44. Rest

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"How about a speech there, Webber?" Vanguard called out from his place behind the camera to their left.

"Absolutely not!" Eliezer responded, turning his attentions to the room. "And you all should know better than to ask that of me, anyway! I don't give speeches, and what's more... I'm tired."

He made a broad sweeping motion with his hand as he spoke, overdramatizing the subject to preserve the lightness of the mood, but she could see the weariness as it began to seep through his merry visage.

"Oh, come now!" Vanguard protested.

"No, no," Eliezer said, raising his hand with some insistence. "I am going to bed," he announced in no uncertain terms.

"Eliezer," Dorcus muttered softly, attracting his attention.

He turned to her and his eyes softened. "I must admit that I am feeling rather faint," he confessed to her with quiet tenderness, "but I wouldn't want them to become concerned for me."

She felt her heart pulling at her.


"Yes, of course," she quietly assured him. "Eliezer..." she hesitated. "Are you... alright?"

"I'm fine," he assured her with a comforting smile and adoring eyes. "I only need a little rest."

"Very well," she told him with a caring smile.

'I wish you wouldn't allow yourself to get like this, but in this instance... I'm not sure there was much choice. Still...'

"Ellis," she called with a wave of her hand, catching the attention of the gentle giant. "Take Eliezer down to his chambers, please, and see to it he gets to bed alright."

"Of course, m'lady," he said, and he hurried over, wrapping his arm around her companion with a smile.

Eliezer nodded, much too tired to protest the favored treatment. He blinked wearily, his eyes watching her.

"Thank you all for the kind welcome," he said as he approached the staircase with Ellis. "I am sorry to cut it short."

There were scattered greetings of parting and well wishes which echoed from around the room.

"Oh, and Ben," Eliezer called out, stopping at the threshold of the stairs.

Benjamin's head turned to face him. "Yes, sir?" he said inquisitively.

"All is well," he told him, offering a quick nod and an affectionate smile.

Benjamin bowed himself deeply, returning the sentiment, and she saw the drops of water as they fell discreetly to the wood floor beneath him.

'Poor child. All is well, indeed, but... even so, there has been such hardship for all of us. True, Eliezer has taken the brunt of it, always, but... it does so hurt my heart...' she looked again to Benjamin, 'and yours.'

"Mira, darling," Dorcus said, affectionately addressing Ellis's wife when her husband and Webber had gone.

"Yes, ma'am," Mira replied, coming quickly to her side.

"Would you please fetch Mr. Webber some water and see that he drinks it?" Dorcus kindly requested.

"Consider it done, Miss," Mira told her with a gentle smile. "And will you be needing bread?"

'She's so sweet.'

"None for me, thank you, dear, but... take some to Eliezer, if you would, please. He is in need of nourishment, no matter what he may tell you."

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