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I wake up surprisingly not next to joe. He hasn't said anything to me about him leaving. So, I get out of bed and when I head downstairs I see joe on the floor passed out.
"JOE. CAN YOU HEAR ME. WAKE UP." I shook him and he still hasn't gotten up. I get him somehow into the car and I drive to the ER.
"Hi I found my fiancé on the floor and he isn't waking up."
"Ok. What's his name?"
"Joseph Jonas." Then two people take him back. I go and sit down. For once it's not me. Surprising. I pull my phone out and call Nick. It's the first person I can think of while I'm crying other then Joe.
"Hey Allie what's up."
"Get to the hospital. I walked downstairs and saw joe on the floor. I think he passed out but he's not answering me. I'm really worried he's not ok Nick. I don't and can't loose him."
"Allie. Don't worry he's the strongest older brother I have. Don't tell Kev. I'll be there in a minute." He hangs up and I text dani.
(Allie text): Dani Joe is in the hospital. If you guys can make it, please do. But if you can't don't worry I'll keep you posted.
(Dani text): Allie. We will be there soon. Have nick come and be with you. We just have to wait on the kids to get up.
(Allie text): ok thanks Dani!
I look up from my phone and see Nick walking in. I get up and run over to Nick. I run into his arms with tears coming down my face.
"I'm really scared Nick."
"I know I know. It's gonna be ok." We both sit down and I tell him what happened.
"I walked downstairs and he's just laying on the floor not doing anything. I run over to him and I scream his name and he didn't answer me. I'm so worried. Usually I'm on the other side of this."
"I know. I honestly prefer to see Joe crying then you. You make me cry also." We both have a chuckle and the doctor calls us.
"Friends of Mr Jonas." Technically where family and I'm his fiancé but who cares. I wanna know how joe is doing. We run over to the doctor and he tells us what's happening.
"Well it seems that his head hit something pretty hard. And it made him black out from the head trauma from it getting hit. That's probably why he wasn't answering. You may see him now. He should be awake soon." We start to walk to his room while Dani and Kev show up.
"Allie, Nick. Wait." We turn around and tell them what the doctor says. Dani and Kev give me a hug sense this is the hardest on me. We walk into his room. He's just laying there, this is killing me. I walk over to his side and hold his hand. I really start to cry and nick comes and sits next to me and comforts me.
"I hate this. I just wanna be home with Joe and relax." Ok the water works are really hitting me now. After a few minutes Joe starts to wake up.
"What happened."
"JOE." I see that he's up and give him a big hug!
"What do you remember from today?"
"I remember heading downstairs and tripping on shoes. They seem to small for me and I trip and fall down. I felt my head hurt and it started to become cloudy and I ended up here."
"IM SO STUPID FROM NOT MOVING MY SHOES." I get up out of the room and sit on the floor and just cry. I hear someone come out of the room. Kev walks and sits next to me.
"Allie. It's not your fault."
"Yes it is. There my shoes and if I had moved them like I should have, this wouldn't have happened."
"Well ok it's a little bit your fault. But Joes just you know, joe sometimes and doesn't look at what he's getting himself into." I flash him a smile and I start to calm down.
"See. I knew you would laugh at the stupid Joe comment. "Nicks right. Mine and Joes future kids are doomed with clumsiness. Thanks so much Kev! I'm just being too Emotional." He laughs and pulls me into a hug. We both get up and head back into the room. I see that joe looks a little bit upset that I left the room and blamed it on myself but Kevin flashed him a look that said to not worry about it. I take my original spot and then Joe makes room for me on his bed.
"Will me royal highness join me on my royal thrown." He says in what he would call a British accent.
"Well yes my royal sir I would love to join you."
"You guys are weirdos." I take my set next to Joe and we all laugh. A few minutes pass by and the doctor walks in.
"Hello Joseph nice to see you awake. Well your head looks fine from the scans and the part of swelling should go down in the next few hours. So, here are the release papers. Remember lots of rest and maybe try to stay to one level of the house." We all laugh and I get Joes things and he changes and we head out. The other three had to go home to take care of some things and Joe and I head home.
"Maybe if you didn't hurt yourself mr Jonas. I would have been able to for full my dream of staying in bed the rest of the day."
"Well we can do that. Let's just head upstairs and not worry about anything. We can watch some movies and just relax the rest of the night!"
"Oo thank you my sweet king! Love you."
"I love you too!" We arrive at the house and I kick the shoes out of the way and we head upstairs. I put a fresh pair of sweats on and Joe puts some pjs on also. We get into bed and watch a movie.
"So, sense this was your idea. You get first movie pick."
"Ooo let's watch something Disney! Hercules!"
"Oo yay Hercules!!" Joe puts Hercules on and we fall asleep. Then we are awoken by two grown adults shaking and almost jumping on our bed to wake us up.
"Boys. You can carry him downstairs and throw him into the pool if you want to. Just don't say this was my idea." The boys smile and take joe and run downstairs. I go over to Dani and the boys run outside.
"So what's for dinner." Before Dani could day anything. We hear a splash from outside. We see joe upset in the pool. Then we see Nick push Kevin in the pool and we both run outside.
"Too bad." I run up behind nick and try to push him in. Until we both fall in. I really can't swim so I was at the bottom for too long. I felt someone picking me up and putting me outside of the pool. I open my eyes to see joe getting out and grabbing a towel for the both of us.
"Maybe I should have some swim lessons soon."
"Yeah. And mr. I can't wake up with all of Kevin's whining will be your teacher." We laugh and I sit up and joe sits down and raps the towel on me.
"It's chilly. And I just got out of bed. I just wanna eat now." We laugh and head inside. I run upstairs, shower and change real quick. Then we dig into our food. It's good to be home officially with everyone I love!

Hope you liked the twist I threw in there. I thought it wasn't so bad really. Hope you enjoyed!!

(1368 words)

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