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I fell asleep last night thinking that I wasn't gonna wake up early. I was wrong. I get up and see that Joe is still asleep. I get up and out of bed and get changed and run and get coffee for the both of us. I wanted to do something nice for joe so he could sleep in without having to wake me up. I come back to the hotel to see some big fans in the hallways. But the boys new security took care of it. I run up to our room. And to my surprise Joe is already packing for us to get on the bus and go to the next stop.
"Hey joey, here's some coffee."
"Hey. How did you get up before me."
"Haha funny. I could not sleep last night for some reason so I'm dead tired and I wanted coffee so I made a coffee run." He comes over and hugs me and I give him a kiss.
"I'm getting in the shower before we leave."
"Ok but hurry up Allie, we only have half and hour." I take a very quick shower and when I get out Joe and Nick are sitting talking about next stop.
"Hey Nick."
"Hey Allie. So Joe tells me you actually got up early today!"
"Yeah, I could barely sleep so I got up and got us coffee."
"Cool, we let's go or we are gonna be late to next stop." We grab our things and head to the bus. When we get on the bus we head to the airport because the boys have the Ellen show today. We arrive at the airport and we run to the jet area. We get on the jet for a shorter flight. We didn't think while planning that the boys had Ellen today, so that's why we are flying and we are taking the bus to Vegas for a show tonight. We get on the plane and it takes off because when we land we have to bolt to the Ellen show. We basically all play games during the flight and when we land we grab our things and get to the car. The car takes us to the studio where the show is. The boys are right in when we get there so they had to dress themselves this time because it was kinda last minute. We arrive at the studio and the boys run in. Dani and I sit backstage and we hear Ellen introducing them.
"There comeback is booming right now and they just started tour. THE JONAS BROTHER!" They run out into stage and sit down.
"Hey guys. Haven't seen you in a while. You seem out of breath."
"Hello. Well we actually just got here. All 7 of us ran in and we are now just taking a seat."
"You guys seem busy. Who do you mean 7?"
"Oh us three. Danielle, Alena, Valentina, and Allison!"
"Cool. So joe, you and Allison just announced your engagement last night in night one of tour!" The crowd claps and screams with joy!
"Yeah. It's been almost a couple of months but we wanted to keep it to ourselves and family for a little while."
"And she also just got done filming a movie that isn't supposed to come out for a few more months right."
"Yeah she was in New York for about seven months."
"Yeah, Joe was a total mess without her."
"Thanks Kev."
"Well can we bring her out here? Can we mic her real quick and get her out here." I look at Dani in shock and people come up and Mic me. I run out onto stage and wave and give Ellen a hug. The boys just barely Scooch over so I can fit.
"Hi Allie. Haven't seen you in a while."
"Hello, it's good to see you!"
"So your whole engagement. Can you tell me how it happened." I look at joe and he starts to explain how it happened.
"We where in New York and we had gone out on our 7month anniversary and we went to the park we played at while nick was on broadway and we where admiring the view and she was looking away and I got down and asked her!" The crowd awws and so does Ellen.
"So that must be big. Have you guys set down a date yet?"
"Actually not yet. But some time after tour and my press stuff for the movie."
"Cool. So about your guys tour. How is that so far?"
"Well we had our first show in Miami last night. It was good but all of us where really tired."
"You know when Allie is tired and when she is, she will wake up before everyone and get coffee. Allie doesn't EVER wake up early. I actually scared her the other day because she wouldn't get up so Kevin and I carried her to the car and into the green room for sound check. Let's just say, when she woke up. I was in big trouble." Everyone laughs and I give a big grin.
"Thanks why I have had him do the explaining when we get asked questions because I'm the one who does it before he can open his mouth!"
"Nice. Well we will be right back with the Jonas brothers preforming Sucker! See you after the break!"
"Allie can I see your ring." I put my hand out and Ellen takes a look. "Wow it's beautiful. How did you find it Joe."
"Well I took Nick shopping with me and Allie had already told him a ring she wanted so it was fairly easy."
"Why where you guys in a jewelry place where Allie showed nick."
"I was looking actually online for a necklace for fun and I found a ring I loved and I just so happened to be sitting next to little Nicky!" We all have a little chuckle and the boys get ready to perform.
"Do you want me to go backstage?"
"You can stay on the couch while they preform if you want to."
"Ok I guess I will." Then Ellen walked over and they started rolling.
"Today we are back with the Jonas brothers preforming sucker!" The crowd claps and the boys start to sing. It's great seeing them on stage again as brothers! After there done preforming they walk back over to the couch and the cameras move over to us.
"So, Nick are you seeing anyone. I mean Joe and Allie are engaged and Kevin is married how about you?"
"Well I'm actually still single surprise surprise."
"Actually he has been talking to this one girl online but from the look I'm getting I shouldn't be talking about this."
"Wow thanks Allie for exposing me."
"Sorry I just happen to be some what nosey."
"Well that's the end of our show I thank the Jonas brothers and our special surprise guest Allison Marshall soon to be Jonas, for being here today. Bye!"
"Thanks Ellen for having us on today."
"No problem guys. I'll hopefully see the brothers soon and Allie I'll see you in a few weeks." I shake my head and we head out. We booked it to the bus that somehow got here already. We get in and we all plop down on the couch from being so tired.
"I'm gonna take a nap. See you in Vegas. And don't scare me this time." I get up and give joe a quick kiss and head to my bunk. I finally fall asleep after having basically no sleep.
(Bold is Allie's nightmare)
*allie is in the car driving* IM A SUCKER FOR YOU- crash. In the Joes mind. Allie so gone. MY LOVE IS GONE. no no no. This can't be happening noooooo.
I'm shaken awake by a worried joe.
"Allie are you alright."
"I had a really really bad nightmare."
"Scooch over. Do you wanna talk about it." I start to talk while joe plays with my hair.
"I was singing sucker and I crashed and then it went to your point of view and you where sooooo sad and in denial that I had died. I died in my dream joe. It really freaked me out and I'm still shaken up."
"It's ok. Where still here ok. Your alright. Here try to get back to sleep." Joe pulls me into his arms and I fall asleep with knowing that I'm protected. We both fall asleep until later that day.

It was getting long so I'm gonna stop at this point. The next chapter is gonna be probably two shows but it maybe a little long idk yet so. Hope your enjoying the story!
(1462 words)

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