28. The Archmage

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He had spent the day writing recommendations and letters of state to be handed off to various government officers. He sat at his desk scribbling notes, not much farther along than when he had first began, with a pile of crumpled papers beside him, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door sliding open. He glanced over his shoulder to the sight of gloved knuckles as they rapped against the door frame.

"Lord Blackridge, I have a proposition for you."

'Kallida. But he never follows proper protocol on titles. Unless...' He set his pen down on the letter he was drafting and turned his chair to face the door. There stood a second figure behind the first, and he smiled. 'As I thought.'

"And I perceive a guest, as well, Master Kallida. Or to what do I owe the honor?"

"Well, Master Blackridge," Kallida began, "it is the time for apprenticeships to be awarded, as you well know."

'That's better. I was concerned the man may have developed some sense.'

"Yes, I am aware, but that usually doesn't affect me, as you well know."

"Well, yes, but... this year I think I have just the man for you."

"Oh really? I thought that I had been deemed a bad influence."

"Well... yes. And you are."

"And didn't you get up before the king last year about this time when he asked why I had not been awarded an apprentice and give a speech detailing the way in which I would go about bending the minds of our youth and corrupting their morals?"

"Well... yes. And again, I stand behind the sentiment."

"Well, then. Master Kallida, what are you doing here?"

"Lord Blackridge," he said, beckoning the young man forward and presenting him to the Archmage, "this is Kelvin Dehnhardt. He is the highest ranking student at the Royal Academy, and is currently in training to be a Knight of the Royal Guard. Additionally, he prefers that position be gained by appointment rather than bloodshed. Need I go further? When given the opportunity to choose his instructor, he gave me no preference but submitted himself to my judgement. Naturally, I thought of you."

'I understand now. I can't corrupt someone who's like me.'

"Thank you, Master Inquisitor. This seems... an appropriate placement."

"I'm pleased to hear you think so, Lord Archmage."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Dehnhardt," Blackridge said, addressing the young man who stood respectfully before him.

"It is merely Mr. Dehnhardt, Lord Blackridge," he humbly corrected with a bow. "And the pleasure is mine."

Blackridge smiled. "Perhaps," he said softly, "but it will be." He turned his attentions to Kallida. "You will leave us now?"

"Indeed. I will leave you to your comfort, Lord Blackridge," he stated with a bow much less extravagant than Kelvin's before making a speedy exit.

"Thank you," Blackridge said, amused.

'That was nice. I wonder if I could get him to show such respect more often. But then... he has been suspiciously polite since the incident with the blood tracking, and it's making me nervous, especially given my present lack of a means of communication.'

"Well, Mr. Dehnhardt, it would seem that we're going to be spending quite a bit of time together. I think it would be best that we become acquainted."

"Yes, sir. I would agree."

"Would you like a chair, then?"

"No, sir. Thank you. I'll stand."

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