50. Jordan Carder

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He rode at the front, Dorcus to his right, and Benjamin behind them with Justice and Alexander at his wings. Avera followed behind Benjamin with Joseph and Adrien accompanying her. It was a familiar journey and one which he had been given the task of navigating. Still, he was not accustomed to it by night, and he kept his map open as they moved quickly through the forest by the fading grey of dusk and twilight.

"Eliezer," Dorcus said after they had been riding for a short while.

"Hm?" he glanced in her direction before consulting his map again.

"We'll have to speed up a bit. Elsewise, we shan't break through the thick of these woods before the night falls upon us."

"Yes, of course," he said, raising his body upwards and gently pressing with his knees against the horse's body.

She smiled, urging her horse forward as she followed after him.

They continued swiftly on through the forest by the thinning light of even, staying clear of the roadways so as to avoid government checkpoints and threat of discovery. They reached the forest edge just as the final slivers of daylight faded into total darkness, and they all rejoiced in heart to see the lights of Elkshire appear before them as they broke through the line of trees.

"Nearly there!" he happily proclaimed.

"We are, indeed!" Dorcus replied triumphantly. "Well done, Ambassador!"

'Now, I only pray that there is no further difficulty. If Adrien is correct, then Alhor should have abandoned the town already. My hope, then, is that we should be able to see Jordan without any threat of complication. Though, I am thankful. This has been a providential journey. We are past all major obstacles without incident and find ourselves on schedule as we ride together through this beautiful night.' He looked to the stars. 'How glorious they all are, fragments of your kingly splendor strewn about the open sky.'

"Admiring them," Dorcus asked, "or are you trying to count again?"

"Not this time," Eliezer chuckled. "Tonight, I'm merely sightseeing. Though, I wonder which sight is more splendid, whether this," he said, his face turned upwards, "or that," he added, adjusting his gaze again to the shining lights of Elkshire.


When they arrived in Elkshire, the burning street lamps and lights from houses dimly illuminated the large town with a soft orange glow. They had slowed their horses to a walk, remaining cautious of the ever present guards who walked the streets by night. There were a few people here or there, still out milling about in the late summer evening. He kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead, careful to avoid contact with anyone as they went on quietly through the night.

He was glad in heart as his eyes laid upon the familiar sight of the house of Jordan Carder. It was a fashionable wooden structure, large enough to comfortably fit a family or some guests, fully finished with large windows and a standing porch with stairs down to the lawn and path which led up from the main road of the town thoroughfare. There was the warm light and flickering of fire in the lamp of the house which passed through the broad window of the second floor study, and he felt some relief as the tension lifted.

'He is awake, then. Thank you.'

They began to climb the winding path which led to the place given the representative from Delphi. The property had with it a sizable plot of land which kept the house somewhat back and away from the other homes. There was a guesthouse to their right as they approached and a coach house beside it.

The people of Delphi maintained a certain dignity about them, a dignity which Jordan Carder had always allowed to bear upon his lifestyle and conduct.

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