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I was the only one awake at the moment as i was doing a Younow stream. I sat infront of the laptop looking at the comments coming in seeing that most people wished me a happy new year. 

'Thank you guys for all the new years wishes! I love you guys so much' i said as is saw a comment come in asking where Matthew was. ' Matt is still sleeping and so are all the rest of the boys including Lox' i said smiling at the camera. 

'Guys there is someone waking up'  i said as i smiled at the laptop before looking at the stairs 'Who do you think it is?' i said as i looked back at the laptop smiling as i read the comments. As i was reading i saw a comment come in saying 'Where is Jack?' i read it out loud and said 'Jack is with Johnson at the studio.' as i said that i felt Jack come in view kissing my cheek. 

Alot of people saw and commented that it was so cute and that we are goals. 'Well as mosst of you saw Jack makes me a liar. He isn't at the studio as he just walked in' i said laughing looking at him from over the screen

'I didn't make you a liar i was at the studio!' he said yelling from in the kitchen. 'We were really in the studio but mr loverboy over there missed Aura and wanted to come home' Johnson said as he took a seat next to me coming in view as he explained why they were back early. 

'Johnson what do you think of Aurora' i read the comment 'I think Aura is an amazing person and i love her so much' he said kissing my cheek over and over. People loved it and started saying they loved our friendship. 'JOHNSON LET GO OF MY GIRL' we heard Jack yell as he let himself fall onto the couch next to me pulling my face towards his kissing my lips hard. 

We released from the kiss and ofcourse alot of people loved it and took screenshot. I saw that my cheeks turned a light shade of pink so i hid my face into Jack's neck as he said 'I think i made my baby shy you guys, But she is so cute' he said as he kissed my head.

'Guys i have been on here for 2 hours now i'm gonna leave and eat something because i'm starving' i said throwing my head back laughing i ended the stream and walked over to the kitchen and then outside as it was now 2pm in the afternoon and all the guys were outside swimming and chillling.

As i walked outside there was something off everyone suddenly turned quiet looking at me as i wlkaed thru the door. 'Why are you all looking at me?' i said as i suddenly got picked up and someone ran with me on their shoulder jumping inside of the pool. I reached the surface again and saw everyone laughing at me. I decided to scare them a little and act hella mad

'ARE YOU INSANE?!  I HATE YOU GUYS!' i yelled as i got out of the pool seeing them all be real quiet i saw Nash and Taylor were the ones who threw me in the pool. 'Ror come on it was a joke' Matt said as Lox pulled him back 'No this isn't a joke because i don't see you in the pool and all wet or even Lox it's always me they wanna prank i'm done with it! hell i'm done with all of you!' I said as i walked over to the door seeing Allison stand there with a towel.

She smiled at me as i winked at her letting her know that i was joking. She quickly understood and played along. 'Aurora, i'm sure they didn't mean it like that' she said pulling me in for a hug whispering in my ear 'These faces are gold' i smiled and turned around seeing them all stand there looking at me. 

'Ror, we are really sorry look' Cameron said as he pushed Matthew and Lox inside of the pool and then Carter and Nash. By now all of them were in the pool except of Johnson as he was standing behind Allison in the doorway laughing with me. 

'See this is something i call a joke i didn't even got to do anything for it. All of you jumped willingly into the pool' i said laughing as they all looked at me from inside the pool. 'You are so gonna regret doing this Aurora Sky Espinosa!' My brother yelled as he climed out of the pool coming closer to me. 'Matthew, don't even dare i know what you wanna do and i'm gonna hurt you if you touch me' i said backing up turning around I see Jack enter.

'BABE!!!' i yelled hiding behind him as he held me behind his back ' Whaat did you do' he said looking at all of them soaking wet 'I didn't do anything they jumped in the pool willingly' i said laughing looking at my brother smirking 'She's lying, Nash and Taylor threw her in and she acted mad so Cameron pushed us in' he explained to Jack. 'You see that's something you really got yourself into' he said as he picked me up and jumped with me in his arms in the pool. 

'I thought you were on my side' i said as i wrapped my arms around his neck looking in his eyes ' I am but not if you got this all to yourself' he said kissing my lips. I wrapped my legs around his torso and kissed back wiht so much love and passion as the rest of the guys jumped in with us. 'I love you so much' he said as he pulled back from the kiss ' I love you even more! You are my bestfriend, my soulmate & my rock' i said smiling hearing Lox behind us 

' Excuse you, i'm your bestfriend & rock' she said as she pulled me away from Jack. 'Ofcourse you are babe' i said as i kissed her cheek swimming with her to the other side of the net that they had put in the water to play volleyball. 

'I missed my bestfriend by my side ror' she said as she hugged my back 'I missed you too babe' i said as i hugged her arms around my neck. 

It was me, Lox , Allison, Carter and Johnson against Cameron, Nash, Jack ,Taylor & Matt. We hand so much fun as all of us tried to jump up for the ball and missing once in a while. I loved being around the boys and my bestfriend as we always had lots of laughs. 

I heard my phone ring and got out of the pool running towards it picking up. 

'Hello?' no answer 'Hello, who am i speaking to?' i said again but once again no answer until suddenly

'Don't have too much fun without me Aurora'  i smiled knowing it was Shawn 'Heyyy, ofcourse not! How are you?' i said as i sat down wrapping the towel around me. I talked to Shawn for a while before going back to sit at the edge of the pool before Jack came over to me as he rested on my legs 

'Who was on the phone babe' he said laying his head on my legs kissing them ' Shawn he wished me a happy new year and we talked for a little.' i said smiling as i played with his hair ' oh' was all he said 'Are you jealous of Shawn babe?' i said as he wasn't on my legs anymore i got into the pool swimming over to him wrapping myself around him. 

'Would you be mad if i say i was?' 'Ofcourse not it's cute' 'Well i am, he is your ex boyfriend off 3 and a half years so you guys are so close. I just don't want to loose you' he said kissing my lips quickly 'Don't be scared baby, I love you and only you. I had to fight alot for you to finally see me as more than your bestfriend.' i said laughing ' You are my beautiful baby' he said looking at me. 


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