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I'm not officially 10 months pregnant and my due date is in a few days. The guys and Joe had a last minute thing in New York so there half way across the country. Dani and Priyanka have been keeping an eye on me to make sure my mental health is still in check. And my due date isn't for another two weeks that why the guys left. Or so we thought. It's later in the afternoon and I'm taking a nap in bed and feel water coming down my leg. SHIT I'm in labor. The first thing I think of is calling Dani and telling her.
"Hey Allie!"
"Dani, I think I just went into labor."
"I'm on my way. The girls are with my parents. I should be there in a moment. Call joe if you can."
"Ok, thanks Dani. Tell Pri also if you can." I hang up and call Joe. What is his reaction gonna be.
The boys and I are in an interview in New York and at our break Allie calls me.
"Hey baby."
"Joey, you guys need to be out on a flight now. I'm in labor and Dani is on her way over." When I hear the news I spit the water out of my mouth.
"Omg, we are on our way out of the interview."
I hang up and look at the guys. "She's in labor."
"Is dani with her."
"Yeah, I need to leave. Are you guys coming?"
"Yeah. Tell our manager and let's leave." We go over to the manager and tell him and we all run out, go to the hotel and grab our things and just run to the airport. We get on the plane and I'm pacing back and forth most of the flight.
"Joe, cool it. She won't have the baby until we are there."
"But she could. And I can't miss it. Why did we have to leave." I just hope I'm there in time.
I hear the door open and it's Dani rushing in. I walk downstairs with mine and Joes hospital bags bring his so he can come straight to the hospital.
"Come on. This could be slow or a fast labor." We get into the car and the pain starts to kick in. I just breath through it and we arrive at the hospital. I walk up to the front desk and tell them I'm in labor. They lead me and Dani to a private labor room and I put my hospital gown on. Then I realize something.
"Shit. I forgot to call Joes parents."
"Well before Denise gets mad at you or Joe. Do it now."
"Yeah I should." I pick up my phone and dial the Jonas's.
"Hey Mr. Jonas. I just wanted to say you guys should fly out. I'm in labor."
"Oh wow this early. I'll tell Denise and Frankie and we should be out at the next flight."
"Ok see you soon." I hang up and I have one of my first contractions. "Shit this hurts."
"I know right. Well it's better when you have your husband with you. You get someone to yell at." I laugh at her comment and it stopped.
"Let me guess it gets worse as it goes on."
"Oh yeah. Especially right before labor. That's the one that hurts. Are you gonna do a epidural?"
"I'm gonna wait till Joe gets here and I'll ask about it. I want to see how bad they get."
"Oh yeah, Kev texted me saying that they should be here in a minute. And I think Pri is here. I'll go see." She leaves the room and then a minute later her and Pri walk in.
"Hey Allie. Looking beautiful!"
"Thanks. I don't feel like it but thanks. Are the boys here."
"I think they pulled in when we walked back in here. Joe has to get a wrist band so he can stay in here with you and identify that he's your husband and the father."
"Ok. I just hope it's soon." After another contradiction, Joe and the guys walk in. Joe runs over to me and kisses me.
"Thank gosh I didn't miss it."
"I told you not to worry Joe." Dani slaps Kevin and we get a laugh out of it. Everyone leaves to get some food and it's just Joe and I left.
"I didn't call my parents."
"Already ahead of you."
"Wow, your amazing. I knew if one of us didn't. We would get an ear full from my mom."
"Yeah tru-." I'm cut off by a contraction. Joe gets up and helps me through it. After it's over the doctor walks in.
"Well, I guess I'm seeing you guys a little bit early."
"I guess so."
"Well, you are currently 7 centimeters dilated, it shouldn't be long until you have to push. But you never know, it could be longer. Would you like an epidural?" I look up at Joe and he gives me the Do what you want your pregnant look and I shake my head yes. A few minutes later, the nurse walks in and I get my epidural. I hurt like hell, but I had Joes hand to hold. After it was in, everyone walked in and so did Joes parents and Frankie.
"Thank you for calling Allie. We are happy we made it before she was here."
"Yeah well I'm 7 centimeters so it shouldn't be very long." We talk for an hour and the doctor walks back in and checks how dilated I am.
"Well it's 10 centimeters. Ok time to push. Only one or two people in here during this." Everyone looks at me and they leave just me and Joe in the room. A few minutes pass by and the doctor comes back with nurses and he has scrubs on.
"Ok, let's do this." I look at joe knowing this is our last few minutes being just adults. We where about to be parents. I start to push and it hurts like hell. After 20 minutes of constantly pushing, the baby is finally here. I start to cry and I look at joe and he's crying also.
7.8 lbs
20 inches
Mother: Allison Hazel Jonas
Father: Joseph Adam Jonas
Name: Oaklynn Hazel Jonas
The nurses clean her up and bring her over to me. I hold her and just cry. Joe kneels down and looks at the both of us. He gives me a kiss and then takes a picture of the baby and I. After a little bit, where moved rooms and I'm put into a new bed and everyone comes in.
"Omg, she's beautiful."
"She looks a lot like Joe."
"Wow. Just beautiful." They all start to tear up a little bit and Mama J gets a photo of us three. I then hand the baby over to Mama J and she started to cry a little bit. Then she handed her to papa Jonas and he teared up. I've never seen this man cry I don't think before. Then she's handed to Joe who is holding her for the first time. He just starts to cry. There so cute together. Then after a minute she moved onto Kev. It's so sweet Dani gets a photo and it's just cute. Then I start to cry because so many emotions. Then Joe looks at me and I think he wonders why I'm crying.
" What, I'm emotional ok." They all laugh at me and then Dani holds her. This is so cute. She's finally here and she's meeting her family. Pri was with the girls in the car because they couldn't come in till not a lot of people where  here and Dani and Kevin wanted them here for later. Then Nick had her in his arms. He didn't have anyone to take a photo for him so Joe acted like a woman and got a photo of him. Then the baby is back to me. Nick gets a photo of the baby, Joe and I and sends it to Pri. A few minutes later Pri sends us a video of her and the girls freaking out about how cute she is. Everyone leaves because Dani had some work to do and the parents and Frankie had to drop there stuff off at our house because we weren't gonna be there for a few days most likely. Then a minute later Pri, the Girls and Kevin walk in. The girls come over to me and don't trampled over me. I guess Kevin talked to them. They look at her and they both just make my heart melt. Then Pri comes over and looks at her. Pri starts to tear up a little bit. After a while it gets late and visiting hours were over. They leave and it's just Joe, Oaklynn and I left. I gave her the Nickname Oak because Oaklynn was a long one at times. She went to the nursery for the night so Joe and I could get some sleep. After she leaves I make room for Joe on my bed.
"Now your my hero."
"Aw. Little Joey is finally growing up. She looks so much like you."
"But I bet she has your beautiful eyes."
"Awww, stop your making me blush."
"Haha nice. I love you so much."
"I love you too." I give him a kiss and we both fall asleep. This is gonna be one Journey.
Welcome New Baby Jonas! I hope you liked it and hope you stay for the adventure these three are going to take on!!
(1624 words)

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