Chapter 15: Today is Tomorrow

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Before reading this, I would suggest rereading chapter 12 before reading this one!! A lot of things will make sense( since I published that so long ago I thought it would help make stuff make sense sos jfhdjfbjdjd u don't need to if u don't wanna tho)


Todoroki cracks an eye open before immediately shutting it back again. His entire body felt tired and hot and his head was pounding like crazy. Even thinking made his head hurt. Hence the reason he did not question how he got home, or why Kaminari was switching the damp towel on his forehead a while later.

"You really surprised me last night," Kaminari said softly. Todoroki was almost certain the blond wasn't aware he was awake. However, he was a little too tired and a little too feverish to muster up the strength to tell him so.

"Calling me up like that," Kaminari continued, the towel now replaced. "Even though you were still an ass about it. Who the hell even drunk dials someone to tell them to stop smoking? That's seriously the worst."

There was a pause and Todoroki almost thought Kaminari had left.

". . . Thinking back, I'm actually kinda glad though," Kaminari admitted, his voice even softer. There were sounds of clothes shuffling before Kaminari continued. "Not sure why. You were insufferable and I swear trying to find your location made me lose ten years off my life. And I even couldn't sleep at all last night 'cause I was worried about you, you know?"

"And.. was I really the first person you thought of calling? Even if it was a drunk dial?" He sounded unsure.

Todoroki felt his throat tighten and heart squeeze.

"Gah! What am I even saying?!" Kaminari cussed himself, sounding equally as embarrassed as Todoroki felt. "You aren't even awake anyways."

There was silence again before the sound of clothes shuffling returned.


Kaminari stood up from his crouched down position, feeling his cheeks flaring with embarrassment. Did he seriously just say all that cringey crap!?

"This guy..." Kaminari took a quick glance at the other before turning away and scurried off to the kitchen. Like hell he did. He's just sleep deprived is all! His brain is probably fried from spending his time with Todoroki.

Dumping the cloth into the sink, the blond wondered if he actually meant anything he had said. I mean, of course he cared about Todoroki - they were, oddly enough, friends - but something in him was screaming at him that it didn't stop there.

"I wonder about that scar..." Kaminari spoke out loud, distracting himself from his thoughts. "Looks pretty old."

Shaking his head, he quickly wrung out the towel and placed it on the dish drier to let dry.

He hadn't eaten since yesterday's breakfast, so at this point he was starving. "Todoroki probably has some food laying around?"

The blond adventured into the fridge. The fridge was fully stocked, exactly like a respectable adult's fridge should be.

"Holy crap," Kaminari, the not-so-respected adult he was, was amazed at how organised it was. "You could feed a whole banquet of people with the shit he's got here."

He scavenged through, deciding to make some fried rice. It was simple, and easy to reheat. He figured he could store the leftovers for Todoroki's dinner.

He also took out the box of soup Asui brought in last night to reheat.

"Let's do this," Kaminari grinned, tying his hair up into a tiny ponytail with the spare hair tie he always kept around his wrist.

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now