Chapter15 Caspain

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Day before the games
Caspian stared at the parchments scattered around the circular table before him, rubbing a hand through his shorn hair he shook his head in frustration. He looked up at captain Jacob leaning against the table with his arms crossed waiting for some remark.
"Some of these matches are utter folly." He said finally. "Who crafted these games with him?"
"I believe he did it himself," Captain Jacob replied.
"In one game he expected the boys to hold the targets. What was he thinking!" He almost swept the table clean but held himself. "And why are there only seven when there were suppose to be nine?"
"He must have been planning the other two as a surprise."
Caspian locked his hand into a fist but kept himself from smashing the table. "We will have to revise the targets and move the archery match into the woods. As for the joust, we replace the spiked lances with regular ones."
"What about the females in the mud pit?" Captain Jacob cocked his brow.
"Replace them with the men, the female warriors can wrestle on solid ground." Caspian replied with finality. "The sword fight remains as it is."
Captain Jacob pointed to a parchment that read 'Lords of the hunt'.
"And that?"
Caspian picked up the parchment and read the contents frowning at the gaps in the game. "It claims the game is to commence at night, only gentlemen are engaged, most likely referring to the royal houses.  They are to hunt prey." Caspian looked at his captain puzzled. "There aren't any references to what prey is to be hunted. He'll have to enlighten me further."
He saw the captain sigh looking to the ground before turning toward the window.
"What are your thoughts Captain?"
"I've heard rumour among the guards." Captain Jacob shifted his gaze to him "He's using women as prey."
Caspian cursed Under his breath. "Scrap that game altogether, this is the kingdom of Pretoria not a massive brothel for lecherous royals."
"That's six games which means it cuts the expected time of completion to less then two weeks." Captain Jacob warned. "The royals expect to be entertained."
Caspian nodded grimly. "I understand. This year we are starting a new tradition, if that means cutting the entertainment into half then we send the royals home early."
Captain Jacob had his chuckle in a cough. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind."
Caspian gave the captain a withering look when a knock on the door interrupted anything he might have said.
Eve stood on the threshold bowing formally. "Prince Caspian, the festivities have begun, the king requests your presence in the banquet hall."
"I'll be along shortly." Caspian replied as he watched captain Jacob exit with Eve shutting the door of his room behind them.
The tension in the field a few days ago seemed to have created a cold rift between him and the chatelaine. As much as he wanted to make amends there wasn't time. He hoped that once the Gathering was over he could repair whatever damage had been created by his actions that day.....with everyone.
Stalking toward his bed, he lifted his cloak and draped it around him before looking at himself through the looking glass. His spirits had been dampened lately made worse by the infuriating parchments littered around his table.
He and Byron we opposite in nature, it had always been a challenge to make ends meet between them. Byron would always be the heir and he had accepted that years ago, never expecting anything from the king for himself except the affection that was always between a father to his son.
Never had their father displayed favoritism but Byron was always left lacking.
Byron always needled him but he never fell for the cunning way his brother would manipulate circumstances to his advantage.
Except now it was different.
Now Byron thought to cross a line with Caspian that left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He recalled the moment he saw the look of fear in Evaline's eyes as he engaged her with his sword. Fear that turned into embarrassment and finally disappointment.
If only he could take back the moment he behaved rashly, he knew he couldn't. Finding excuses would only strengthen the wedge that had formed between them
He lifted his head resolutely, he would find a way to make amends. First he would get her out of Byron's radar and he would seek the help of his friend Xion even if it meant meddling with her life one more time. It would be the best way to keep her safe even if it weighed heavy on his own heart.
He left his room, descending the steps to join the men waiting for him. Tonight he would join the banquet as one of the palace guards making his rounds to watch over the royals.
Upon entering the noisy banquet hall his gaze roamed around the room, all the chandeliers were lit to reveal huge tapestries of images that hung on the walls. The pillars were dressed with lanterns to add more light while to one side there was an orchestra of flute playing music for entertainment. The smell of melting wax coupled with various cloying scents mingled with the food. He sucked in a breath releasing it slowly.
Hundreds of tables filled with court members of the different kingdoms.  It seems all of them had finally come and were here to feast before the formalities of the games would begin the next day.
Above the dias was the main table were the three other kings sat with their wives around King Silas. They were all ready it seemed for the Gathering when his gaze landed on his brother who wasn't far from him, perched on a table surrounded by women of the various royal houses.
He turned away and was about to make his way to the main table when he heard the sound of his name. Wincing inwardly he stood for a moment's hesitation before finally turning to encounter the mocking blue gaze of his half brother.
"There you are! I was wondering if you would show up at all." mockery was all Byron had for him these days.
"I'm here," his reply was curt.
"Fathers been looking for you."
"I was just about to pay my respects."
"Before you do I suggest you extend your hospitality to some of our guests. I know of several who are dying to meet you."
Gritting his teeth, Caspian followed his half brother to the table he had hovered over. It wasn't difficult to make out the reason, for several women sat around eyeing him, some with curiosity, some with a bit more than that.
A smile stretched across Caspian's face as he bowed before the women when one of them stood and reached out her hand. He looked at the beautiful woman before him, her golden hair braided to form an artful crown above her head. Her tourmaline eyes glowed with curiosity and her easy smiled exposed straight white teeth. The picture was utterly enchanting and he knew he had to play his part.
"This is princess Amelia Voltas of the kingdoms of Lagenas, this is my half brother Caspian second in command to the Royal guard." Byron's voice was eerily cheerful
Taking her hand he kissed the air above it it before meeting her eyes that seemed to have darkened with some emotion.
"A pleasure your highness." Caspian managed to find his voice.
"The pleasure is all mine Prince Caspian," her voice was as melodic as silk, perfectly trained by her royal house.
"Is this your first time to the Gathering?" He had to be polite, after all, despite his annoyance, he did remember his manners.
"Yes it is. My father thought it was time I saw something beyond the castle walls of Lagenas."
Although she had a youthful face the message in her eyes were quite the opposite. It did not escape his notice that her eyes drifted down to his torso and way beyond.
"Then it is a good thing he let you out." he could be charming which brought the expected giggle.
"Perhaps you could save her a dance later," Byron suggested. "I'm sure she would love to hear tales of Pretoria coming from its most decorated soldier."
And thus the game began. As Caspian witnessed the sparkle that lit her eyes he understood the reason his brother brought him to that table.
After exchanging a few pleasantries with the women he excused himself and made his way to the main table with Byron at his heels.
"Such a magnificent woman don't you think?" Byron remarked.
Trust his brother to notice these things but Caspian remained silent nodding his head politely as they passed several tables.
"She would make a great addition to the family." Byron continued callously.
Caspian remained silent avoiding the bait. He would play his part for now, but not for long. He spotted Xion sitting with the noble house of Mullbroke appearing wrapped in attention at what one of the women was saying. Hiding a grin he understood the taxing effort it took to keep a straight face. Then he saw her.
It wasn't difficult to spot Evaline, her gait was as familiar to him as his own personal habits. Dressed as a serving maid she was holding up a tray of plates filled with food.
He would find time later and begin to make amends, first he had to be the diplomat. Approaching his father he bowed to his king as well as the kings .
"My son Caspian, why are you not dressed for this banquet." the king of Pretoria smiled indulgently.
"I had submitted myself for duty your grace, what better way to serve the kingdom than to offer my services to protect the royal houses." Caspian was polite but he saw his father stiffen. He hated being defied by either of his sons.
"As always, my sons are gracious." The king's tone was mild but Caspian knew what it meant.
At present he didn't care, he wasn't in the mood to partake of excesses, especially not after after seeing the lengths his brother went to provide sport for the Gathering.
They already had enough troubles by hanging on the balance of their lives especially with the dark Fae looming before them. It would only be a matter of time.
His eyes wandered to an empty chair beside the king, one his mother would have occupied, surprised to find she too had decided to sit this one out.
"I hope you had a chance to review the games Caspian," his father changed the subject which was for the best.
"I've had the chance and made the necessary preparations for six of them," was his firm reply.
"Six? I thought we would be having more than that." The king of Mullbroke exclaimed, short, squat and bulbous it did not come as a surprise why he was the one to react. That king enjoyed playing his games at the risk of his own kingdom. Anything that distracted him from the boring responsibility of running the affairs of his kingdom was a welcome distraction.
"Why is that, Caspian?" His own father frowned
He had almost forgotten that Byron was beside him when felt the palm of his brothers hand on his back squeezing his shoulders firmly. "Originally we were to have 9 your graces however I was only able to complete seven games with two remaining unfinished entries that are still embedded in my thoughts. I was hoping to complete the drafting of them this evening, but am unaware that Caspian thought to limit them to six." he sounded as smooth as velvet but the tension in his hand was palpable.
Caspian could sense an itch in Byron, one he desperately wanted to scratch, an opportunity to release the remaining two games that he was harvesting in his mind but had yet to put on paper.
"I believe all of us have come to be entertained,"once again the king of Mullbroke looked at Caspian with his steely eyes, his beard stained from drinking red wine.
"Yes I believe we have," the king of Ishtar sat back his eyes roaming lazily between the two brothers before finally settling on his son in law. "My son Nero is looking forward to be entertained and spend some time with his sisters.  I'm hoping the remaining two games, yet unpublished, would be ready."
"Of course, your grace," Caspian heard the triumphant note in Byron's response. "It will be ready just in time.  I was hoping father would allow the reprieve of presenting the final two games as a surprise."
King Silas's frown was an indication that he was on to Byron's manipulation. "I have placed Caspian in charge of overseeing the execution of the games this year.  I suggest you put your ideas into paper and submit them to him."
"Then that would mean I would be missing the opening ceremony tomorrow wherein I was to deliver the opening speech."Byron informed. "Unless you would have Caspian take over that responsibility."
Game, set, match. Caspian balled his fists, his shoulders itching to shrug off his brother's hand.
"That won't be necessary Byron," their fathers gaze was like steel shards aimed at Byron." I will deliver the opening speech while you finish your drafts and submit them to Caspian as planned."
They're father's edict was decisive.
Bowing to the kings and queens, Caspian descended from the Dias and walked casually as far from it as he could when something captured his cloak.

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