I got down on one knee and she turned around asking me the time and she looked at me and started to cry. I said a few words and asked and she said YES!!"
"I'm so happy for you guys. How long do you plan on staying engaged?"
"Well we thought we could get married after tour and plan while on tour. We where already talking about it in the car."
"Aww adorable!!"
"So what should we do about the girls. Should we tell them soon or later."
"Well I was personally thinking that we should tell them not now but soon so when we get dressed we could have them pick out some also."
"Cool. Well I'm heading to bed night guys."
"Night. Well it's been a amazing night but I'm gonna crash also. Night everyone." I go to our room and joe soon after follows me. I get changed and I go in the bathroom to take my makeup off and joe scares me. He was just standing at the door frame and I didn't see him.
"Shit. You scared me."
"Whoops. Sorry about that. You almost done I really need to pee."
"I don't know Jonas. Should I take my time or not."
"I don't care I will pee while you are standing next to me."
"Ugh fine. I'm done." I get out of the bathroom and he runs into it and slams the door shut. I stare at my ring. I love it. How did he know this is the one I wanted. Then he walks out of the bathroom and sits next to me.
"Do you like it?"
"How did you know this is my dream ring."
"A little birdie told me the other day."
"Damn why do I tell Nick these things." We both laugh and get in bed.
"Good night future mrs Jonas!"
"Night future mr Jonas!"
"Love you!"
"Love you too!!" He takes me into his arms. I felt so complete knowing I'm marrying my best friend! I love him and I have for a longggg time!

Hope you guys are excited! I'm gonna skip forward in the next chapter a day or so, basically when Allie gets home and surprises everyone! Hope everyone loves the newly engaged couple! Should they have an engagement party or is that too cheesy. I'm gonna think about it!❤️

(1124 words)

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