58. Death's Arrow

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It was a week ago that he had stood over the body of a dead prince as Zahaynei removed the arrow from his chest.

"Here," the Captain of the King's armies had said as he handed him the bloodied arrow, "for your troubles."

He had even been congratulated by the King himself and received honors. Still, something was wrong. It wasn't something that he had ever felt proud or happy about. Just... different.

For the past week, whenever it was night and he was in his chambers, he would sit up on his bed and twist the arrow in his fingers as he considered things.

It was strange to watch a man die. Caliphus had been so very much alive until he wasn't. The image had haunted him. He hadn't ever killed someone before that. He hadn't even harmed someone before that.

He thought of the arrow's release, its flight, its impact... how he watched Caliphus fall, how the blood poured out and covered him, how the light faded from his eyes and the fire flickered and died and the room became dark. He thought it strange that he had shot so easily, that he had been so quick to kill, and he wasn't sure he liked what he saw of himself that day.

Now he stood with Kallida before the King as they gathered in the intelligence room to discuss their plan of strategy. Captain Zahaynei had returned from yet another outing with his hands empty, but he had requested a meeting, reporting that he had information which may be of interest to them. The room was dark and sizable with diverse tech of various uses and stations throughout. Zahaynei had been delayed, and they waited for him in silence.

'It is a wonder that Colonel Garner didn't destroy this place, too... but the guardsmen may have stopped him before he had the chance. The blood storage was a significant loss to us, but it can be redone. Still, it's a shame. We could have used that to track Webber. Since he did work in the city, we must have had his blood on file. Kallida's magic works wonders, but its use is limited.

'It was good to kill Caliphus, but... he was just collateral damage. That wasn't our objective. The King may have been happy to hear of his challenger's death, but, in truth, our mission was a failure. The King was very clear.

'"Kallida, preform a summoning. Track Webber. He will lead us to Garner. And send two birds: one at the front and another behind. Then, when they stop the one, we will take them with the other."

'Our mission was clear. Follow the ravens. Track Webber. Find Garner. Apprehend them. Present them to the King for the purpose of open humiliation and public execution. Then would begin the reforms.

'But... Caliphus got in the way. There's no other way to see it. He got in our way, and we failed the mission because of him.

'Anyway, I do wonder why Zahaynei called this. He certainly doesn't have them, either, but he may know where they are.'

Kelvin heard the sound of the door as it slid open and the heavy footsteps of booted feet as they approached from behind him. He and Kallida looked back towards the door.

'Zahaynei. At last.'

"Captain Zahaynei," Zephyr said, greeting his commander with deliberate intention, "you bring news of my adversaries?"

"I do, O King. May they be cursed and few," Zahaynei said, taking a knee before he continued on. "I have news of the Kingsmen Representatives of Caliphus's Court, Ambassador Webber and Seer Garner by name. It seems they are in Elkshire."

"Well done, Captain," Zephyr applauded. "You've found them. I feared we had lost them again, but I suppose they're desperate now."

"So it seems," Zahaynei agreed. "The ambassador has appeared before the Council of the Kingsmen and requested a Declaration of War be passed."

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