Chapter 3 Evaline

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Standing behind the low wall that served as a barrier against the training field, Evaline  watched the battle play out.
Prince Byron stepped into the field and swung his sword at his opponent. With sharps twists and turns he managed to deflect blow after blow. Sometimes she wondered if the warrior was truly weak or just biding his time before he ceded to the prince.
All knew to keep a respectable distance with Prince Byron, his charm was lethal but his anger once provoked was deadly. The maids whispered about his mercurial temper which he hid from the public eye but if the whispers were to be believed, then she could only find pity for his wives or anyone who provoked him.
She spotted her brother Darren not far from her and waved to the boy. Jumping from his perch he moved through the crowd of soldiers and came to her side. The glow is his face melted her heart. Surely only one of them was enjoying this.
Caspian came next and took his place beside another warrior no older than herself..
"I bet Caspian can beat him," Darren remarked excitedly.
Evaline shushed him before the prince heard what the boy said. Thankfully he was too engrossed with his battle to hear. She watched with baited breath as the mock battle began, the prince took both warriors, his movements were true but clearly Caspian had the upper hand. As soon as the other warrior ceded it was the prince and Caspian that came head to head.
There was no doubt who was the better warrior. As Caspian swung true the prince was suddenly breathless. He took every blow and managed to skim the attacks but as Caspian's blows became more lethal there was no way the prince could win. At some point he lost his sword but managed to regain it with a swift movement.
Show off , she thought as she darted a glance at the princess who watched, her expression stoic. Evaline wondered if princess Marisol even noticed the way Caspian was trying to impress her.
Finally a draw, as both men struggled to get the upper hand. The prince clearly struggled were as Caspian barely broke a sweat. Only Evaline saw the way Caspian's eyes flicked to the Princess before twisting his wrist in a way that made his sword fling through the air landing a foot away. Defeated he knelt before the prince.
"Cede." He cast his face down to the ground as the prince aimed at his neck. Was it a nick? They were too far to really see for sure if the prince did it deliberately but the droplets of blood that splattered on his green vest attested to the wound.
Everyone who watched cheered the prince and the vain royal lapped it up. Disgusted, Evaline turned away catching the disappointed expression on her brother's face. If only the prince truly understood why the soldiers allowed him to win.
"That was good exercise. But I can see the soldiers need more drilling. Captain Jacob," the prince called out. A tall man came forward, his mop of dark hair shorn, his shoulders broad and powerful, ropes of muscles ran down his exposed arms as he sauntered to the middle of the field.
"Your highness," the man bowed his head.
"The men need a tighter hand. It's seems they've been dawdling. As usual only Caspian had the proper sword arm to engage. See to it that they double their training."
"Of course my lord." He stood to his full height, the prince falling a few inches shorter.
Nodding to the men to continue training the prince approached his wife, his face glistening with sweat running down his forehead before disappearing into the collar or his training vest.
"Well done my love."
Evaline caught the smile that did not reach the princess' eyes.
"As always." He came behind the wall and took her hand when his eyes darted briefly to Evaline before settling on Darren,
"What do we have here?" He asked, his brows arched upward as he assess the boy. "What's your name boy?"
Darren looked boldly at the prince, his tawny eyes bright, "Darren."
"And how old are you?"
"He's eight," it was Evaline who spoke her hand tightened around her brothers hand.
The prince shifted his gaze to Evaline. "Who is this boy to you?"
Face bowed looking at the floor she hopped it would open and swallow them both up away from the preening eyes of the prince but it never did.
"He's my brother."
"Old enough. Here catch," the prince threw his sword at Darren who tried to catch it but it slipped from his small hand and fell to the ground.
"Pick it up." The prince ordered.
Evaline's eyes darted to the prince fearfully before looking at Darren who bravely picked up the sword with both hands and lifted the heavy weapon, arms shaking as he tried to keep it steady.
"Well done boy." His eyes never leaving Darren's face as he called captain Jacob. "I found a new recruit captain.  See to the boy's training."
The prince took his sword from Darren and was about to leave when Evaline spoke. "Your highness , please," her voice shook with worry. She had hoped to avoid this.
Turning to give her his full attention, Evaline darted a glance at the princess who gave her a quelling look. It was a warning not to defy the prince. Perhaps she saw that Evaline was about to object.
Instead Evaline faced the prince boldly. "Might I be allowed to join the training?"
There was absolute silence surrounding the onlookers that had gathered to see the prince reaction. He paused briefly before barking out an amused laughter, Mirasol shook her head behind him but her sneer quickly disappeared into a tight mask of control.
"Well well if it isn't a chit boldly asking to come out and play with hardened warriors." He wiped his sweat from his brow and appraised Evaline slowly from head to toe. He noted the wimple covering her head, a few whips of golden hair fell against her cheeks smudged with dirt. Her tunic was hanging from her shoulders covering the rest of her body. The skirt had visible patches and faded in some areas and finally her boots looked as beaten as the earth. His eyes finally held hers, they reflected an unusual color, perhaps her only redeeming feature. Calling out once again to his captain.
"Whats's your name?"
"It's Evaline and I know her," from somewhere behind the crowd Caspian made his way forward looking at the prince.
"Ah yes,now I remember. She tends to my wives every once in awhile." The prince acknowledge turning back to the captain. "Take them both, prepare her for the gathering. She would make an amusing diversion. Lord knows we need one," with that the prince left the scene.
Evaline did not realize she was holding her breath until the prince left with his entourage.
"What was that?" Caspian asked his tone held an edge of wariness.
"It seems your friend just made a mockery of this army." Captain Jacob stared sourly at both Evaline and Darren. "Since you know her, you'll be in charge of her training. I'll send someone to take your measurements for training gear." He address both Evaline and Darren who remained silent. Captain Jacob turned away and walked back to the middle of the field, turning once to announce the time required for training to start the next day.
When Evaline recovered from her shock she stared at Caspian balefully.
"This is all your fault," she turned to walk away dragging Darren with her.
"My fault? "Caspian followed her toward the outer Bailey. "How is it my fault?" He knelt motioning for Darren to jump on his back.
"If you didn't entice my brother to watch you today this wouldn't have happened," she stormed angrily walking toward the meadow and the familiar trail into the forest.
"He was quiet the whole time Eva. It was only when he saw you that he came beside you and you were standing with the princess. The prince would have been blind not to notice." Caspian said defensively.
"Well then I wish he had been!" She whirled around to face the man, the warrior she so adored. He had failed her in that moment. He could have stopped the prince but he did nothing and just stood there. How could he?!
" Look, most boys his age are conscripted to train, you know that is the rule of the kingdoms. He would have been noticed sooner than later. But you?! I mean how on earth did you manage to muck it up Eva?" He had the audacity to glare.
"Me!" Her heart raised as she grew a shade brighter than pink with rage. "How could I let him go alone? He's just a young boy!"
"He's growing up Eva. He doesn't fit behind your skirts anymore!"
Evaline stopped walking and just stood, her vision swarmed with images of the nightmare that had plagued her for many nights until Jutu drove it away with a potion to make her sleep. Visions of swords, a battle playing out, blood, carpeting the earth as the skies grew dark with smoke coming from fires that burned the earth. Those nightmares were clearly visions from something she had seen but had pushed back into the recesses of her mind. They rose up in a flash but she blinked them away turning to her brother who was grasping Caspian's neck. His eyes looked puzzled.
I have to protect him.
For three years she stayed in Pretoria, her memories of her life before she came to this kingdom wiped away but there were flashes of something dark that drove fear into her heart every time she witnessed any form of violence. She did not want her brother to join the Pretorian army. She had to find a way to get him out or watch him. And then.....
"Whatever it is your thinking, it won't work."Caspian voice echoed beside her as both he and Darren regarded her.
She looked at her brother, his young face somber, his blond hair shorn and those tawny eyes that reminded .......of who exactly? His features were much like her own except her eyes were cerulean. She hid her golden blond hair behind a scarf which was tied closely to her head so as not to attract attention from the more dangerous nobles most especially the Prince who had an eye for young women with fair coloring.
So far it worked.
Jutu had stumbled upon her in her barn. She had been seriously injured by a massive blow to the head, but the mangalese priestess had brought them care and taken them in as a ward when it was discovered she had no recollection of her memories.
Three years had come to pass.  They managed to remain hidden from the prince.
She wanted to wait a little longer until Darren was older before they would go. Jutu knew that was the plan. They would have gone sooner but Jutu had stopped them, had told Evaline to bide her time.
And where would Evaline go?
Jutu had a knowing, she could see into the future, Evaline trusted her council and waited.
What she was trying to avoid? What she had protected her brother from had suddenly been thrust before her.
"It doesn't matter now." There was a tremor of defeat in her tone as they continued walking until the small house came into view. 
Jutu was by the hearth mixing some fish broth for lunch, her face brightened as she saw her son, Darren quickly scrambling from his shoulders when he spotted Havah.
"The prince told me I could train with the soldiers, Caspian will be training me!" Excitement clearly evident in his young face. "And so will Eva."
A brow raised Havah quickly exchanged glances with Jutu before resting her gaze on Evaline who shrugged in resignation before taking an empty pale and making for the door.
She barely made it a few feet when she was joined Havah.
"Are you insane?  How could you consign yourself to join your brother."
Evaline whirled on Havah. "What would you have me do then?"
"Shut up for once.  Caspian can take care of him, you know that!" The glare in her eyes could melt snow.
Evaline continued to walk toward the nearby stream. "I couldn't let him go alone.  He's vulnerable."
"And you cannot join him." She warned.
"Too late now." She dipped the pale into the clear water and started drinking. Wiping her mouth with her arm she glanced at her friend "I am to be prepared for the gathering."
Havah's stream of curses made her wince.
"They will amuse themselves at your expense.  The point of staying hidden is to remain that way.  We all know this prince is a mortal demon, he will make sport of you. Do you even know when the gathering is? It's in several weeks!"
Surprise etched on Eva's face. "If I don't do what he says our fates will be dire."
She watched as Havah shook her head. "So what do they have plannned?"
"I will train with the warriors. The captain should see to our training but he turned it over the Caspian. I suppose that is a good thing."
"Well lucky for you I'm ready to kick your ass when Caspian is done. We start after sundown . You only have a few weeks before they make sport of you."Havah's tone was firm.
"Why? I know enough. Besides the last time they had the gathering it was a grand ball for the royal families of the kingdoms." Evaline remarked defensively.
"That was only because you were in the grand hall waiting on the royals." Havah retorted. "Now you will be in the Arena amusing them. If you think Caspian training you would be enough your in a daze."
"Why? What do you think will happen?"
"The kings of the court pretend to be the dark Fae themselves. They engage in very dangerous games, only a few high ranking women are allowed to witness what happens. I happened to watch some of the tests and it isn't pretty, the ones who are injured never recover. They are games to amuse those stupid royals any which way they see fit. I don't know what they have planned but I doubt you'd want to come out of there maimed."
With that Havah left Evaline to ponder on her words.

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