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I'm awoken by the baby for the fourth time this night crying. I take her into my arms and calm her down. I also feed her real quick and then she fell back asleep. I don't get how Joe can sleep through this. I turn the light off and try to fall back asleep. Then Joes phone goes off and the baby's up and crying again. We are a mess currently if you couldn't tell. I grab the baby while Joe finally wakes up and answers the call. After a few minutes he gets off the phone and looks at me.
"I can't sleep anymore. I give up. I haven't had a full 3 hours of sleep this week yet." After Oak falls back asleep I put her in her crib and start to cry. Joe pulls me into a hug and goes back and fourth a little bit to calm me.
"I don't get how I can sleep through the baby crying, but I wake up when my phone goes off."
"Yeah I don't get that either. But, now tomorrow night your ok baby duty. Mama needs some what of a full 4 hours of sleep to survive the next few days."
"Well if you get some sleep that's good."
"True. So who called?"
"Manager. He said that Ellen wants us on the show today."
"Oh cool. Are you guys going?"
"Yeah, she's gonna ask about the baby sense we announced it yesterday."
"Yeah, and if she does. Don't feel nervous to answer it. Like I'm gonna care. Just think about what I would say when she asks the question ok."
"Thanks baby. Love you."
"Love you too Joey." He pulls me into his arms and we fall back asleep for an hour until it's early enough where I can't sleep anymore and the baby is crying again. So I head downstairs kinda excited because I can have a little bit of coffee now. But if I have to much, the baby will end up having a lot of energy and not want to go down for her naps. I brew a pot of coffee knowing that Joe will finish it later. I take my cup and the coffee, baby and I head to the couch. I turn on the tv and just watch some cartoons knowing I'm still part kid laughing at Jokes in a spongebob episode. Joe walks down and comes and sits next to me. I hand him the baby knowing that's what he wanted. He holds her while I check my phone and finish what is left of my coffee. Then I get up and grab Joe his first cup. This is what this week has been looking like. This routine happening. But it's the first time Joe is leaving that house sense we had the baby. So I'm a little nervous but Dani and Kevin live like down the street so it doesn't worry me that much. I walk back to the couch and trade Joe the coffee for the baby. I hold her and just look at her. Then I start to tear up a little bit.
"she's perfect. And looks just like her dad."
"Aww thank you. But I think she has her mothers eyes."
"I know right. Her eyes are gorgeous." I know I'm tired when I laugh at my own jokes. Joe even knows I'm tired when I do that.
"when I get home, your napping. Got it."
"But, ok I'm fine with that."
"I gotta get ready. Nick should be here in a few to pick me up."
"You guys are filming early I guess."
"Yeah, we are the first ones on today. We purposely did this so I could get home as quick as possible after the show."
"Aw your sweet. Well get changed before Nick shows up early and gets mad that your not ready yet."
"Fine true." Joe runs upstairs and gets ready. Before he was done the doorbell rang. Oak and I walked over to the door and answered to Nick.
"How are you two girls doing today?"
"Well the little one is finally sleeping. And mama hasn't gotten a full 3 hours of sleep this whole time being home."
"That sucks. Let me guess, Joe slept through it."
"Yeah, but he jolted awake when his phone went off." Joe walks back downstairs and says hi to nick. He grabs his coffee and then comes back over to the door.
"Bye Oaklynn. Love you. Bye Allie, love you!"
"We love you too!" I give him a kiss and they walk out. Then for the rest of the time. Oaklynn and I just sit around.
We arrive at the studio a little late today. We meet Kevin up right before we get on.
"Hey guys. How is Joe doing."
"Fine. I've been able to sleep through the baby crying, but Allie hasn't gotten a full 3 hours of sleep sense we arrived home."
"That's harsh. I'm just glad the girls are out of that phase."
"Lucky. We just started it." Then we hear Ellen introduce us.
"Our Next guest have just released a new song last week and they just recently got off of tour. The JONAS BROTHERS everybody!" The crowd cheers as we walk on. We each give Ellen a hug and then sit down. She then starts to talk away.
"So your guys new song What A Man Gotta Do. It's a great tune. But the music video, I love how you included your wives and girlfriend in it."
"Yeah, it was a lot of fun doing it. The special part about it is that each of us had a special moment with them and it was really fun."
"Yeah, the video not gonna lie, after sucker is one of my favorites we have ever filmed."
"For sure. So it seems like you guys have been keeping busy. Joe, you and Allie just had your baby girl. Any chance we can get a name?"
"Well yes. It was an amazing experience so. Actually the name reveal is up to Allie and I don't know what she would say."
"Well we kinda figured that so we messaged her this morning and she sent this clip in." The screen starts to play and Allie basically says that I can reveal it. She really didn't care.
"Ok well get full name is Oaklynn, Hazel, Jonas."
"Aw. Oaklynn is such a cute name. Where did you get that idea."
"Well one time a few weeks back Allie was searching the internet for names the where kinda unique and she saw something about popular names from the 80's and she found Oaklynn and she also loved the spelling of it. She showed me and I loved it also. And she has the middle name of her moms."
"That's adorable. So I'm gonna guess you guys haven't had a lot of sleep lately."
"I actually have been fine. Waking up once a night for like 2 seconds from her crying but that's it. Allie on the other hand, hasn't had a full 3 hours of sleep sense we arrived home so I feel a little bit bad not gonna lie. She also put me on baby duty tonight so I'm gonna be the one not sleeping I bet you tonight."
"Well I talked to your brothers and they told me about her not getting a lot of sleep so, we came up with the plan that your brothers are gonna stay at your house after this and watch the baby for a few hours while you guys get some well needed sleep."
"Oh well thanks guys. I bet Allie will appreciate it the most. I'm surprised she still gets up every morning without falling back asleep not gonna lie."
"Yeah, and Allie has been talking about no sleep for a while and we just felt kinda bad. But you can trust us. I have kids and Nick had babysat them before. You guys did this with Alena and Valentina so I need to for full my first time uncle duties."
"Yeah I agree with Kev. But this isn't my first rodeo with being an uncle trust me."
"Well all I need to say is that we both appreciate you and our family a lot right now."
Then after that we talk and preform about our song and when we where done we all head back to my house. When we arrive we see Allie and Oaklynn just sitting on the couch watching Ellen. When she sees us she gets up and comes over to us.
"Thank you. I need this so badly."
"No problem Allie. Dani and I know how you feel." She hands Kevin the baby and we head upstairs. When we get into our room I change into my sweats and allies already asleep on the bed. She's adorable when she does this. I climb in bed and hold her as we both sleep. I'm thankful for my family.
Hope you enjoyed. It was a less detailed one but I though it wasn't that bad.
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