Chapter 14: Kaminari Suffers

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"Duh, I need to scold you."

Kaminari hummed quickly. He noticed how fatigued and ghouly Todoroki looked during and after class, and assumed he was sick and smart enough to go home. Clearly, he was wrong.

To be fair, Kaminari has had his fair share of not so smart moments in his life, so he wasn't in any position to criticise the other.

"Didn't you just scold me?" Kaminari asked him. By now he was already on his way out the door.

"Yes, but I need to scold you some more," Todoroki stumbles on his words, sniffing every so often.

"I'll let you scold me when I get there okay?" Kaminari told him. "Just tell me where you are right now."

"..." Todoroki was silent for a moment.


"It never occurred to me, but why are you still awake now?" Todoroki asked out of the blue.

"Why are you awake right now?" Kaminari retorted back, heading to the building lobby. "Especially when you sound and probably like total ass."

"I asked you first," Todoroki whined.

"I asked you fifth, so answer me," Kaminari countered.

"Ochako wanted to celebrate their fourth anniversary," Todoroki answered obediently, though a little dejectedly. "So we went out for karaoke."

"Karaoke?" Kaminari questioned, now having some sort of clue as to where Todoroki was. There weren't many karaoke bars around, and the majority of them weren't far from each other.

"I didn't even want to sing karaoke," Todoroki huffed. "You know, Tenya is most definitely in some way tone deaf? It's funny how he tries though."

"Mhmm," Kaminari hummed. "I'm guessing you aren't that great of a singer either?"

"Shut up!" Todoroki cried. "I should tell you that I'm excellent at singing I Wanna Dance With Somebody. Hey, is there an earthquake right now?"

"No- why?" Kaminari asked him, slightly panicking. The need to help Todoroki building in the pit of his stomach. He had a sneaking suspicion his desire to help him wasn't just because he wanted to repay for back then.

"The floor keeps spinning," Todoroki told him, totally dazed.

"Okay, I'm coming over to get you," Kaminari informed him. "Send me a picture of where you are right now."

"You're not my mum, don't tell me what to do."

"You're not my kid, but I'm still coming to get pick up your dumb ass," Kaminari riposted. "I genuinely can't believe you went out drinking when you're sick."

"You don't know I'm sick!" Todoroki sounded slightly offended.

Kaminari felt his blood boil. He easily confirmed his dislike for a drunk Todoroki. Especially a sick and drunk Todoroki.

"You better send me a photo of where you are right now, or I'll shove your phone up where the sun doesn't shine when I find you," Kaminari threatened.

"That's sexual harassment," Todoroki's words were getting more slurred.

Kaminari never had much patience, and Todoroki was seriously pushing it - even if he didn't mean to.

"Just where are you?" Kaminari finally tried, his voice tired and soft. He was tired and he'd ran all the way to the station in a panic( a whole ten minute walk cut short to a two minute run).

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now