Chapter 14.5

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Kaminari, having never used any form of makeup - fifty cent halloween makeup does not count, shut up Karen - haphazardly applies the makeup remover on a small hand towel. A nice smelling one, might he add.

"I just put it on his face, right?" he asks himself, gently pressing the the towel on Todoroki's face. Kaminari made a face when barely any makeup came off. Frustrating, but if he waited at the DMV, he can do this.

Gently and carefully, he started cleaning off the makeup around Todoroki's eyes. The blond wondered why someone so pretty would need to apply makeup, but what would he know. 

It was about ten minutes of Kaminari struggling until Asui came back with a small box of soup and a couple of ice packs.

"I can help," Asui offered once she noticed Kaminari struggling.

Kaminari without a moment's hesitation handed to cloth to the girl and moved over so she could work her magic.

"How can you do that so easily?" Kaminari questioned.

"I'm used to it," Asui shrugged nonchalantly, rubbing the towel around the man's left eye. A large burn scar started to reveal itself. Kaminari blinked, but said nothing.

"I can take care of him from here," Asui finally said. "You're busy right?"

"Not really," Kaminari said without thinking. "I can stay here overnight. To look after him."

Asui gave him a look, but shrugged and told him to just use some of Todoroki's clothes. "There's a box in the spare room with clothes he's never used before. I'm sure you'll find something that'll fit you."

Kaminari muttered out a thanks as he watched the girl leave. An uncomfortable feeling sat heavily in his stomach. How did she know there were spare clothes in the spare room? How did she know there was a spare room to begin with? 

With an annoyed pout, he glanced over at the sleeping male. The unsightly scar over his right eye stuck out like a sore thumb. He had so many questions, but his main concern at the moment was where he was going to sleep.




Hi after a month;; I've been super busy with school but it's finally over!!! However, next year I'll be a senior  s o   that means after the summer holiday I most likely won't post chapters for a very very long time. That is why I bring forth good and bad news.

Good news: This book will hopefully be completed this summer.

Bad news: This book will indefinitely be my last fanfiction.

This may change, but for now, this will be my last story.. Okay that's it I'll finish chpt 15 by the end of this week so look forward to that!!! (;

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