Chapter 17: Date

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*sweats profusely at how late this is* so this is fine(: ...

It took three days for Kaminari to receive news on when and where the date would take place. During this three day period, Todoroki seemed to act as if nothing happened, making Kaminari both annoyed and worried.

"Maybe he cancelled on me," Kaminari muttered to himself, staring down at his less than appetising salad. "Could've been a dream?"

Spacing out, as Kaminari would learn, is the worst thing you could do around his friends.

"You got a date?" Ashido asked suddenly, pulling Kaminari out of his thoughts and back to Earth.

"Huh? No-" Kaminari responded quickly. "I mean, I don't really know anymore."

"Did they ask you out then ghost you?" Tamaki, who had been quietly playing a mobile game beside Kirishima, finally spoke up.

"It's not like that," Kaminari deflated. He wondered why he was feeling so bummed out by how usual their relationship had been since, but didn't dare voice out his thoughts.

"Aw dude, there's plenty of fish out there in the sea," Kirishima tried encouraging the blond. Needless to say, it was not helping.

"Who is it anyway?" Ashido asked, being her nosy self. "Don't get me wrong, it's only for research purposes."

"Research purposes?" Kirishima asked doubtfully. Turning to Kaminari, he told him, "You don't need to tell us who it is."

"He says that, but he's actually curious too," Tamaki chimed in. "That's not to say I'm not interested too."

"Yeah! We'll go beat them up for you," Ashido grinned.

"We don't need to resort to violence," Kaminari told them hastily. "I guess I'm a little disappointed because I was kinda looking forward to it."

Once he uttered the words, a clear ping cane from none other than Kaminari's phone.

Mr Trust Fund🧚‍♀️✨ Hey you free tomorrow?

"Who's Mr Trust Fund?" Tamaki asked, noticing the notification.

"It's no one," Kaminari replied, probably expecting some absurd meme.

"I don't think it's no one. They're asking if you're free tomorrow." Tamaki picked up the phone and tossed it over to Kaminari, the blond barely managing to catch said device with a groan.

"Eh?!" Kaminari let out, staring baffled at the name that appeared on screen. He blinked a couple of times before the phone was snatched out of his hands and in the grubby clutches of Ashido. A mischievous, untrustworthy Ashido.

"Hey hey hey-! Give that back!" Kaminari screeched, trying to grab his phone back. Ashido, as much as a darling she is, was holding the blond's phone just out of reach.

"Oh, looks like lover boy's got a date!" Ashido squealed excitedly, reading the message. Skilfully, she typed a response to the message with one hand. Once the message sent, she tossed the phone back to Kaminari with a, "You're welcome!"

Kaminari, slightly panicked, looked at what Ashido sent. He felt his soul leave his body.

Me I'm free tonight actually(;

"Oh wowie," Kirishima whispered, peering over Kaminari's shoulder.

Mr Trust Fund🧚‍♀️✨ Oh, then I'll pick you up at 7?


Kaminari stared flatly at his own reflection, hands resting on his hips, fingers tapping gently against groins. Never in his life had he ever cursed his lack of fashion sense more than this moment in time.

It's especially troublesome when you lack an interesting personality; at least in Kaminari's case.

"Fuck me with a stick, guess we're going with this," Kaminari let out a sigh. He was wearing a sun bleached green shirt, a black checkered button up around his waist and a pair of jeans that were dotted with a couple water stains if you squinted. What? You can blame a guy for giving up on looking nice when the last time he was in a relationship was over two years ago. Let him be a human wreck in peace.

Kaminari made a noise that was in between being a moan and a sigh when the door bell went off.

The blond, in an elegant fashion - well, as elegant as he could - walked to the door and opened it. Kaminari would argue that he simply forgot how to breathe and most certainly not taken aback by how stunning Todoroki looked.

The man at his door was wearing a white button up shirt, two buttons left unbuttoned, a puffy black jacket and a pair of black trousers. A backpack was slung over his shoulder.

"Puffy," Kaminari managed to spit out.

Todoroki twisted his face into confusion before looking down to his jacket. "Does it look stupid?"

"Stupid cute," Kaminari admitted. "Cute like the marshmallow guy."

Todoroki snorted at the comparison. "Thank you, that was exactly what I was going for."

"You look nice though," Kaminari said. "Really nice."

"Thanks, you too.." Todoroki's cheeks slightly flushed a light pink. Clearing his throat after a moment of silence, Todoroki suggested they head out. "I found this place I think you might like."

"As long as it's not somewhere expensive, I'll like anything," Kaminari responded, a cheeky smile crawling on his face.

The two walked down and took a taxi, Todoroki telling the driver a location Kaminari could quite recognise.

Hi, so I'm writing this now to say that I've given up on finishing this story... it was fun while it lasted, but I've lost interest in finishing the last bit of this story.. If you're interested in the date, this is what would've happened:

- they go to a music festival
- vibe out for a bit near the ball pit
- they spend a bit of time trying to decide whether they want to buy pizza or fajitas
- near the end of the night they find a quiet spot and enjoy the faint hums of music being carried by the wind
- they hold hands and Kaminari tells Todoroki he'd like to be in a relationship
- Todoroki is a happy boi
- they hold hands until they get home where they hug each other good night
- they tell their friends after a month of dating each other
- they don't go public about their relationship until five~six months later where they do a very ambiguous story of them holding hands
- they play games on the weekends together and live stream a whole lot more after going public
- it's just a wholesome time

I'm seriously sorry for not completing this, I genuinely wished I could, but with everything going on and the plummet of my almost five year long plunge into despair isn't helping. Anyway, I appreciate every single one of you who took the time out of reading my dumb stories on here. I may continue to upload on AO3 at ItsNotGayIfYouWearSocks , but never again on Wattpad. It's been an amazing four year run, and I'm grateful to be able to end things on a good note.

Thank you all and I wish you guys an early Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah💞

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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