Chapter 16: Admit It

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"Will you go on a date with me?" Todoroki asked suddenly, eyes staring directly at Kaminari with no fear nor shame.

Kaminari on the other hand almost choked on his words. "Come again? I don't think I heard you correctly?"

"Will you go on a date with me?" Todoroki repeated calmly.

"Do you seriously have no tact?! I don't- You don't just- just ask something like that out of the blue!" Kaminari cried, his cheeks glowing like red light sticks.

Todoroki smirked, replying quickly with, "Did you want me to butter you up before asking?"

"God- no, that would be worse!" Kaminari gagged, letting his face fall into his palms. "How are you even calm? I'm freaking out here!"

"Because I know you're not the kind of person to stop being friends with someone just because they like you." Todoroki answered honestly and wholeheartedly.

"So you actually like me? This isn't some sort of joke?" Kaminari asked, looking at Todoroki through the crack between his fingers.

"Honestly," Todoroki pauses for a moment, almost hesitant to give his answer. "I'm pretty sure I do. And this is definitely not a joke."

"You think you do?" Kaminari questioned slowly.

"Well," Todoroki let his head fall back, eye fixated on the ceiling. "Whenever I feel like shit, I always seem to feel better just by talking with you. You're company is like. . . The continuous feeling you get when you finish a seventy four hour stream."

Kaminari snorted at that, but let Todoroki carry on.

"Even if you're an asshole sometimes, I somehow can't stay upset with you. You're so easy to talk to, and it's like you know exactly what to say" Todoroki continued. "I don't know if any of that makes sense or not."

"No, I get what you mean.." Kaminari murmured, finally lifting his face from his palms. The two caught each other's gaze before looking in opposite directions. "I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind going on a date."

"Really?" Todoroki asked, his lips curving upwards, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah sure," Kaminari replied sheepishly.


"I'll text you the details," Todoroki said, leaning his body against the doorframe.

"Yeah, just make sure you aren't sick or anything," Kaminari responded, lightly flicking Todoroki's nose. "I don't want to have to carry you home again."

"Consider that payback for being a dick," Todoroki shot back, pouting as he touched his nose.

"Good night," Kaminari huffed, waving goodbye.

"Night," Todoroki called, followed by the sound of the door closing.

Once Kaminari was sure the door was closed and would stay closed, he ran to his own apartment sonic style.

Although he managed to keep his composure around the other, inside he was freaking the fuck out.

"What is that idiot thinking!?" Kaminari cried, shutting the apartment door and leaning against it. He dropped his head to his palms, feeling the temperature of his cheeks increase by a couple hundred degrees.

Just thinking of how calm Todoroki was just pissed him off! When did he have the right to make Kaminari so flustered like this!?

Calming his thoughts, Kaminari remembered one key thing.

He was going to go on a date. With Todoroki. Of all people.

Maybe his heart did a couple backflips, and it's quit possible his stomach fluttered, but we can never knew for sure.

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now