Chapter 1: Tweets

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@calamarimode 04:23PM
So there's this new guy in my class this year who I am battling for dominance over who can wear the worst hipster outfits. I don't know if he's thinking the same thing - regardless I intend on winning.
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Kaminari woke up at around six in the morning, strands of golden blond hair either sticking to his face or sticking out in various directions

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Kaminari woke up at around six in the morning, strands of golden blond hair either sticking to his face or sticking out in various directions. He'd never usually wake up at such a responsible hour, but today was the exception.

Kaminari was a full time college student majoring in graphic design and English. Often times he'd stay up late editing his latest video or 'studying' — when I say studying, I mean he plays video games or watches anime with his textbook tossed off to the side somewhere. These activities usually led to him going to bed at roughly two to three o'clock in the morning.

So how is Kaminari up at six, without the help of an alarm or friend?

"Why the hell is my phone buzzing all the time," Kaminari grumbled tiredly. He grabbed the object in question, slipped out of bed and walked towards his bathroom. Once he turned on his phone, the cause of the constant buzzing was clear.

Hundreds of thousands of notifications came from Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and even Snapchat.

Kaminari tried racking his brain to think about what could've been the cause of this.

Blinking a couple of times to make sure this wasn't a dream, Kaminari clicked on the twitter icon to see what was up.

"@uradekuwu wait OMG!!! This sounds like @shoto 's tweet!!"

"@shoto_no1_fangirl @shoto @shoto @shoto is Kaminari talking about you??!!?!"

"@Stupid_Brats1225 who tf is @shoto ?"
"@guwuavity replying to @Stupid_Brats1225 hes also a YouTuber"
"@Stupid_Brats1225 replying to @guwuavity what does he have to do with the tweet tho,,,,;;"
"@guwuavity replying to @Stupid_Brats1225 @shoto 's recent tweet says smth similar to this!!11!1"

Kaminari read a couple more comments until he just about got the gist of the situation. Seeing as he had a couple more hours until classes started, he decided it wouldn't hurt to check out who this '@shoto' guy was.

Going off the username alone, Kaminari could easily assume this guy was a pretty lame guy. Oh, how terribly, terribly wrong he was.

"Oh it is him," Kaminari mumbles in mild awe. The man in the profile picture was the exact same guy in his class. "The fuck, who would've guessed."

Scrolling through this guy's timeline taught Kaminari four things: 1. This guy was apart of a very popular squad on YouTube with countless active followers, 2. This guy had mentioned Kaminari as the 'hipster wannabe' twelve hours ago, 3. This guys seemed like a total douche and 4. To check the time so he wouldn't have to rush out to get to his class.

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now