Chapter 6: The Day After

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Brokugo😠💗 03:45am pinky and shit hair are freaking the fuck out. Where the hell are you

Me 12:03pm Fuck what happened last night-?

Me 12:03pm Fuck what happened last night-?

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Kaminari woke up to a murderous headache. His entire body ached and felt heavy.

He couldn't remember a single thing from last night other than the feeling of warmth. Not a nice warmth, more like a warmth you'd feel when you were completely hammered and maybe had a one too many hits.

"Fuckkkk," Kaminari cussed out, dragging the k out. Trying to sit up was an absolute nightmare. The sun shone through the cracks in between his curtains, the heat tickling his toes. The light was blinding, enough to make him wince just looking at it.

The blond reached out, trying to find his phone. He guessed it was almost ten in the morning, but needed to confirm it.

"Christ," Kaminari shot up once he checked the time. "It's already noon?!"

He felt all the blood rush to his head and almost puked. Luckily the bin was suspiciously sitting right next to the sofa. Bending over, he cleared the contents of his stomach into the plastic bin. The odour was foul, and made him scrunch up his nose in disgust.

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, noticing the plate of food, a box of aspirin and a note sitting on the coffee table. Since when had that been there?

I brought some food from my place + some aspirin. Hope it helps - Todoroki

What the hell happened last night. They didn't do anything, right?!

Kaminari started nibbling his thumb's nail, racking his brain to try and figure out what the hell happened.

But first, he needed to eat. And take some aspirin.


Todoroki stood outside the blond's door. He felt conflicted. Kaminari should've been awake by then, so he should be able to handle the rest of his own. Still, the feeling of worry and guilt was building in his stomach, almost making him feel sick.

Besides, he still couldn't get the memory of what Kaminari had done last night. Whenever he thought about it, he would feel his cheeks heat up and heart race. If he couldn't handle the thought of the guy, how could he possibly look at him in real life?

"Guys watch porn, and porn has dicks, so guys see each other's dicks all the time," Todoroki tried convincing himself. "So it's not bad if I heard him last night, right?"

It, sadly, only made him feel worse.

He contemplated just leaving the bag by the door and hope Kaminari has the strength to see it himself, but knew that was just a bad idea.

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now