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It's later after Ellen and Allie was freaking out so joe went to check on her and he hasn't come back. We arrive at sound check and joe still hasn't shown. I go back to the bunks and see that Allie and joe are asleep. Awww so cute. I shake joe and he looks at me.
"Joe. Where at sound check."
"Got it. I'll be up in a minute. I'm gonna let her sleep." Joe gives her a kiss on the four head and we both head to sound check.
"Why was Allie freaking out earlier."
"Bad dream. When I say bad I mean baddd."
"Poor thing. I just hope she sleeps well. It will be good for her to finally catch up on some sleep sense she hasn't had a lot right."
"Yeah, apparently she sleeps but it's not like a good night sleep to refresh herself. Let's just hope she ends up sleeping through the night." We arrive at the stage and run through the songs. After it's over, joe grabs two plates of food and heads back to the bus. He's so nice. I think Dani and I both wouldn't be that nice, maybe sometimes but not as nice as these two.
I head to the bus to see if Allie has woken up yet. I reach her bunk and she's still asleep. She needs the sleep tho. She's sooo cute while she's sleeping. I give her four head a kiss and head to the living room and eat. After I'm done eating I get ready and head back. Allie is still asleep, how I don't know but I don't think she's had like a full night sleep sense the day after New York. I get to backstage and everyone is getting ready.
"Well my fiancé is asleep and I wanna be with her so let's get this show going!"
"Well someone's being a sweetheart."
"What, I love her and wanna be with her right now." They all Aww and we head onto stage.
"VEGAS!! LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!" The fans roar with excitement. After we play a few songs I always have something to end up saying.
"Hey guys enjoying your night. Mines been ok actually. My fiancé Allie, she's not feeling well right now and is asleep and I wanna be with her, so to cheer probably both of us up. Let's get a video of us saying hi to her." The crowd cheers and I grab my phone and Kevin and Nick come over by me.
"Ok ready. 1.2.3. Hey Allie we miss you. Love you baby!" I stop recording and put it on my private story on Instagram. "Thanks so much! Ok I'm in a better mood now! Let's play some old Jonas!" After about another 20 minutes the show ends!
"BYE VEGAS HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON AGAIN!" We get off stage and I run to my dressing room, shower and run to the bus. I put some pjs on and see that Allie has eaten dinner but went back to bed. I hop in her bed because I knew she would appreciate it so I get in bed and give her a kiss on her head and fall asleep. Can't wait for the show tomorrow in Arizona!
I wake up on the bus next to joe. Aw man I missed the show last night. I check my phone and see the thing joe had put on his story on Instagram! Aw he's so sweet sometimes. I put my phone down and see that joe has awoken.
"Thanks Joey!"
"No problem. How are you feeling?"
"Better, my stomach is a little upset but nothing big."
"Good, did you have any bad dreams after last night?"
"No, I was really shaken up about that."
"It's alright I understand. Let's get food." I give Joe a kiss and we get out of bed to see the adults having coffee and the girls watching cartoons.
"Morning sleepyheads."
"Well I guess we are the last people up."
"Yeah, the girls woke us up early and nick got up about an hour ago. I don't know how you to can still sleep in?" I chuckle and I grab two cups of coffee and walk over to the couch and hand one to joe. He takes the coffee and wraps his other arm around my waist. We sit around for a little while until we have a stop. We look out to see a target in front of us. Dani and I look at each other and huge grins spread across our faces. We get up, grab our purses and run out the door. We can hear Kevin and Joe in the bus talking about us.
"I'm not surprised this is how Dani always acts while around a target."
"Hey same with Allie. Who knows what there gonna come back with." We get into the store and head straight to the snack section. We grab a whole bunch of candies and other snacks and then head to the home decor section.
"Wow it's like I'm in the wilderness. Joe never lets me in the home decor area because if I go by myself our house will be refurnished."
"Same with Kevin. I bet there gonna find us in here." We walk around the home decor stuff and we hear Kevin and Joe spit us.
"Where to late Kev. They have been here for too long."
"Ok girls let's put everything back and check out with what he have."
"But look at how cute this blanket and pillow are."
"Allie come on. Let go of it. We have to get going."
"Fine, but the next time the girls ask me to play pretty pretty princess, your playing for me."
"Well I do look good in a crown."
"Ok Joey. Let's go with that." He holds my hand and we head to check out. After we check out we get back onto the bus and Nick already has a crown on.
"Wow princess Nick is looking very pretty."
"Haha funny wanna join."
"I have to help put stuff away but I know someone who does." I give joe a look and he huffs. "I'm sorry joe, but if I had gotten that blanket and pillow, you wouldn't have to do this."
"Fine I guess I could rock a crown." After joe sits down the bus is on the road again. Soon after Kevin ended up playing with the girls and Dani and I watched the boys get crowns. Sadly before the round ended we where at sound check.
"Aw man, it was getting to the good part."
"Haha, funny one Allie. Let's go guys we have to do sound check." We all go into the stadium and realize that it's bigger than usual.
"Holy shit this is big,"
"Yeah, it's one of our biggest venues."
"Wow, the crowd must be packed tonight!" The boys run through there songs and we eat dinner as we usually do. After dinner the boys get ready in there dressing rooms and I throw on a Jonas brothers t-shirt.
"Joe, like my shirt."
"Wow stylish. I love the guy in the middle!"
"Haha funny. Come on let's go." I take his hand and we head to the part of backstage where the boys go onto stage.
"Wow Allie nice shirt."
"Thanks. Joe says the middle guy is looking the best."
"Well I disagree with him but we have to get on stage so I can't start a fight right now." I give joe a kiss and they head onto stage.
"HELLO PHOENIX!" The crowd roars like usual and the boys start to sing. Dani, the girls, and I stayed backstage because the boys said they had something for us. After a few of there songs, Joe stops like he usually does and talks.
"Hey everyone enjoying the show." The crowd just screams! "Well we got bored the other day and put this video together of the loves of our lives. And no sadly Nick won't tell us his mystery woman but we will find out soon. Before we play the video, we would like to have all four of them out here." The boys and the crowd claps and all of us walk out. The girls run over to nick and I go over to joe with Dani goes over to Kev! A video starts to play memories of all of us over the years. There was this one photo of all of us at Kevin and Dani's wedding where we all have cake on our faces. We laugh at most of the photos and the last one is a really sweet photo of all of us. I tell joe thank you and give him a kiss. I hug Kevin and Nick saying thanks and Dani the girls and I walk off. As I'm walking off joe pulls me back onto stage.
"Come on Allie, we want you to sing one song with us please." The boys begged me while the crowd did also.
"Fine I guess." They all cheer and someone handed me a microphone. Burnin up started to play and the boys sang, when it came to Big Robs rapping part I was a rap goddess man. I killed it. Soon the song was over and is headed off of stage.
"Wow that was fun. I'm heading back to the bus because I do. Not. Feel good at all right now and I want some sleep. If joe asks tell him what I said." Dani shakes her head and I say goodnight to her and the girls.
After Allie got off stage we played some more songs until it was over.
"GOODNIGHT PHOENIX HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!" We all walk off stage to only see Dani and the girls.
"Hey Dani where's Allie?"
"Hey great show. She said that she didn't feel good at all and she seemed pretty serious. So she's asleep on the bus."
"Honestly somethings up. She hasn't felt good for a while and she's been sleeping a lot. I wonder what's up." I go to my dressing room and shower and change real quick and head to the bus. I get on the bus and go to the bunk area. I see that Allie fell asleep in my bed. Aww. I put some pjs on and hop in my bunk. I feel her head and it's hot. I get out real quick and go and try to find Dani. They where putting the girls to bed and I pulled her aside.
"Dani, I think Allie has a fever. Should I be worried?"
"Oh that's no good. I think we should just let her sleep and see if it's still there in the morning."
"Ok great, thanks Dani. Night." I give her a quick hug and get back into bed. I get in bed and give allie a kiss on the cheek and go to sleep. I just hope she's ok.

It is a longer on I know but too bad. I kinda just made up the part of the show where joe talks because sadly I've never been to one of there shows. Hope you enjoyed and liked it!

(1885 words)

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