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I wake up after my nap to see Joe sitting next to me and the rest of everyone sitting in the room watching tv. Joe sees that I'm awake and gives me a kiss on my cheek.
"Hey Allie. How you feel-." Before he could finish I run to the bathroom and get sick. Joe follows me and I just get sick. I sit back and joe hands me some water.
"I hate being sick."
"I know Allie it sucks. And especially when we are on tour."
"Don't remind me. I wanna go to your show so bad tonight."
"Well the doctor said you can't leave the hotel room remember."
"I know I know. This is why it sucks."
"Aw Allie." He pulls me into a hug and then helps me up. We head back into the bedroom and everyone is looking at me.
"Hey Allie. How you feeling."
"Like shit. This really sucks."
"I feel bad, but we have to head to sound check." After nick finished speaking, someone knocks on the door.
"I'll get it." Joe gets up and runs to the door. I hear some people come in and I can't seem to hear them. They all turn the corner and it the Jonas's and Frankie.
"Allie are you alright." Mama j rushes over to me and feels my head.
"Mom she's alright. Give her some space."
"No it's fine. But I feel like crap, and I don't wanna miss the show tonight."
"That sucks well I'm staying in the hotel with you tonight so you don't feel lonely."
"Thanks Frankie. Don't the boys have to head to sound check."
"Right, bye Allie love you!"
"Love you too Joe." He gives me a hug and leaves and I'm left with Frankie and Mr and Mrs Jonas.
"So Allie, other then getting sick, how have you been."
"Fine, I haven't been getting a lot of sleep of that sucks." They shake there heads and turn the tv on. I just pick my phone up and scroll through social media. While the boys where at sound check we watched tv and played a few games until Frankie got mad and almost flipped the board until his mom got really mad. After that we just did our own thing until the boys come back.
"Hey where back with catering." I look at joe and didn't have a good face on like if I ate actual food I would get sick. He sits next to me and hands me a bowl of soup.
"You know me so well Joey!"
"I know I do!" I give him a kiss on the cheek and eat my soup. Before I knew it the boys had left with Mr and Mrs Jonas and it was just Frankie and I.
"So Allie what did you wanna do?"
"I don't know, what do we have?"
"Well theres this board game I brought."
"Ok let's play it." We play for a little while and Joe FaceTimes me.
"Joes FaceTiming me." I answer and the crowd screams. "Hey joe what's up."
"I was just worried, how are you feeling."
"I'm ok, still feeling like total crap."
"Aw sorry baby. The crowd wants to say hi." The crowd just screams.
"Hey guys! Well joe I'll call you later. Love you."
"Ok baby. Feel better, love you too!" I hang up and take my temperature to see how it was. When it was done it was really really high.
"Frankie let's go."
"Allie we can't leave."
"Well I have to get to the hospital because my fever is horrible and if I don't I'm gonna black out. Let's go." He grabs his stuff and he drives us to the hospital while I call mrs Jonas.
"Hey Allie what's up?"
"Well my fever is like really really really high so Frankie and I are on our way to the hospital. Tell Joe when he gets off stage for me please."
"Oh my gosh sweetie. We are on our way. I'll have Dani tell joe."
"Ok thanks."
I'm backstage with mrs and mr Jonas and they both looked worried.
"Danielle, tell joe when he gets off stage or if you get his attention, that Allie has a really really really high fever and we are heading to the hospital."
"Oh no. Ok I'll try to tell him." I give them a hug and they leave. I really start to cry and Kev looks at me. He sees that I'm crying and tells joe he will be right back and rushes over to me.
"Baby what's wrong."
"Allies in the hospital now and your parents just left. Her fever is 10 times worse now and I'm freaking out and I can't see Joes reaction or it's gonna break my heart."
"Aw baby it's gonna be ok. I'll go and tell him."
"Ok thanks Kev. Get bad on stage before you get in trouble. Love you!"
"Ok baby, love you too!" I give him a kiss and he heads over to Joe and Nick.
I walk back onto stage and Joe looks at me worried.
"Is dani ok."
"Dani's fine. It's Allie."
"What. Shit. Kevin Jonas.  Tell. Me. Now."
"She's in the hospital from her fever being 10 times worse than before. Mom and dad left early to go see her. We can preform this last song and you can run to go see her got it."
"Ok let's make an announcement for this."
"Ok go ahead Nick." He has been listening to this the whole time.
"Hey everyone sorry about this last minute thing but this will be the last song for the night. We have some family health problem right now and we have to head out." We give the crowd a moment of silence and we start to preform the next song. We preform and say goodbye and we get off of stage. Joe with no hesitation drops his mic and runs out of the building.
As soon as we get off of stage I bolt to the car and drive to the hospital as fast as I can. I call my mom to tell her to come out and wait for me.
"Hey Joe-."
"I'm here. Come out and get me. I need to see her." I hang up and when I walk in I see my mom waiting for me. She takes me to Allies room and I have tears coming down my face. She seems alright but she looks worried also.
"Joe, your show isn't suppose to be over for another half an hour."
"We ended early. I need to be here Allie. You more important than a tour." I give her a hug and she just cry's. She moves over and I sit down next to her. I hold her hand and the doctor walks in.
"Well I see that we have another guest. Allie, your temperature went up because it seemed that your stress had gotten to you being sick and it went sky rising. Just stay low for the next few day. Stay by the people who don't stress you out. Get lots of sleep. You guys can leave when you feel comfortable." We shake our heads and the doctor leaves. After a minute everyone else rushes in with worries looks.
"Joe, we had to explain to literally everyone who was working what was going on. That's why we are late. Allie. How are you doing?" They all rush over to us and give Allie a hug.
"I should be fine but I have to stay low and not stress out because stressing is what brought my temperature sky rocketing."
"Well at least you ok."
"Well Allie. We will see you tomorrow. Where heading back to the hotel. Joe, call if something is up." I shake my head and Allie giggles. They leave and She get ready to head back. We get in the car and drive to the hotel.
"What did the crowd think about you guys leaving early?"
"Not so happy but understanding. All we have to look forward to is the press asking us what happened this night on tour."
"Nice. Well just I don't want the press to find out I'm sick. Or not yet."
"Oh don't worry. We told them we had a family medical emergency and we had to go. That's all they know." We arrive at the hotel and I help Allie to our room. When we get to our room, she changes and gets in bed. I follow behind her but I need to take a shower from being all nasty from being on stage all night. I get in bed and see that Allie has already passed out.
"Night baby. Love you!" I give her cheek a kiss and I fall asleep.

This would probably never be a thing so I made it up. I don't care what you think but if you have comments, share them with me!
(1503 words)

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