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I wake up early in the guest bedroom at Kev and Danielles house. I walk out and into the kitchen where Dani and Kev are cooking breakfast.
"Hey Joe. How are you feeling?"
"Terrible. And it's mentally and physically. What if Allie got it and her and the baby are in danger. It would be horrible." I take a seat at the table and drink some water. Then Kev comes over and talks to me.
"Hey she's gonna be fine. Both of them will be."
"I know I'm just worried because I don't wanna stay without her for a while."
"Well I have an idea. If you are sick, why don't you go and stay with mom and dad. They miss having you around and you could help go through baby clothes and pick some out. That's what I would have done if I got sick while Dani was pregnant."
"Yeah, not bad. Well I gotta get ready for this stupid doctors appointment that Allie has me going to."
"Just because she's extra nervous if it is something bad, doesn't mean it's gonna be that bad."
"Yeah true. Well I'm gonna get changed and go." I go to my room and text Allie good morning. I get changed and take my bag and I head to my car. I drive up to the doctors office and walk in and then sign in. I take a seat and then minutes later a doctor comes out and calls my name. I walk into the room and take a seat. I text Allie that I'm here and then the doctor walks in.
"Well hello Joseph. Good to see you."
"Hey doctor Greo."
"So what are you in here for."
"Well, my wife is pregnant and she thought I looked sick last night, so I told her how I felt and she made me this appointment and I don't know what I have honestly."
"Ok. First congrats on marriage and the baby. And second, do you have a fever?"
"Last night I did but I don't know about now."
He takes the thermometer and puts it in my mouth. It beeps at a 100.4 degrees.
"Well you do have a fever and all the symptoms you have are what I think is a case of the flu. We can't do anything about it but. Your wife is pregnant, so we would recommend that you stay away from her for about the next 4 days until a day after your fever breaks."
"Ok thanks" he hands me papers and he leaves. I walk out to the front desk and hand the lady the papers and leave. I get in my car and just sit there for a minute. Then I decided to call Allie.
"Hey joe!"
"Hey baby. How are you feeling?"
"Blah. I got sick a few times this morning, other than that I'm good. How was the doctors?"
"Right. Well I kinda have the flu."
"Really, Aww poor Joey. I feel bad. I hope it goes away quickly."
"Yeah, but he said sense your pregnant, that I should stay away from you until my fever breaks. So I'm heading to Jersey to help out around with my mom and spend some time with Frankie!"
"Oh ok. Do you want me to pack you a bag and you can come and get it."
"Yeah that would be great. A bag for a couple of days please."
"Ok, I'll start packing in a minute. Text me when you are at the house."
"Ok love you!"
"Love you too!" I hang up and start to drive to the house. Once I arrive, I text Allie and she comes out with the bag. She puts it in the back of my car and comes over to the window.
"You do look sick not gonna lie."
"Thanks. I just want this to be over."
"Yeah, it's not gonna help my anxiety when you are gone."
"Anxiety. Has it flared up again." Allie had bad anxiety when she was little, after she got some help it's been better for sure. But I'm now nervous to leave her.
"Well, this pregnancy I've noticed it's been probably the worst. It's been bad with you gone honestly."
"Aww I feel bad for leaving now."
"No don't. If you that uncomfortable with leaving me then send Nick or Kev over each day to check in on me. Now go or the plane is gonna leave without you. Love you so much!"
"Ok then. Love you so so much too!" I give her an air kiss and she walks back inside. I drive off and call Nick.
"Hey Nick can you talk for a minute?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"Well you know that I now have the flu. And I'm leaving to mom and dads to help out and spend time with Frankie. So I want you to check on Allie later. She said her anxiety has been worse with this pregnancy."
"Yeah totally. I feel bad. Well good luck being with mom for a couple of days. Apparently when I talk to her she's always stressed."
"Thanks Nick. I wonder why. Well I gotta go. I'm at the airport and I'm taking the jet."
"Alright Ill check on her later. Bye." I hang up and enter the airport. I run to the private plane area and get on. I haven't slept in a while so I slept the whole time. I woke up when the plane landed. I walked out and saw Frankie waiting for me.
"Hey frank. Haven't see you in a while."
"Hey joe. How you felling."
"Sick and Stressed."
"Why stressed?"
"Allie. Her anxiety has gotten worse sense the pregnancy so I'm worried she's gonna have an anxiety attack and I'm not gonna be there."
"That must suck. Well let's get going. Mom doesn't know your here but dad does. So he told her to put some soup on the stove for lunch so you could feel better."
"That's nice. I love moms soup."
"Oh yeah, I would watch it around mom. She's been a little bit stressed herself. I think she knows I might move out to LA soon."
"That's why. Nick told me before I left and he didn't know. Have you talked to him yet?"
"Nope. I have been busy so I haven't gotten the chance." We talk and when we arrive at the house, mom is sitting in the living room. Frankie walks in and says hi.
"Hey mom."
"Hey frank what took you so long." He gives me a look and she hasn't looked up from her phone yet.
"Hey mom." She turns around and smiles at me!
"JOE. Hey baby. Where's your wife?"
"Yeah that's the thing. I'm sick and she's pregnant so I have to stay away from her for a few days until my fever breaks so I decided to come and spend some time here."
"Let me guess. You already told nick to check on her tonight haven't you."
"What do you think. Yes, but how do you know?"
"Well all I remember is a little joe had to leave without his best friend for some press with Nick, so he had Kevin check on her everyday because he was worried. Your so cute."
"Wow I forgot about that one. Is soup ready."
"I knew that was coming. Here eat." She hands me a bowl of soup. I sit down and eat the soup. She feels my head and says it's bad.
"You should get some sleep. It will help break the fever is you drink cool liquids and sleep."
"Alright. Is my room still the same as last time."
"Yep. Just I added a photo in there." I take my stuff and hug my mom real quick and head to my room. A mess most of the time. Home sweet home. I look at my desk and see the photo she added. It's a picture of Allie and I at our wedding. It's one of my favorites. It's actually my lock screen. I put some pjs on and get in bed. I end up falling asleep for the rest of the night. I wonder how Allie is?
It's later in the night and I'm not feeling well. Joe had landed in Jersey and I've been stress cleaning. The house is basically spotless other then the music room I never dare to touch. I sit down and eat some fruit while the doorbell rings. I get up and see Nick at the door. He looks around the house and sees that it's spotless.
"Has someone been stress cleaning again."
"Yeah, but I'm mad because I can't get under the couch because I can't lift heavy things."
"Aw too bad. Got any food."
"Yeah, you can look in the fridge. There's bound to be left overs." He comes over and sits next to me with a bowl of what looks like rice.
"So did Joe tell you to come and see me?"
"Really, because your using that voice you use when you lie. Nicholas."
"Fine, yes but I would have anyway because you both are a mess. Joes at home sick and your stress cleaning when you probably shouldn't be while your pregnant so."
"Ok ok fine. Your right. No more stress cleaning. I guess I have resulted to stress dancing."
"That's better then you lifting heavy objects."I give him a chuckle and we talk for the rest of the night. It gets late and nick leaves. It's nice to spend time with him. When he leaves I head upstairs and get changed and hop into bed. I fall asleep within minutes knowing that tomorrow better be a good day!
Hope you enjoyed. I don't have a lot to say so yeah! If you want you can give me ideas and I'll take them into consideration!
(1651 words)

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