Chapter 11: Fiction by the Fans

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"What's Wattpad," Todoroki asked out of the blue.

He and Kaminari were chilling out in Todoroki's living room. Originally, they planned to study to make up for the hours they wasted last night playing Royal. Although, these two seem to have a track record for not following their plans.

"Excuse me?" Kaminari asked, looking up from Todoroki's switch, a perplexed expression written across his face.

"Wattpad. It's popped up quite a few times in my comments," Todoroki expanded, extending his phone out so the blond could see on his screen.

"You've gotta be shitting me right now!" Kaminari almost screamed as he snatched the phone out of the other's hands. "Oh my God."

"What? What's wrong?" Todoroki loomed over Kaminari's shoulder, curiously looking at his phone. "Is there something I should know?"

Kaminari stayed silent for a moment before letting out a wavering sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I never thought," Kaminari had to cover his mouth to hold in his impending laughter. "There'd be this much."

"What 'this much'," Todoroki asked, puzzled and a little frustrated Kaminari refused to explain what's going on.

"Fanfiction," Kaminari stressed on the single word, looking and sounding quite pleased. Todoroki only blinked a couple of times.

"Please don't tell me you don't know what fan fiction is," Kaminari almost pleaded, his eyebrows knit together and his lips forced into a frown.

"Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is," Todoroki sighed. "But I'm assuming it's a good thing?"

"Great for a video idea," Kaminari grinned wickedly.

Todoroki gulped, having a bad feeling about this.

Regardless of what his gut told him, Todoroki found himself half an hour later shoved in Kaminari's office attempting to create an introduction for a video.

"Todoroki, you've never heard of fan fiction, right?" Kaminari tilted his head sideways, his golden hair framing his face.

Todoroki coughed into his fist, looking away and saying, "Not up until thirty minutes ago; no."

"Okay, so I'll briefly explain what it is," Kaminari said, looking back to the camera. Todoroki was almost grateful the other wasn't looking at him anymore in that cute way.

"It's basically stories made by the fans about something. Fiction by the fans, hence the name fan fiction." Kaminari explained, or at least tried to. "In our case it would be about you and me."

"There's a catch, isn't there?" Todoroki asked.

"Yup. When I say about you and me I mean about you and me together," Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows when he emphasised the word together.

Todoroki held his face in his hands, letting out the deepest and longest sigh that day. "Oh my God."

"So for this video, we'll be reading a few," Kaminari beamed, clasping his hands together. "Isn't this gonna be fun?"

"Can't think of any better way to spend my day rather than reading stories about us together," Todoroki responded sarcastically, digging his face into his palms.

"Great! Because I see one that sounds like it's gonna be a fun read," Kaminari grinned brighter. "It's called Friend Zero by user Pee Pee underscore Users."

"Oh God," Todoroki groaned.

Kaminari's smile grew wider in amusement. "Come on! If you do this for me, I'll do a video for you!"

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now