78. Warring with Dragons

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Adrien raised his head to the sound of the black waters ritual as the unending voice of the tiny, minuscule dragons berated him

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Adrien raised his head to the sound of the black waters ritual as the unending voice of the tiny, minuscule dragons berated him. To the others there, it was a sound like a high pitched scream, but to him it was the words of the dragon tongue which led to the creature's summoning.

"Dezu draco mortek, dominus mundus, dominus coelum. Dezu exsindo haxikus vestris mortek. Detraxis amarte portentik glaukxis. Exuros pux hominus exis fazik malumi provenias," the voice of the dragons repeated in the harsh tones of their dark melody, and it drained in his ears continuously, maddening him.

Adrien drew his sword and swung it out into the rain, splattering the drops and, for a moment, disrupting the magicians' song.

"Well, if it isn't Lord Blackridge," a voice came from behind him, snide and condescending.


He turned to the sight of the dark shadowy figure which was built up and formed before his eyes from the tarry black liquid which covered the ground. Together, the droplets were pulled up from the earth and assembled into the likeness of the Inquisitor, his body molded out of utter darkness.

"You know, the king isn't very happy with you ever since that little stunt you pulled with Charlenade." Kallida smirked. "Don't look so startled, Blackridge. You've seen this all before. You've done it yourself."

The people continued to rush by them as Adrien stood silent before the Inquisitor and the large drops of magic rain splattered on his face, stinging his skin with the tiny bites of nipping dragons as their bodies deteriorated.

"If you're wondering why they're not stopping, it's because they can't see me, Blackridge - only you. These people? They're not familiar with magic as you are. They don't know what to look for to see it."

"What is it you want?" Adrien asked, becoming annoyed by the dark presence of his rival.

Kallida laughed, his lips parting into an evil grin. "I just want to know one thing, Blackridge - why? Why would you turn and serve Caliphus after everything you have done to destroy him?"

Blackridge looked the magician's copy in the eyes, and he said, "There is no power, Kallida, no position, no magic, no gain which will ever change a man's soul or ease his conscience. Death is something we're born with. Life is a gift, one which is received by far too few a people," he shook his head, "but I will not be a casualty of my Lord's denial."

"Pity," the mage replied. "You could have had what you wanted, but now it's your life that's demanded. You know, treason is a serious offense."

Adrien watched him closely, trying to discern his true intentions. 'He wants something. What is it? What is he truly trying to accomplish?'

"You still don't get it do you, Blackridge? It's you I want. I want your position, and for that, I'll take your life. So, come and find me, Blackridge. Come and stop the dragon's summoning. Come find me, or I'll find you. We'll have a duel for old times, only this time, I'll kill you... just like every one of your friends."

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