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Today we are visiting my grandma for the first time in years. I'm super excited but also very sad. This maybe the last time I see her. I've basically been crying this whole time. I would have gone to seen her but I still thought they all lived in Jersey still. I wake up to my alarm and I get up knowing if I don't, I won't. I change real quick and go wake up Oaklynn. I take her out of her crib and we head downstairs. I grab a bottle real quick and we sit on the couch and I give her the bottle. I'm a total reck this morning. I decided to not wear makeup because it's gonna smear by the time we leave. After a few, I put Oak in her high chair while I eat some breakfast. I just had fruit, so we shared it. After a little bit, Joe walks down looking like he just got out of the shower.
"Morning Girls. How are you doing baby?"
"Eh. Not to good still upset, but Oak and I are sharing some fruit for breakfast." He comes over and gives me a kiss and he steals some of my fruit. After I put Oaklynns diaper bag, we head out. I put her into the car seat and I get in front while Joe drives. I was basically a reck that whole time there. I was holding in tears so Oaklynn didn't start to cry also. But I squeezed Joes hand the whole way there. We arrive there and I grab Oak and her stuff and we all head in. I ask for her name at the front desk and they tell us her room and that she's expecting us. We walk down the hall and before we enter her room, Joe gives me a kiss. We enter and her face just lights up.
"Grandma Tammy. How have you been." I walk over to her and I give her a hug.
"The same old. Growing old everyday. Who's in the corner?"
"That's a little surprise. It's my husband!"
"Congratulations sweetie. How has your friend Joe been."
"Well why don't you ask him." He comes over and gives her a hug also. She just smiles.
"Wow, I didn't see this one coming."
"Yeah, well it's great seeing you Grandma Tammy."
"You too. Is that my little great Granddaughter."
"Yeah, her name is Oaklynn and she just turned One yesterday." I grab Oak out of her car seat and hand her to my grandmother.
"She's so adorable. And looks so much like Joe. But she's beautiful like my granddaughter."
"Thank you. So, what have you been up to lately?"
"Oh just kinda lonely. I don't get out of my room much anymore. They say that I won't make it down the stairs. But I'm pretty good. So how have you guys been?"
"Good, getting the hang of parenting. I'm in my first animated movie! But other then that, I've been at the house with Oaklynn and Joe."
"Good for you sweetheart. How was the wedding!"
"Amazing. I cried a lot not gonna lie. But it was the best night of my life!"
"Well Good for you. I've missed seeing your face."
"Well I would have come out to see you more, but I just found out yesterday that you lived here now."
"Oh yeah, I moved here a year after you parents passed. It's been my dream to live here. And now I'm for filling it at the end." I start to tear up and Joe puts his arm around me. After catching up with my grandma for a while, her nurse comes in and said that we had to leave. It was her nap time. I give the nurse my number to add to the emergency list if something ever happens to her or she might be going. We leave and when we get into the car, I just start to cry again.
"Hey baby, you did great."
"I know, but I hated seeing her like that. I knew she wasn't enjoying that and she deserves to enjoy life right now."
"I know, it sucks." He pulls me into his arms as much as he could and comforts me. Then we start our long drive home. In the middle of the drive, I get a call from Nick.
"Hey Allie how are you doing after today?"
"Eh, not great but I'm going through it."
"That sucks. Well the studio wants to make your day even worse. They bumped up press tour to start tomorrow at James Corden."
"What the hell. I haven't even started to pack. A week early. They are getting a piece of my mind soon."
"Yeah I know it sucks. But we have to."
"Yeah I know. Well this day is officially a horrible one."
"Right, well have fun having one day to pack, you, the baby, and Joe. Bye."
"Bye." I hang up the phone and we enter the neighborhood.
"Ugh, this sucks."
"What was that about."
"Oh the dumbass studio decided to bump up press tour to tomorrow. So we have to start to pack tonight. Especially all the baby stuff. Because we leave the show and we fly to Nee York for the night to go on a few more interviews."
"Well this is going to be interesting. How about when we get home. You start to pack and I'll get the baby some lunch and put her down for a nap."
"Thanks Joey. This is why I married you. Love you."
"Love you too." We pull up to the house and I grab my purse and the baby bag and open the door for Joe and the baby. I put the stuff away and head upstairs to start packing. I put most of Oaklynn's stuff together by the time Joe walks up with her. He enters and all I see is a spotless Oak, and a Joe with Mashed pea all on him. I just burst out laughing. I take a photo and he just ignores me. I give Oak a high five and a kiss. He then gets her ready for bed and puts her down. I start to grab our suitcases and start to pack. Once Joe enters I just laugh again.
"Baby 1. Joseph 0."
"Haha funny. I need to shower so I don't smell like Peas all and long."
"Nice, well I invited your family over for a barbecue tonight to celebrate an early press tour. They should be here in an hour."
"Ok, well I'm for sure showering."
"I think you look sexy, mr. mashed peas."
"Oh really." He proceeds to get mashed peas all over me. I just laugh and gross out. Then I kiss him. We kiss for a while until he actually has to get into the shower.
"I'm so getting this photo onto James show tomorrow."
"NOTHING HONEY. JUST SHOWER ALREADY." I go into the closet and change into some ripped jeans and a nice white and small black striped sweater. I walk back out and start to pack again. After a minute, Joe walks out with his jeans on, but no shirt.
"Did you forget a shirt again."
"How did you guess."
"Well my husband is walking around with only jeans on so I'm gonna say yes." He just laughs at me and gives me a kiss then puts his shirt on. He drags me downstairs and he takes the meet out of the freezer. He then heads outside to start the grill. I know it's the middle of October, but it's a really nice and warm night here in Cali. Joe walks back in and grabs a beer from the fridge.
"What about our little vacation and your press tour?"
"Shit, well I don't think they will mind if we postpone four days. I'm gonna force them because this is BS that they rescheduled to early."
"Alright then. Well who is actually coming."
"Oh you know, Kevin, Dani and the girls. Nick and Priyankia. And your parents and Frankie."
"Cool. Well I'm gonna put the meat on. We should be eating in another hour. And Oak should be up from her nap soon."
"Got it." I give him a kiss and he heads to the backyard. The door opens and a while Alena comes running towards me. She gives me a hug and then the rest of them walk in. Dani was holding Val so it looked like she just woke up. I tell Kev that Joes outside cooking and he joins them.
"So, how was your grandma?"
"Fine, I hated seeing her like that. But she seemed peaceful. Knowing that she would most likely pass in Cali."
"Aw poor you. I would hate to see a family member like that."
"Yeah and it's also crap that they had to start tour early. But we are or I'm forcing them to let us have four days off next week."
"Joe and I planned a mini baby vacation. He talked to his parents and they are watching Oak for a few days next week while we go to Hawaii!"
"Fun, basically a baby moon but a year later." I chuckle at her joke and Nick and Pri walk in. Nick sees the guys outside and goes with them.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Pri. How did Nick take the early press tour?"
"He wasn't happy at all. I mean we had nothing going on this month so it's not a big deal, but he just wanted to write and spend time with Family."
"Yeah, but I'm forcing them to pause for four days next week."
"Ok, but why?"
"Joe and I have a little vacation together. But Oaklynn is staying back with the parents. They aren't going to have fun. She started to teeth last night."
"Oh that sucks. Where is she by the way?"
"Right. I have to go wake her up. She's gonna want to spend some time with her uncles. I bet you." They laugh and I run upstairs. I softly wake her up and she's not mad about it. We head downstairs and as soon as she saw Dani, she wanted to be with her uncles. I walk into the kitchen and she just stares outside at the boys.
"Your right. She really must like them."
"Yeah, she's really close with this side. I mean there like only three people on my side that I'm in contact with."
"True." I then go outside and say hi to the boys.
"Someone wanted to be with here dad and uncles."
"Here, I wanna hold my little Niece." I hand her to Kevin and she just loves it. I head back inside and his parents and Frank are here. There dad and Frankie also head outside while us girls are inside getting the rest of dinner done.
"Well this should be ready soon. And the other stuff should be ready also." Nick comes in and tells us that foods done and we are eating outside. I grab the high chair and carry Valentina outside while the others grab the food. We all sit down and I take Oaklynn from her grandpa. I put her into here high chair and pull out a little bit of fruit she can have for dinner sense she ate before her nap. We say a prayer and eat. After dinner, it got late so I put Oak down and there Parents left. The adults stayed outside while the girls went and watched a movie on the couch. We started a bond fire by the pool and I sit in Joes lap sense the other chairs where taken. Then the boys get into a little argument and Nick starts to chase Joe around the yard. Then Joe pushes nick into the pool. I go over and laugh until I feel me falling into the pool with Joe close behind me.
"JOSEPH I SWEAR." I chase him around the pool after him teaching me how to swim a little bit. And by the end, everyone ended up in the pool. We all hang out in the pool and then I get out and grab everyone some towels. We all walk in and see Alena and Valentina asleep omg the couch. After everyone dries off, they head home. Sense Nick and I have a big day tomorrow. When they all leave. I run upstairs and get into the shower. I walk out and put my pajamas on. I see that Joe already took a little shower in the guest bedroom. I get in bed and joe puts his arm around me and pulls me next to him.
"Today was a mess for me. It was good and bad."
"Yeah, I hated seeing you cry."
"Aw, you are a little bit sensitive." That's what they started to joke around with that ended in all of us in the pool.
"Well you need sleep so goodnight baby. Love you."
"Love you too." I give him a kiss and drift off to sleep. Knowing that I won't wanna get up in the morning.
Hope you liked it. I thought this one for sure had a lot of mixed emotions in it.
(2219 words)

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