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I wake up early the in morning to put some of our stuff together. Joes parents are staying here while him and I go to our little vacation for the next four days. I try to wake up Joe but he was being a heavy sleeper.
"Joey, get up. GET UP."
"I'm up, I'm up."
"Took you long enough. Come on, your parents are going to be here soon. And I think Oaklynn is up."
"Ok, I'm gonna get ready."
"Alright, I'll get the baby." I give joe a kiss and head to the nursery. I go over to the crib and Oak was just laying there moving around.
"Hey girly. I'm gonna miss you. But your in good hands with Grandma and Grandpa!" I pick her up and just hug her. I give her a kiss and we head downstairs. I take a seat on the couch knowing that his parents are going to be here soon and we don't have to leave for about 30 minutes later. A few minutes passed and the doorbell rang. I get up and Joe comes running down the stairs looking like he just got ready. We open the door to his parents. I give them a hug and Denise takes Oak. They put there bags into a guest room and I show them her little routine for the morning and day. But before I knew it, it was time to go.
"Alright. We should be heading out if we wanna make it to the airport early."
"Yeah, alright well you guys have some fun. By Oaklynn I love you." I take her from Denise real quick and give her a kiss. Then Joe gives her a kiss and we have a family hug. Then I give her back to Denise and we head out. We drive to the airport and when we arrive, we check our bags in and then go through security. Once we make it through, we head straight for coffee. We get some coffee and head to our gate. We sit and wait at our gate for a bit and I get all nervous.
"Hey baby, calm down ok. It's going to be fine."
"I know but it's the first time I've left the baby and I hate doing this."
"I know so do I. But you deserve this. It's been very long and hard for you and I want you to enjoy your time away from fye craziness we call our lives."
"Thanks, that's why I married you. You always make my stress disappear."
"I know. I'm amazing right." I give him a kiss and then the lady starts to board us. This flight is going to be about 4 hours long so I might sleep the whole way there. We get to our seats and I hold/squeeze Joes hand the whole way. I fall asleep as soon as we are in the air. I'm awoken by the flight attendant talking saying that we landed. I look out the window and see beautiful Hawaii. We grab our stuff and head off the plane. We grab our bags and go and get our rental car. I drive to the resort and when we arrive I'm in Aw.
"How did you find this place."
"We went as a family years ago before we broke up. Like beginning Jonas brothers."
"Wow, it's breath taking."
"I know right." I park the car and we grab our stuff and go to the from desk to get our key to our villa. Once we reach the villa we put our stuff down and I just look outside. Wow, Hawaii is amazing!
"Baby, let's get ready, Night one we are going to our first Lou out." I grab my stuff from my bag and change into a long dress with flowers on it. I put my lay on with a flower crown on. I also curl my hair a little bit to make some waves. I walk back to the living room and see Joe waiting for me.
"Someone is looking hot tonight!"
"Why you are looking handsome yourself." He puts his arm out and I wrap mine around his and we leave. We arrive at the Lou out and take our seats at a table. After a few photos, our dinner arrives at the tables. We eat and then the performers start to do there dances. After a good two hours of watching them and talking with Joe here and there. We end up going back to the villa. We arrive at the villa and I run straight to the shower. It felt amazing showering. After the shower, I changed and walked out. Then Joe zoomed right past me going into the bathroom. I head to our room and get in bed. I turn the tv on and put a movie on. After not that long, Joe comes out and lays next to me.
"We should bring our family here soon."
"Yeah, maybe for the holidays. That would be fun."
"Yeah, it would be nice and warm and a great time in Hawaii."
"It's just beautiful here."
"Yeah, and so are you."
"Why thank you!" I give him a kiss and we put a movie on. We watch the movie and by the time it's done. I'm tired as hell. So I end up falling asleep and so does Joe. This is going to be fun!
Hope you liked it.
Sorry this was very short.
I didn't know really what to write about.
(934 words)

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