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I wake up not feeling good at all. I get up and run to the bathroom and I hear a sleepy Joe get up. He sees me in the bathroom and holds my hair. I sit down and he hands me some water.
"What happened?"
"I think I ate something last night that didn't settle right in my stomach." Even knowing that's not the case.
"Oh ok. Well the boys and I are heading golfing today. I think Priankia is stopping by later also."
"Got it. Well if you wanna pick the boys up you should get changed."
"Well are you ok?"
"Yeah I should be fine. I think it was a one time thing." He helps me up and he goes into the closet and gets changed while I head downstairs. I sit on the couch and hear joe come down with everything he needs.
"Wow someone's looking handsome."
"Well thank you Allie. I gotta get going. I have to pick up the guys. Bye, love you."
"Love you too." I give him a a kiss and he heads out the door. I text pri to see if she's up
(Allie): Pri. I'm coming and picking you up and we are heading to the store. I think something is up.
(Pri): ok is Dani coming?
(Allie): no she had plans with her sister but we can tell her later.
I run upstairs and get changed and head to my car. I drive to Priankias house and pick her up. She gets in the car looking like she might have just woke up.
"Morning Pri."
"Morning Allie. What's up."
"Well I have not been feeling well the past few mornings so. I think I maybe pregnant?"
"Omg I hope so, you and Joe are gonna be great parents!"
"Thank you, I picked you up because we have to head to the store. I don't got any pregnancy tests." She shakes her head and we go to the drug store and pick some up and head back to the house. We walk in and run upstairs to my room and I go into the bathroom. After I'm done, we wait a few and I'm really nervous.
"I'm exited but how am I gonna tell him."
"Ok I saw this video the other day on YouTube and it was like a eat it or spill your guts and the guy asked his wife why she wasn't eating the gross foods and she said, oh because I'm pregnant. I thought that was good."
"Oo smart. We should do it with Nick and Joe though."
"Yeah that would be interesting." Then the timer goes off. I get up and go into the bathroom and check. My heart just drops. I come back and hand it to Pri. We both start to cry. I'm pregnant.
"Holy shit Allie. Congratulations!!" She gets up and hugs me. We go downstairs and get some food.
"Oo I have an idea. For the challenge, we should get some pregnancy cravings and make the boys eat it until they ask why I'm not doing it because it's gonna be some of my favorite foods."
"Yeah that's a good one. Here I'll text nick to meet us here with Joe and say that we have a little game for them."
"Yeah, now I just have to find a way to tell Kevin and Dani?"
"Cards. Like from Brother to uncle. And for Dani, best friend to Aunt. It's gonna be cute."
"Yeah let's make the cards before the guys get home." We run into the office and start to make the cards for kev and Dani. We finish and the boys enter the house. We go over and blind fold them.
"Ok so where filming a challenge but it's for fun the internet won't find out."
"Ok but why are we blindfolded?"
"You'll see." We lead them over to a table and I turn the camera on.
"Ok here." We unblind fold them and they drop there smiles. "Ok boys so we are doing a eat it or spill it or something like that. First up, grilled cheese and olives mixed."
"Really Allie that's gross."
"Sorry Joe, you just gotta be manly. Ok and try." They both take a bite and just spit it up into the garbage.
"Ewww Allie you have to try this."
"I can't."
"Why, are you scared?"
"No Joe. I'm pregnant." It takes him a minute to realize what I said and when he does he gets up, starts crying and runs over to me and picks me up. We both just cry and hug for a few minutes until he gives me a kiss.
"Wait, really."
"Yeah, we found out this morning." He is just in total shock and then Nick comes over and gives me a hug. We all calm down and I turn the camera off.
"See why I wanted to film it. Maybe one day it will be on the internet but I kinda want to keep it private for a little because I still feel like shit so."
"Yeah I'm good with that. Well does Dani know?"
"Nope. But I have something for them later." We all talk for a while and then Nick and Priankia left. After they left I got changed into something a little nicer than sweats and we head over to Kevin and Dani's house. We walk in to see Dani and Kev sitting on the couch.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Allie, how have you been."
"Pretty good. I mean I think I got food poisoning but other than that good." (Food poisoning=pregnancy) "Here are some cards we got you guys." We hand them the cards and they open them. Dani is the first to notice and she hugs me and starts to cry. It took Kev a second and he man hugged joe. This is gonna be a fun one!

 This is gonna be a fun one!

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(The cards for Dani and Kevin)"Congrats Guys! I did not see that coming

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(The cards for Dani and Kevin)
"Congrats Guys! I did not see that coming. When did you find out?"
"Well Nick and Joe went golfing this morning and I felt like crap the past few days and I knew something was up, so I texted Pri and we got a pregnancy test and I took it and it came back positive. Also we gave Nick and Joe a grilled cheese and olives to tell them that I am pregnant so it was hilarious to watch, I caught it on camera also." I finish talking and the girls come running into the room and Dani whispers something to me.
"Should we tell the girls about you being pregnant?"
"I'm fine with it. I'll ask Joe." I go over to Joe and ask. "Dani wants to know if we wanted to tell the girls." He shakes his head and I give him a kiss. I give Dani a thumbs up and she tells Kev.
"Hey girls, come here I have something to tell you." The girls come over and sit down and Kevin starts to talk.
"So, you guys know how you guys are the little ones right." They shake there heads and Kev keeps going on.
"Well Allie and Uncle Joe are having a baby. And it's gonna be littler than you guys!" The just light up in the idea of Joe and I having a kid. They both come over and give us a hug and they go off and play.
"Well I think that went well."
"Let's just hope that Alena doesn't spoil this one like she did with the band getting back together."
"Yeah right!" We talk and have dinner and it got late so Joe and I headed home. I went straight upstairs and got changed. When I came out of the bathroom Joe was on the phone with his mom.
"Hang on a sec mom." He puts her on mute. "Should we tell them."
"Yeah why not. Sense you are actually talking to her for once." He laughs at me and takes the call off of mute.
"Hey mom is dad around. Allie and I have something to say."
"Yeah hang on. PAUL COME OVER HERE FOR A SECOND, JOE AND ALLIE HAVE NEWS." I have a little chuckle knowing that will be joe and I when we are older. "ok you father is here. What did you need to tell us."
"Well, Allie's pregnant."
"Wow amazing. How long have you known?"
"Sense this morning."
"Well that's amazing sweetheart. Well it's getting late, I'm gonna have to call you back, bye guys."
"Bye mom." He hangs us and I lie down not feeling well.
"That went good."
"Yeah, it would be better if my stomach wasn't killing me." He puts his hand on my stomach and I feel better and I smile. We both fall asleep from the good news today! I'm sooooo excited!
One month later, ALLIE IS PREGNANT!! I think this is gonna be fun! Hope you enjoyed!❤️
(1495 words)

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