Chapter 9: Rain

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Kaminari cursed himself and the sky ten times over. The rain fell hard against the cement roads, miniature floods running along the sides of the roads and creating waterfalls down the storm drains.

"When had it started raining?" Todoroki asked the blond, his gaze set on the rain pouring down.

"I dunno," Kaminari responded, admittedly a little annoyed. "So what do you wanna do? The apartment is at least a ten minute walk away. We'd get soaked by the time we get back."

"Showers are a thing y'know?" Todoroki retorted. Nudging the other beside him.

"Fuck off," Kaminari laughed, nudging the other back. "I don't wanna get wet is all."

"Sure sure," Todoroki hummed, turning his head to look away. "That store might sell some umbrellas."

"Maybe," Kaminari responded, leaning over to see the store Todoroki was talking about. "Wanna check?"

"What? You're not coming with me?"

"Hell no," Kaminari shot back. "You're the one that didn't mind getting wet. Something about a shower."

"Oh shut it," Todoroki laughed. "You wait here, I won't be long."

"Aight," Kaminari shrugged, waving the other off weakly. "You better not even think about ditching me."

"Shit, it's like you read my mind," Todoroki smirked as he rushed out the McDonald's.

Kaminari huffed out, watching the other run across the square and to the other side of the road. He didn't switch his attention from the two toned male when he entered the shop, or when he was running back with umbrella in hand.

He never moved his gaze not because he thought he looked gorgeous soaking wet - his wet shirt sticking to his skin, soaking hair clinging to his cheeks - but because there was nothing else to look at. Unless he wanted to be a creep and stare at the one other person in the McDonald's.

"You were quick," Kaminari commented once Todoroki made it back.

"I did say I wouldn't take long," Todoroki snickered, handing a small black umbrella to the other.

"Why'd you only get a small one? We both won't fit under here."

"I'm already wet, so there's no point in me having one," Todoroki stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I'd look bad if I just let you walk in the rain," Kaminari shook his head.

"Wow, thanks for caring," Todoroki smirked.

"You're very welcome," Kaminari responded with an equally as wide smirk.

"We should start heading back now."

Kaminari hummed.

They left the fast food place together, walking side by side close enough so Todoroki's left side would be spared from the rain.

They didn't talk, the rain would've probably drowned out their voices anyways.

'I wonder if it's going to be like this for the rest of the week,' Kaminari thought. It was so close to the finals, and he really needed to start studying, but rain always seemed to distract him from doing just that.

As if Todoroki has read his mind, he muttered out, "Hopefully the rain doesn't last."

"Yeah," Kaminari nodded, woefully aware of how close Todoroki had leaned in. He wasn't going to complain though, Todoroki looked a whole lot more attractive up close. "I can't study if it's gonna continue raining like this."

I HATE this guy ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now