Chapter 12: Serious Question

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"Why?!" Todoroki cringed. The two were in the middle of reading possibly the worst fan fiction in existence.

"What's wrong with fanfic me?!!" Kaminari almost screamed, frustration and confusion boiling in the pits of his stomach.

"Oh come on, you can't pretend you wouldn't actually do that though," Todoroki snorted.

"I'm going to have to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up," Kaminari grinned. "Anyways, I think that's good enough for a video right?"

"Yeah, I don't think I could read another one," Todoroki replied, stretching his arms over his head. "How many have we read?"

"Uh," Kaminari counted with his fingers, his brows slightly furrowed as he thought about it. "Seven, maybe eight?"

"Wow," Todoroki yawned. "Guess I'll be having a cram session tomorrow night."

Kaminari let out a strangled noise before apologising. "Sorry, it's my fault we ended up not doing any studying."

"It's alright," Todoroki waved his hand. "I'm more worried about you. You haven't studied at all?"

"I'll be fine," Kaminari sniggered, taking the camera off it's stand to charge it. "If I fail, I fail."

"That's a shit attitude to have," Todoroki said sharply, raising a brow. "You should at least care a little."

"Doesn't matter, it's not I'll get a grade like yours or anything," Kaminari grumbled, avoiding eye contact with the other while he fumbled with plugging in his camera.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Todoroki sat up straighter in his chair now.

"Please," Kaminari scoffed. "You barely need to try and you get one of the top grades in our class."

"Since when?" Todoroki asked, slightly offended.

"It's really obvious. Ever since I saw you in class, it was obvious you didn't have to put much effort into your grades," Kaminari spoke sourly.

"Is that's why you disliked me?" Todoroki asked slowly.

Kaminari didn't reply for a couple seconds, but the silence felt like it lasted an eternity. "It's one of the reasons."

"The fuck?" Todoroki cussed, meaning to think it, but it just came out.

Somehow, Todoroki couldn't help the bitter laugh that escaped his lips. The odd thing was that it wasn't directed at the blond. "Hah, I suppose you might not be totally wrong with your assumption."


"Up until last year, I didn't need to put much effort into my studies," Todoroki mumbled. "But I can confidently say that's not the case anymore."

"You know, you should've told me if that was how you felt," Todoroki tried hiding a small smile.

"Well I never had a reason to talk to you up until now." Kaminari huffed, balling his hands into fists. "I'm sorry for thinking that about you, you know?"

"No use in worrying about it now," Todoroki told him.

"You're just going to forgive me just like that?!" Kaminari asked, surprised.

"Hell no," Todoroki shook his head. "But I'm just going to make you suffer for my video."

Kaminari pouted out. "You should at least, like, yell at me or something."

"Are you some sort of masochist?" Todoroki questioned.

"I'm-" Kaminari let out a strangled noise.

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now