Chapter 5: Confessions

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@calamarimode 12:50PM
I still don't like you @PepsiDude and why tf did you change your user
936k retweets 1m likes 1.2m comments
| @PepsiDude 01:03PM
That's not what you said last night 😦 and that's a secret
2m retweets 8.2m likes 5m comments

Something wasn't sitting right with him

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Something wasn't sitting right with him. Todoroki felt uneasy, a feeling he wouldn't even feel before an exam! He wasn't sure what was bugging him, but he'd sure as hell figure it out by the end of the night.

"Why aren't you having anything to drink?" Uraraka asked, standing beside Todoroki while her boyfriends went of with their friends. "Nobody likes a party pooper."

"I don't want to drink anything until we get to the shots," Todoroki explained casually. He and Kirishima had this long lasting competition on who can down the most shots before they got completely hammered.

"Besides," Todoroki looked at the entrance. "I've got a bad feeling."

"Didn't peg you for the superstitious type," Uraraka said in mild amazement.

"It's not that," Todoroki laughed. "Just a little uneasy is all."

Uraraka pouted our her lips, tapping her chin with a finger. "Maybe you're worried about something?"

"Maybe," Todoroki hummed, his gaze landing on a suspicious looking guy leave the house with two cups in his hand. He swallowed down his anxiety and turned back to look at Uraraka. "You don't have to babysit me you know. Go and have fun."

Uraraka scoffed, crossing her arms while still holding onto her glass of orange juice. "It's not you who I'm gonna have to babysit. Do you know what it's like when those two come over when they're pissed? It's awful."

"Please elaborate," Todoroki laughed.

"Neither of them can get to the bedroom, so they always end up on the sofa or a chair," Uraraka recounts. "And when they're just about to fall asleep they get up, go to the kitchen and eat ice. Just singular cubes of ice and complains it's too cold!"

By now Todoroki was wheezing because the thought of his friends eating ice at two in the morning was absolute gold. He made a mental note to himself to mention it once they were sober.

"Don't get me wrong though, I love them to death," Uraraka shook her head, a defeated sigh leaving her mouth. "But they're going to be the death of me."

Todoroki felt himself smile. He's had many partners over the years( both girls and boys) but somehow they always ended with him with a broken heart.

"What're you smiling about?" Uraraka asked, noticing the smile.

"I'm just happy for you guys," Todoroki admitted, shrugging his shoulders for possibly the hundredth time that night. "Makes me wish I had someone for me too."

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now