54. Timothy Garner

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'Among other things...' His mind was filled with thoughts and memories of all those "other things" as he walked out of the meeting accompanied by Benjamin and Jordan.

It seemed to be a pleasant conversation Jordan was having with him, but very one-sided by virtue of the fact that he hadn't heard a word of it. Benjamin would chime in on occasion, but he hadn't heard that, either. His mind was in another place, another time, and old words echoed in his ears.

'What is it you think you're doing? ...Look! Now you've gone and broken Marcus. He's even begun to act like you - silly! ...You're charlatans, nothing but charlatans! As far as I'm concerned, the Seer shouldn't have an office! ...Who do you think you are asking to marry my sister as if you had a right to her? ...You have no place here! Stay out of my life - the two of you! I will have nothing to do with you.'

He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the memories of far gone days, then stopped, his eyes fixed on something which he could not see. "Timothy," he muttered.

Jordan stopped, having gone a pace ahead. "What?" he asked, turning back to him with his eyes a gentle question.

Eliezer's eyes lightened as his face lifted, and he blinked, recognizing Jordan for the first time in minutes. "What?" he replied as a man caught out of a daze.

Jordan's face shifted with concern as he carefully examined his friend. "Are you alright?" he asked, moving closer.

"Quite alright, but I think I've thought too much," Eliezer responded, offering a friendly smile.

Jordan watched him with quiet love and skepticism.

"I'm sorry, Jordan," Eliezer said, "I should have told you, but I must talk to Timothy. You two go on ahead of me."

"Timothy? Yes, of course..." Jordan replied with hesitance. It seemed that he had wanted to ask something more, but he restrained himself, something which Eliezer supposed to be because he didn't think it his place to do so.

"Thank you, Jordan," he said, cordially patting his arm with an amiable smile. "Ben," he added, beckoning the young man closer.

Benjamin watched him, his eyes fixed on him with interest, and Eliezer smiled at him as his heart filled with affectionate pride.

'What a wonderful child.'

"Well done!" he told the boy emphatically, his words brimming with cheerful enthusiasm.

Benjamin grinned, his face lightened. "Thank you, Ambassador," he said with a bow.

Eliezer looked on him with fondness.

'And this, the king, you sent to us. Do you delight in him as I do? Tell me, young man, who raised you?'

He sighed.

'He is so very much like us...'

"I'll meet you both home," he said with a pat of Jordan's arm before turning back again towards town.


He found Timothy Garner still near the Council Building. He stood alone next to the hitching post where his horse was tethered, securing his pack to the back of the saddle of the chestnut steed.

"Timothy," he called out when he was still some distance away, "you always were the last to leave."

Timothy froze, his fingers no longer fidgeting with the string he used to tie his things. "Eliezer," he said with mild agitation, then sighed. "I thought I told you to stay out of my life."

"A request which you should have known I couldn't well honor," Eliezer replied, moving slowly towards him. "You know that as the Ambassador I am responsible to the Council. If you hadn't wanted to see me, you shouldn't have accepted the position."

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