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Now I'm in panic mode. Joe leaves in a few so everyone in the morning can come and get there makeup done here. I'm pacing up and down the hallways in nerves. When joe walks down he sees me stressing and stops me and pulls me into a hug.
"Baby, don't worry. Tomorrow is going to be magical."
"Thanks but what if something goes wrong. What if-." Before I could finish, he pulls me into a kiss.
"Ok I'm better now. But there is no way I will be able to sleep tonight."
"Well don't forget Dani is gonna be here in a few with your dress and probably the girls dresses also. I'm gonna head out before Dani screams at me. Love you my bride."
"Love you too Joey." I give him a kiss and he leaves. About a minute later Dani arrives barging into the front door with a whole bunch of dresses. Priankia would have been here but she had some last minute work things tonight so she couldn't make it.
"Ok so, we put your dress in the guest/makeup room for the morning. Our dresses go into the your bedroom. Ok. We are settled. We probably should head to bed soon. I wanna have a full night of rest. Also Nick is gonna pick us up tomorrow and drive all of us to the venue in the paparazzi proof SUV." I shake my head and we run upstairs into mine and Joes room. I get some pajamas on sense I'm showering in the morning and Dani get into her pjs also. We climb in bed and turn the tv on.
"Allie I'm so excited!"
"Yeah same. I'm just so stressed that I'm probably not gonna get any sleep."
"Well the more you think the less sleep, so think abouttt, Oo your favorite movies and favorite scenes from it."
"Thanks Dani. Night."
"Night Allie!" She turns around and I actually fall asleep. Surprising.
I'm awoken by Dani shaking me awake.
"Wait what time is it." I look at the clock and it's an hour before the wedding. I jump out of bed and get in the shower. I shower and then head into the makeup room. I didn't realize that the girls and Joes mom where gonna be here also.
"Hey Allie. Today's the best day!!!"
"I know right. But if I'm not ready. It's not gonna happen." I get my makeup and hair done fast and we slide my dress on me.
"Wow Allie. You look beautiful!"
"Thanks everyone. Well let's put your dresses on and get a few photos." After the girls get there dresses on, Nick rings the doorbell.
"THANKS DANI." She runs downstairs and gets the door.
"Hey nick. The girls and Allie are upstairs if you want to see her dress. Nice suit." Then I hear both of them coming upstairs. I turn around to see nicks jaw to the floor.
"Allie. I'm. I'm. Speechless."
"I know I'm like a princess."
"You look amazing! The dress looks stunning!"
"Thanks Nicky. Ok girls are we ready!" They all shake there heads and we get into the car with all the stuff. We arrive at the Venue just in time for the ceremony.
After a few, my mom walks me down and I go and stand at the alter. Then the girls come down tossing flowers onto the isle before everyone else comes down. First to walk down is Dani and Nick. There the best man and Maid of honor. Next is Pri and Kevin, then after that is Dina and Frankie. The music starts to play and Allie and my dad walk down the isle. Wow, she's beautiful, stunning, and sexy. I start to cry and I take allies hand.
"You look amazing."
"So do you!"

""So do you!"

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