32. The Arrest

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Kelvin walked down the cluttered halls of High Palace uncomfortable with all that he had seen. The term "enemy of the state" had left him with a much more sinister impression than that of the mild-mannered man who had met them at the door of the Kingsmen congregation early that morning. Generally, an arrest was made with much yelling and screaming of curses and revilings on the part of malefactor, but Webber had conducted himself with unparalleled dignity and given himself peaceably to their charge. He hardly spoke a word, even when the soldiers mocked him.

It was an embarrassment to Kelvin to have been associated with such an apprehension, one in which justice seemed crueler than the man at fault. And for all of that, Kallida had recovered a ring, one which he now held and was sent to be delivered to Blackridge along with the simple directive to "see what he says."

Blackridge was conducting interviews regarding the disappearance of the man at the Klauthbrid residence when Kelvin met him.

He bowed, presenting himself as the mage emerged from one room on his way to another. "Lord Blackridge," he politely addressed.

"Kelvin," he responded with a smile. "Welcome back. You're in good time, really. I have one last interview, and I would like to have your help for it."

"Of course," Kelvin replied with a quick nod.

"How was it with Kallida?" Blackridge asked him.

"Very smooth," Kelvin informed him. "Everything went well, and the arrest was made without incident, which reminds me..." he paused, remembering the ring, and reached into his pouch. He removed the metal band, presenting it to Blackridge. "Lord Kallida sent this for you."

Blackridge kept his face from emotion, but his dark eyes told another tale as they reflected his inner sadness. "Thank you, Kelvin," he said, and he reached slowly forward, gently plucking the shining piece of metal from his hand. He took the ring and turned it in the light, carefully examining the intricate crafting of delicate flowers and circular bands. Blackridge let out a soft sigh. "Where did you get this?" he asked him.

"The Ambassador, sir," Kelvin responded. "It was in his pocket when we searched him."

"You're certain there was no one else there?"

"None, sir," Kelvin assured him.

"Right. Well," he murmured, placing the ring in his pouch. "I'll hold onto this, then."

"Yes, sir," he replied.

'Another person? He couldn't know who that belongs to... could he?'

They came to another room for interviews, and the door slid open revealing a dark room with a table and three chairs around it, all of them maurium, and one of which was inhabited by a familiar figure.

'Avera!' His eyes grew wide with astonishment.

"I have good news for you, young lady," Blackridge proclaimed as they entered. "You're being released."

"Lord Blackridge," Avera addressed with some relief, "thank you." She was blinking from the sudden change in lighting. "And Quince!" She smiled. "How nice to see you, also!"

"Avera..." he stammered, and he smiled, unsure of what to say. "Hi."

"Mr. Dehnhardt is my apprentice," Blackridge told her, taking a seat at the end of the table. "He and I will he taking your official statement."

"Avera..." Kelvin began slowly, "what happened? I heard you were nearly kidnapped."

"It's hard to say," Avera expressed. "I was asleep. Then, suddenly, there was a man in my bedroom telling me to come with him."

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