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Today we leave for tour!! Which means that we have to get up early. Joe and I hate waking up early, but when Nick comes over and picks us up. Joes the one who's the morning person knowing his brother will kick his ass if he doesn't wake up. I awoken by the light turning on.
"Allie. Wake up. We have to be up before Nick gets here."
"But it's too early!" Joe then proceeds to take the covers from my face off of me.
"Hey I'm freezing."
"I'll make the bed if you get up."
"Yeah right. Last time you said that you didn't do shit."
"Well fine. I guess I have to go have my two Starbucks by myself." When I heard the word Starbucks I jolt out of bed and rush downstairs for coffee. When I reach my coffee I hear joe laughing at me.
"When you involve coffee I'm gonna get up you know that."
"Yeah. Your just so cute when your so tired you run and get Starbucks." He comes over and gives me a kiss. We both pull away and I go upstairs and get changed and make the bed. Then joe comes upstairs and into our room.
"Your making the bed next time."
"Fine. Maybe I will actually do it." We head downstairs with our bags and sit down. We sit for about 2 seconds before the doorbell rings and Nick is standing at the door. Joe gets up and answers it.
"Hey Nick!"
"Hey. Do you guys have any extra coffee. I haven't had any today?"
"Yeah, I got you Starbucks. Check your sugar before. You don't look too good." They both head to the kitchen and Nick checks his sugar.
"Crap. It's low. Don't mind if I'm grumpy today."
"I'm telling Kev and where gonna do some brotherly bugging the younger one!!" I get up and laugh.
"Hey Nick. I'm gonna start to load stuff into the car." I give Nick a quick hug and grab some of our stuff and put it in the car. We have a few suite cases sense I have to leave in the middle of tour. Joe and I usually share a suite case but we can't this time. We have a small one with like toiletries and other things in it but it's not a big deal. The boys help me load the rest of the stuff into the car and we head to the airport to meet Dani Kevin and the girls on the plane. We reach the airport and we go to the private jet area of the airport. When we got there we met up with Kevin, Dani, and the girls.
"Hey guys. So did Nick have to wake you guys up today."
"Haha. Actually Joe had to wake me up. But when he said coffee. I was up and out of bed." Dani laughs and we get on the plane. We get on the plane and a few minutes later we take off.
"I'm going back to bed."
"Ok but if you don't get up this time your going to the Bahamas."
"I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing." We both laugh and I put my head on Joes shoulder. I fall right asleep knowing the coffee is soon to wear off. I'm asleep until I'm awoken to an almost annoyed joe.
"Allie. Get up. I'm tired of you sleeping so heavily."
"Ok I'm up. Did we land."
"Yeah. Come on everyone else is outside." We grab our things and head outside to everyone.
"Wow I'm surprised that your actually up."
"Haha. Funny Kev. Let's go to the hotel. I'm tired." We all pile into a car and head to the hotel. We get our room keys and head to our rooms. Joe puts the room key in and once the door opens, I leave the bags and run onto the bed.
"Yep. I got it. Thanks for the help."
"Thanks Joey. I'm getting a nap in."
"If you don't wake up before sound check. You might wake up there on a random couch, because your light and Kevin and I will carry you to the gosh damn car and get you there so you don't feel left out."
"Love you too Joe." He brings the bags in and I get under the covers. After about a minute he sits down on the bed next to me and turning the tv on.
"Why don't you take a nap mr I'm kinda grumpy at my fiancé because she didn't get up on the plane and didn't take our bags in the room."
"Love the name. Well I don't want Nick beating my ass if I don't get up, and I also had a Red Bull when you where asleep on the plane so I'm not that tired."
"Good to know. Well I'm sleeping and if I do end up waking up on set. You better run." I give him a kiss and fall asleep. After about two hours a feel that I'm not in bed. I open my eyes and I'm on a couch.
"JOSEPH ADAM JONAS." I get up and run out the door with Dani trying to stop me. I scream his name again and I think he heard me.
Allie is not gonna be happy when she gets up. Where in the middle of sound check and I hear something screaming."
"Uh oh joe. You just messed up."
"Well I guess you two are the ones in trouble."
"Thanks Nick." Kevin and I run to the opposite side of the stage from Allie. We see her get on stage and she's not happy at all.
"Sorry Allie. It was carrying you or no dinner so I couldn't help it."
"Fine Kevin your off the hook. Step aside I need to get to Joe." I'm in real trouble when Allie tells Kevin or Nick to step aside. Allie comes up to me and just slaps my chest and tickles me.
"You- know- my- greatest- weakness-." I kept saying out of breath from laughing too much.
"I'm sorry Allie. I didn't want you to miss this show so after trying to wake you up, I had Kevin help me carry you out to the car and on that couch."
"I don't really care. But I'm still kinda mad that you didn't have a better way of waking me. I'm gonna get you back Jonas." I walk over to her and give her a kiss.
"So how about we announce the engagement tonight?"
"Ok. It's your show so, you do you. I have no complaints so far." We laugh and Allie heads off stage so we can finish sound check. When we finish we go and eat dinner. We had some type of really good like Italian sandwich that was soooo good. I would marry it if I wasn't engaged and I was single.
I wanna kill Joe sometimes, but I love him and I can't so. While we where eating dinner joe seemed to really like his sandwich. Like if I wasn't engaged to him or dating him, he would marry it. We finish and the boys get changed and I get a nice outfit on sene we where announcing the engagement. While the boys where about to get on stage someone comes up behind me. I can already tell who it is.
"FRANKIE. Wow, I didn't know everyone was gonna be here tonight. And apparently I'm getting scared a lot today. I wake up on a couch and I knew it was joe. Then Frankie scared me, which I'm not mad at because I think it's tradition that he scares me every time I see him."
"Hello Allie. Good to see you too."
"Whoops. Sorry Mama j. I can't help myself sometimes while I'm nervous, I just talk a lot while I'm nervous." I give everyone a hug and then joe puts him arm around my waist.
"So, can my lovely son tell me why we had to find out that he was engaged to an amazing girl at a release party." Joes smile drops and he looks at me.
"Go ahead Joe. Explain. I told you I would get you back."
"Well. I forgot to call you and then I didn't notice that Allie had come and we had just gotten engaged a few days before that so."
"Well next time something big happens. Call me." I give joe a look and everyone laughs. It's now time for the boys to get on stage. I give Joe a kiss and they head on stage. The crowd roars with excitement!! THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! After they sing a few songs, Joe starts to talk.
"So, hey everyone. If you guys didn't know, I met this amazing girl in like what, first grade. But little did I know I would actually be marrying her!! ALLIE COME ON OUT!" The crowd screams in excitement and sadness knowing joe is off the market now.
"And to celebrate this amazing milestone. I thought Allie and I could sing a song of the bands while Nick and Kevin play." I give him a look and he's just so excited.
"Alright. I'll sing!" The crowd cheers and someone hands me a microphone.
"Joe. Are you sure you can remember this song." I whispered into his ear before we stared to play.
"Why do you think we have teleprompters here. Because I forget everything." I smile and give him a kiss. The crowd then decided to go crazy. Words and a song starts to play and show on the screens. It's my favorite song, please be mine! I flash Joe a big smile and we start to sing. I knew every word from my heart because I had listen to it so much. The crowd was just in aw from my voice. I really think I could go into music. Maybe an album that is titled "The real me. By:Allison Jonas & the Jonas brothers." I have to pitch that one to the band. We finish singing and Joe gives me a kiss. I wave goodbye to the crowd and walk off stage.
"Wow Allie. I didn't know you could sing that well."
"Yeah, I kinda can but I don't sing a whole lot. But I've been thinking about doing an album with the boys one day soon when both tours are over."
"Both?" Mr and Mrs Jonas question me a little.
"Oh yeah. I have to leave in the middle of the tour to do some movie press for the new movie I shot a few weeks back." They shake there heads and realized what I had meant. About another almost hour goes by and the boys are done with night one!
"Goodnight Miami. It was a fun one and we hope to see you again!" The boys come running off of stage. I give joe a quick kiss and we head to the car because we need to get out as soon as possible so we don't get caught by a bunch of fans. We get in the car and get to the hotel. Once we arrive at the hotel, I take Joes hand and we run upstairs to our room. Once we get there, Joe and I get ready for bed and go to sleep.
"Night Joe. Love you!"
"Night Allie! Love you too!" I give him a kiss and we fall asleep. Sense I didn't get a good night of sleep the night before. I might end up waking up either earlier or later than usual.
Tour has officially begun. Hope you enjoyed! Its for sure a long one not gonna lie!
(2009 words)

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