Chapter 13: And He's Sick

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His muscles ached like hell, his forehead was throbbing, his nose was stuffy and his body felt like it was on fire.

"Motherfucker," Todoroki hissed, mad at himself. Why was he sick today of all days. The day he promised himself he would think about his feelings.

Being the type to avoid his problems, he figured he'd take a couple antibiotics, a bottle of water and just suck it up for the day. Like hell was he gonna lay about all day and do nothing but wallow in his sickness.

He pushed himself off the sofa, groaning when he felt a wave of dizziness. He shook it off and completed his morning routine, albeit slower than usual.

He was halfway done tying his shoelaces when his phone starts ringing from his back pocket.

"Yup?" Todoroki's poor excuse of a greeting. "Todoroki talking."

"Hey babe," Uraraka greeted cheerfully.

"You're awfully cheery this morning," Todoroki muttered.

"Well duh," Uraraka responded. "Today's me, Izuku and Tenya's fourth year anniversary! We were going to celebrate later tonight remember?"

Todoroki rubbed his temple. It completely slipped his mind. "Oh, right, that was today, huh?"

"Don't tell me you forgot!" Uraraka cried, her voice a couple pitches higher than normal.

"Oh I didn't," Todoroki lied. "I just didn't realise it was today today."

"There's no other today is there?" Uraraka retorted. "We'll all meet up at five at the station. You better be there."

"Don't worry," Todoroki said, adding a bye and hanging up.

Letting out a pained sigh, he chugged down his glass of water along side the antibiotics before heading out the door. He was at least grateful for the cool weather.

"Morning," Todoroki greeted the girl that lived next door. She was a petite girl with long dark green hair and tattoos drawn all over her skin.

"Good morning Todoroki," she greeted back. "You look like shit today."

"Wow, thank you," Todoroki gasped. "That's the look I was going for, you know?"

"Honestly, you look like you're ready to accept dead into your arms," she said, a concerned look on her face. "You should probably go to bed."

"I'm alright," Todoroki told her. "It's just a little cold is all."

"Well, I made a pot of soup last night, so come over later and I'll heat up some for you."

"Thank you Asui."

"I've told you, call me Tsuyu," Asui smiles at him. "And I'm just returning the favour, it's no big deal."


The day felt like a lifetime and then some.

By five, his head was its own marching band and his limbs were thoroughly jelly-fied. He had half a mind to excuse himself from the celebration, but in the six years of knowing either of the three, he's pretty sure he would know their reactions.

Uraraka: Scold him for not saying anything sooner.

Midoriya: Attempt to call an ambulance, but be so worried he'd end up calling chipotle.

Iida: Be somewhat sensible, but baby him too much that he would feel ten times more sick than to begin with.

There were no positives to telling them he was sick, and there was most certainly no positives to just not saying anything at all. Besides, it was karaoke. What could possibly go wrong at karaoke? It was the best place to drink his sickness away and have some fun.

"Sorry, have you been waiting long?" Todoroki smiles weakly as he called out to the group.

"Nope! We actually just arrived," Uraraka smiled cheerfully. "Well, Izuku and me that is."

"I've been waiting for the last seven minutes," Iida informed him.

"Yes babe, we know," Midoriya told him, tiptoeing and placing a soft kiss on the other's cheek.

"Momo and I just arrived not long ago either," Kendou informed Todoroki.

"Is that everyone?" Todoroki asked. He was suddenly very aware of just how single he was.

"Yup! That's everyone," Uraraka confirmed. "So let's get going!"

"I've actually been improving my karaoke skills," Iida said proudly, fixing his glasses with a confident expression.

"Bet you cant beat Momo," Kendou challenged.

"Excuse me?!" Yaoyorzoru squeaked.

"I accept your challenge," Iida grinned widely.

Todoroki felt his headache slightly worsen. Although, he wouldn't mind seeing who would win in that contest.

The karaoke bar wasn't far from the station, so it wasn't long until Todoroki could flop onto the lavish, stained sofa while the rest of the group talk about songs.

"Shoto, what do you wanna sing?" Midoriya asked him after they all input their songs in the queue. Just with the first batch of songs alone, Todoroki could already tell they'd be there for a few hours.

"She's so nice by Pink Guy," Todoroki said, not taking his eyes off the drinks menu. "Or Shut the Fuck Up, same guy."

"Come on!~" Uraraka groaned. "I'll be putting in I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney, and I expect you to be drunk enough to be happy about it."

"Probably," Todoroki hummed. He was well aware of the effects of mixing antibiotics with alcohol, but he quite frankly didn't care at this point. "I just want a drink."


"Can I take a breather?" Todoroki whispered. He was too drunk and way too sick to deal with anyone singing Dance With Somebody for the sixth time.

"Bye bye," Uraraka cooed, waving a piece of tissue like that of a princess in a cartoon.

Todoroki took that as his chance to leave. Not as elegantly as he would've liked, he left the karaoke bar and out into the cool night air. The cold air was a nice contrast to the almost suffocating heat of the karaoke room.

"Kaminari?" Todoroki murmured, turning his head to the side, towards the familiar sent of a burning cigarette. "Fuck you Kaminari. He's got me thinking about him when I'm alone and now when I'm sick. I hate him."

In fact, he hated him so much right now that he decided he was going to scold him. Through the phone. For, quite frankly, doing nothing.

"Hello?" Kaminari answered after a couple rings.

"You're annoying," Todoroki told him straight up. "You smoke so much I can even smell you all the way from here. It's not good for your health or your nails. You have really nice nails you know? And you just decide to turn this an ugly yellow from smoking. I should smack you for being that rude to your nails. And you stink of cigarettes too. Everywhere I go I can only remember you because of your dumb cigarette smell."

"Hold on. Todoroki is that you?" Kaminari questioned from across the line. "Are you drunk? And you sound like you've got a blocked nose- are you sick?!"

"No, you are," Todoroki replied shortly. "And did I ever tell you how annoying it is that you-"

"Okay, where are you right now?"

"Uh," Todoroki tried squinting at the colourful blobs that was supposed to spell out the name of the bar. "Somewhere on Earth."

"Wow, very helpful," Kaminari replied, sounding a little annoyed. "Just hold on, stay on the call okay?"

"Duh, I need to scold you."

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now