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-Aurora's Pov- 

Hello there let me introduce myself very quick. My name is Aurora Sky Espinosa i'm 18 years old and if you think "hey her last name i recognize it from somewhere" Well then i can tell you you are completely right my big brother is Matthew Lee Espinosa shocking right? He is going on tour very soon and i'm going with him for the first time ever! I'm really excited but i'm also extremely nervous to go on tour because of how the fans of them will react, i do know everyone is going with us tho. Lox is my bestfriend and Shawn is my boyfriend so everything is great I'm going on tour with my brother, My bestfriend and my boyfriend. Now you know who i am i need to go pack my suitcase.

I was packing my suitcase until i got scared of a loud ass knock on my bedroom door who revealed a loud annoying Cameron. 'Cam someday storming in my room like you just did right now will become your death and i'll be the first goddamn suspect.' I said turning around to him seeing him plop onto my bed almost pushing my suitcase of the bed. 'Oh rory, shut it you love me and you love the way i storm in.' he said making himself extra comfy. 'You know sometimes you are extremely annoying but i do love you alot' 'see I know you love me, because you are like my little sister and that's why you love me' i looked at him and saw he was smiling real cutely. 'She only got one person that can call her a little sister and that is me' We both looked at the door and see Matt enter the door. he came over and put his arm aroound my should like a over protective parent. I looked at Cameron and he looked at me what happend yeah we both started cracking up like we saw the most hilarious shit ever. 'Okay enough of the fun we need to leave in like 10 minutes and she aint done yet packing her shit together.' Matt said while draggin Cam's ass out of my room.

I took my toothpaste and brush with some order little stuff searching for my toiletry. I walked back in my room like a penguin throwing the shit i held onto my bed searching for my toiletry bag on my desk. I finally found it and walked over to the bed shuffing shit in my bag. i was about to zip up the bag when i felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist they seeemed extremly familiar so i turned around in the embrace. 'Hi babylove, how is the packing going?' he said while looking at me in the eyes wiht his sparkly brown eyes. 'I'm almost done babe, what about you did you pack everything already?' i kissed his soft lips while waiting for his answer. 'Yeah, i'm ready everyone is downstairs because you are basically the only one who hasn't brought her suitcase downstairs.' he said laughing a little because i was late as always. 'I'm almost ready just gotta put this in the suitcase and zip it up and voila ces't fini' i said while i did zip up my suitcase.

'There she finally is the queen of always being late at everything.' Nash said applauding me while i was walking down the stairs with a very heavy suitcase. 'Nash, if you wanna go on this tour without any bruises or blackeye's i would come here and help this queen put her lugguage in the bus.' i said putting the suitcase at the couch. 'BESTFRIEND' i heard when someone launched herself onto me that the both of us jsut fell backwards. I just laughed at how excited Lox always is she is the most amazing friend a girl can wish for.She is funny, caring,lovin and will beat someone up if they ever hurt me. 'Haha hi Loxy how are you doing?' 'I'm doing A-ma-zing i'm going on tour with my bestfriend and yeah some other dorks that are sadly enough coming with us' everyone suddenly yelled a Hey behind us and we just laughed at them. 'I'm also extremly excited to go on tour with you babes, so we could have lots of fun ,see awesome things together & just make hella lot of memories' i said while standing up and pulling her with me from the floor.

'Every single one of you get your asses in the bus and keep it moving!!' Steve the road manager said we all looked at him and took the final of our belongings and stepped outside of the house. my mom and dad said there goodbye's to me and Matt mama went to Matt while dad opened his arms towards me for a hug i gladly excepted and hugged my dad for the last time in a while, i was an extreme daddy's girl and already knew that i was gonna miss my dad very much. 'Be a goodgirl like i know you are, sleep in your own room ALONE and always follow your own heart, pinky promise me?' My dad said while sticking out his pinky for me to make the promise official. 'Yes daddy, i know i will be a good girl like you raised me to be.' I said while wrapping my tiny pink around his sealing it while pressing our thumbs together. I hugged his strong torso once more before going to say goodbye to my mom. 'Hi love, you know that i love you and always will be careful listen to your brother and have alot of fun.' she said while always hugging me like she was never going to see me again. 'Mom, you are hugging me a little too tight i can't breath anymore.' She released me and i kissed her cheek before walking towards the door with Matt by my side. 'Are you ready,lil sis?' matt said putting his arm around me looking at me waiting for my answer. 'Yes, i am'

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