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I wake up to a call from my fiancé. I feel fancy saying that!
"Hello." I say while half asleep.
"Hey, where you still half asleep."
"It's my one of last days so I don't have to go in early!"
"Lucky. Well we are releasing the album tonight. Where going to a nice little place and we are gonna have dinner with family and friends. Wish you where here. If you where we could announce our engagement. Allie?" While he was talking I kinda fell back asleep.
"I'm up. I'm up." We both laugh and I get out of bed and head to the kitchen.
"It's still weird not having little kids or annoying older people in the house."
"Hey. I'm just gonna take it like you where talking about Kev and nick."
"Lol. Well I gotta head to set. Love you!"
"Love you too. Call me when you leave or get home from some type of after party!"
"Got it!" I hang up and take my stuff and coffee and head to my car. I drive to set and see Michael waiting outside if my trailer.
"Hey Michael what's up?"
"Oh nothing. Just a few of us noticed a new ring on your finger while joe was in town."
"Wow you guys are sneaky. Fine. We are engaged and I'm surprising him tonight at there album release party/dinner thing."
"Congrats! Well go in there's a few things!" I walk into my trailer and see a whole bunch of people piled into my trailer.
"CONGRATS!" Most of them scream.
"I wish I had you energy right now. But thanks everyone. And yes it's true! Joe and I are engaged!" They all clap for me and give me a hug. Once most of the people pile out I see that my favorite breakfast is on the table.
"Oo I haven't eaten all morning. I've been on the phone."
"With who?"
"Joe. What else do you think." Michael and I laugh and I dig in. While I finish we head to hair and makeup.
"Hey can you guys do my hair and makeup really nice for after this. I'm surprising joe tonight at this really nice restaurant and he doesn't know!" They shake there heads and I head to wardrobe. I ask if they have any dresses I can pick from to keep for right now. They hand me one and I love it! After that I walk to set and we finish filming what we head left to film.
"Ok everyone knows, I. Andrew. Don't cry but, this has been a great experience and I'm so thankful that I got to do it with all of you. And all the times and surprises someone has thrown at us." He looks at me. "It's been great with you all. I love you guys!" We each give him a hug and I speak.
"Wow. This is actually my last movie for a while. I'm gonna head home with my boy. And of course where going on tour. And when press tour starts for this, it will be in the middle of there tour so i sadly have to leave him again. But then after all of that. I finally get my dream of marrying my best friend come to life. I'm just glad I got to do this and sense it's my last one. I'm just glad I had a great cast and crew to work with. Thank you everyone for dealing with what I and my friends have put you through. I really appreciate it!" Then everyone has a little speech and we all talk a little bit. We film for a few hours and then I looked at the time as we where rapping up.
"Crap I gotta go or I'm gonna be late for the surprise!" I say goodbye to everyone and leave set. I run home and grab my things and head to the airport. I kinda decided to actually get the apartment so it's mine now and when we visit New York we will have a place to stay. I have my makeup and hair done and my dress in the back. I call Dani and tell her the jet is taking off. I'm so tired from waking up early that I fall asleep for the plane ride. When we landed I woke up and looked at the time. I was just on time. I change in the bathroom real quick and I call Dani to see if the driver she sent is here. When I mean driver I mean Mr Jonas!
"Hey Dani. Is my driver at the airport yet?"
"Yeah he should be here. It's gonna take you ten minutes to get here so I'll have the boys get on stage and tell them I have a little surprise for them and while they are looking forward and you walk behind them. I tell them to turn around and they see you and are so surprised!"
"Thanks for going over it with me again. My driver just pulled up. See you in ten!" Mr Jonas gets out of the car and gives me a hug. We put my stuff in and head to the place.
"It's good to see you Allie. How was filming."
"Good actually. I'm gonna miss it because I'm kinda busy with the boys on tour soon and so I'm gonna maybe go into singing a little bit."
"Oh wow cool! That sounds like fun. Well where here. Let's get in." I text Dani and she said the boys where ready. I enter the back and get on stage.
"Ok boys are you ready."
"I don't know. This could be another puppy for me. That's not a good sign for Dani." They laugh and then they each said something.
"Ok boys turn around!" They all turn around and look at me.
"Surprise. It's not a puppy this time Kev!" I don't get a response from them. All I get is Joe running up to me and hugging me.
"So what do you think!"
"Love it!" He let's go and I give the other two a hug. Then joe steals the microphone from dani.
"Hey everyone. We have only told the people on stage about this and we wanted to announce it. ALLIE AND I ARE ENGAGED!!" Everyone cheered for us. I give joe a big kiss and Dani and I get off of stage. After a few minutes it hits midnight! HAPPINESS BEGINS IS RELEASED!! I'm so excited for the boys and this experience they are gonna have. Hopefully nick will finally find someone who isn't his nieces to dance with on stage! Joe comes over and talks to me.
"How did you get here. But your not supposed to be here until the end of the week."
"Well I just finished my last scene today. Michael has a few but I was able to leave. I left but I kept my hair and makeup on from set and wardrobe gave me a dress I could wear. So I go onto the plane and fell asleep until we landed. Then i rushed off, your dad picked me up. We got here and I surprised you guys. Where you surprised?"
"Wow. I was sooooo surprised Allie. It was amazing. I actually did think that Dani had gotten another dog without tell Kev. Which isn't her but I can see it happening once!" We both laugh and we enjoy the rest of the night. We get home and I shower and put some pjs on. I get in bed and Barry my head into Joes shoulder. It feels so nice to be home. We say goodnight and I just pass out from being so tired. Now if I want to, tomorrow I can stay in bed for as long as I want! This is the good thing about not working right now!


Hope you really enjoyed it and will keep reading!
(1335 words)

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