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I was looking for Taylor when i saw him sitting at a bench close to the water looking at the ducks i leased Jax and went over to him. 'Taylor?' he looked behind him and smiled 'Hey Aurora sit down.' i sat next to him telling Jax to sit and he just layed down. 'I'm really glad that you came' 'I don't know if i'm glad that i have came yet' he looked at me and just didn't know how to answer on that. 'Look, i asked you to come here because i wanted to know if you remember our high school time together?' i didn't know what he was talking about i started thinking and i remember we went to highschool together 'Yes but what has that to do with you bullying me?' 'Well do you remember what i told you the day before highschool ended?' 'No i don't why?' 'Well the day before school ended i asked you if you would be my girlfriend and you said no but the next day i see you and Shawn kiss being together but you tell me you weren't ready to date yet you don't know how broken i was' he said before pulling something out of his pocket and handing it to me. It was a polariod picture of the both of us before spring break, we were such good friends and  loved hanging out with him. 'Do you remember that day?' he asked looking at me waiting for me too answer. I just nodded my head looking at the picture. 'This is our last picture together before our ways parted and you started dating Shawn. I truely missed you by my side Aura' 

I was shocked too see he had kept that picture with him all this time. I started to remembering that i didn't see him after springbreak either and when i did see him again he didn't talk to me he was being such an asshole to me. 'Taylor why didn't you ever tell me instaid of bullying me?' 'Cause i didn't know you where the same aurora from high school you changed so much but, when i heard Matt call you sister i knew you were the same girl i fell in love with' he said looking back at the river. 'So instead of asking me if i was the same girl,you start bullying me do you know how many cuts i have because of you're words?!' i was getting so mad at this point i was about to leave with Jax when he pulled me back down. 'Look im sorry you have cuts because of me and i do wanna talk to you normally but i can't forget that you just left me in high school for Shawn. I know you can't forget what i did to you, so at one point we are even' 'Okay i'm fine with that i just wanna talk normal to you and don't need to be afraid of you anymore.' he smiled 'Do you wanna go get some ice cream ?' 'Yeah that sounds good'I stood up and we started walking to the ice cream truck. 

'Why do you have Jax with you?' he asked while Jax almost pulled me to the floor because he saw a squirel. 'I took him with me so he could run and just be outside for a while' i answered calling Jax back so i could unhook his lease 'Oh , does someone know you just didn't went on a walk Jax?' He asked looking at me like i had just told him the biggest lie ever. 'I think just Nash knows because he was sitting next to me when you texted me.' 'oh' and with that we reached the ice cream truck 'What do you want?' 'I would like a vanilla&Strawberry one please' i smiled at the man who was waiting for Taylor's order. 'And for me lemon&strawberry please' the guy made them and Taylor payed i couldn't even get my money or he already payed them 'I could've payed for mine you know' 'Yes i know but i wanted to pay it. The tour starts friday are you coming back or not?' i asked Taylor before licking my ice cream cone. 'Yeah , i think i'll be coming back if that's okay with you?' he asked 'If it wouldn't be okay with me Taylor i wouldn't ask you in the first place you know.' i said laughing at his answer. ' Yeah maybe that's true' i just laughed  'But i should really get home cause i've been out with Jax of 2 hours now so i'll see you friday' I hugged him and started walking home.  

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