51. Council

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It was early in the afternoon when Mira and Ellis arrived in the wagon filled with supplies which everyone helped them to unpack at the direction of the kindly Phia Carder, who saw to it that all were properly settled and appropriately cared for, and all was now at peace as they approached the evening meal.

Jordan had left for the Council meeting that morning, as was usual, determined to arrange a meeting between the Council and their Ambassador, but he had not yet arrived back, though it was near evening.

"Phia," Eliezer asked with some concern, "what time does Jordan generally arrive home?"

"About mid-afternoon," she told him, stirring a pot for supper.

"I thought so," he said, recalling his conversation with Jordan from the previous evening.

"Oh, don't fret, Eliezer!" she told him, waving a wooden spoon with some soup on it. "He's just been delayed is all."

He smiled, "Surely."

'I hope that's the case, but I am concerned that it may be something more personal. It's been twenty years since I last appeared before the Council; many of these representatives have never even met me, and, from a Pyrean governmental prospective, not only am I a man without a position, I am a fugitive wanted for treason. If they don't take seriously their own governmental power or my continued responsibility to them, they may be hesitant to see me, especially now... and with Timothy...'

The door opened, and Eliezer hurried from the kitchen through the dining room to the main entry way. "Jordan!" he said at the sight of his friend.

"Well, Eliezer, we did it," he told him breathily as he leaned tiredly against the door to push it shut behind him.

"Jordan..." Eliezer said, "are you alright?"

"Fine, fine," he said, moving forward with long stumbling steps before falling back into a comfortable living room armchair. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Just a long day is all, Eliezer, but it's all been arranged," he assured him. "They'll see you tomorrow."

'Poor Jordan...'

"Was it difficult for you to arrange?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

'Yes... it was very hard fought, clearly, but I am very grateful for his persistence.'

"Ohhh, was it?" He sighed, pushing his head back and taking a breath again. He opened his eyes, addressing his friend. "Eliezer, I..." he paused, his face turned towards him. "I've been here for thirty-five years. I'm an old man now, and my wife is old, and our children are grown. You know, times have changed, and the people have changed, and the Council has changed. I've tried, Eliezer, really I have, but... I'm sorry; I don't know how the Council will receive you." He stopped, his eyes sad. "But," he said again, "they will see you."

"However it is, Jordan, we must try," Eliezer steadfastly reminded him, "and we shall face the day together..."

"With a firm reliance upon the benevolence of our Supreme King," Jordan smiled, finishing the familiar phrase. "Thank you for that." He paused, considering their present situation. "You know, Eliezer, perseverance has always been one of my better traits. So, anytime you are in need of anything, please..." he said, leaning back in the chair wearily, "I'm right here. Please know that. I'm right here."

"Jordan, I..." Eliezer stopped, taking a deep bow to show his appreciation. "Thank you."


The next morning, Eliezer and Jordan departed together for the Kingsmen Council Building. There, Eliezer would present his case for the necessity of war to the seven delegates, who would in turn review the proposal and ask questions of their Ambassador.

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