Chapter 7 Evaline

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Day 6 of practice
"Soldiers, today we will discard the swords and work on hand to hand combat.  You will be switching partners through out the day." Captain Jacob's  voice sounded loud and clear as the fifty soldiers stood to listen. "We will be joined by some of Lord Madden's  team and grow in number as the other lords start bringing their own battalions for the gathering. Remember, this is not a social gathering so look lively and don't embarrass yourselves."
The kingdom of Pretoria had more than 200 soldiers around the castle but only 50 trained for the gathering, the rest of the battalion were on duty around the castle, within the barracks or training the young boys. Evaline hadn't seen all of them together.  She had gotten used to the strange lot she was saddled with and was appalled when she found out there would be more.
She was barely surviving around the fifty. Managing six days of training where three of them included Cem, Klem and Johnny who served as a shield of sorts from Percival and his gang of five, while the rest of them pretended she didn't exist.
This was all good except that today would tell a different tale. She had discarded the chainmail for a padded leather vest that made her armor fit snuggly , her body having grown used to the thick layer over time.
A brief demonstration by captain Jacob of the maneuver made it look almost easy but she knew from experience that such exhibits were a far cry from the actual experience.
Havah had done something similar a couple of days ago explaining that part of the challenge would be body combat. She had created a dummy made out of fabric and straw for their practice. Kicking and swiping at the thing seemed easy enough, it was as if her friend had sensed something similar would arrive.
And so it did.
The arrival of Cem at her side was a relief, Captain Jacob didn't seem to mind the camaraderie and allowed the two to partner as often as possible. By now they had learned each other's tactics well enough to synchronize their blades. Body combat on the other hand.......
"Don't worry your head about it Eva, " they stood on opposite sides as they took the first stand. Cem had the advantage as he was taller but she was smaller and limber which allowed for dodging. When she finally fell to the ground he looked remorseful as he assisted her back to her feet. His punch wasn't painful but it certainly knocked her windpipe.
"I should be able to work this out the second time. " She assured him, but time was up and her next round was thankfully Johnny.
He wasn't as tall as Cem but he was bulky and extremely fast. Watching his move, she tried to pick up a tactic but she lost again when his punch landed on her jaw. This time she knew she would bruise but ignoring the pain, she stood. His apology acknowledge, she prepared for the next one having decided she would see for weaknesses before she landed her own blow when the spectre that looked before her was Percival. His leer was enough to imagine what would come next.
Ramming his head into her chest he easily knocked the wind from her lungs when he lifted her in the air and dropped her to the ground. Her body felt numb and a sharp pain caught at her side  as she felt a crack. Something must have happened to her rib but she barely recovered before he came charging.
Crawling on her back she quickly got up bitting down the scream that was about to come forth she ran from his hulking frame when she felt a sharp kick on her back side.
Falling flat on her face she turned instantly when he was about to land his foot on her chest she crawled away from it and stood, backing away from him he stalked her. The malicious grin was enough to make her understand he would beat her into a pulp.
She needed to escape.
Until her back hit a tree and she stood stock still covering her face when she saw him raise his fist. But the fist never came instead someone's voice broke clear.
"It seems your done here soldier!" She could not make out a face for his back was to her shielding her from the hulking soldier. When did that happen?
"Time isn't up yet!" Percival's voice retaliated.
"You knocked her out once." His voice spoke of cultured speech. "It should have ended. Twice is understandable, but to go for a third try when she's already down, I'm starting to wonder if your out for a some sort of vendetta. Are you?"
His arms were crossed for she was gifted with the shadowy silhouette of his corded muscles. He was certainly way taller than her, wheat blond hair fell passed his shoulders smattered with thin braids, a tapered waist, slim hips, and thick muscular legs that strained against his leather trousers served as a shield against the barbarian who almost nailed her.
Leaning passed his shoulders she was relieved to find a chagrined Percival, his face cast to the ground as he shook his head.
"Run along then." The stranger ordered before turning his full attention to her. 
The light was directly behind him obscuring his features, shielding her eyes she managed to scroll up to his face encountering orbs as blue as a frozen lake , they stood out from the rest of his chiseled features.
Bare of facial hair each feature was sculpted to perfection from the gentle arch of his brow to his broad forehead, a widows peak accented his heart shaped face tapering down to a strong jaw that complemented his high cheek bones. His aquiline nose fell gently down between his brows and just beneath was a mouth full and ripe just like cherries in bloom.
There was an air of grace in the way he stood, shoulders broad and powerful they seemed carved out of marble. His armor fit the expanse of his chest where a sigil blared loud enough to proclaim that he was a man of noble birth.
He looked familiar but she did not recall where she saw him.
They stared at each other for a moment. "What's your name?" His voice lost some of its harshness, deep and strong it resonated in her ear
"E..Evalaine," she stuttered her name bewildered by his presence.
"Are you alright lady Evaline?" He asked graciously offering his hand.
She reached out for it feeling the pull gently against her gloved hand she straightened her body and continued to look at him before nodding her head.
"My name is Xion. You're new." He observed sweeping a glance behind him. "The only female it seems. Come along, " he turned to walk away, she remained standing under the tree.
Swiveling to see her there he cocked his head. "Well, are you coming?" The sky couldn't be grayer but the flash in fathoms deep, icy pools of blue left her no choice.
She followed a few feet behind him, the crush of grass beneath their feet marked the only sound as everyone stopped their practice to stare.
She kept her face on the ground until they reached Captain Jacob before she looked up at the captain tremulously.
Was she in trouble?
"Captain Jacob, it seems you have a female recruite and the only one at that.  She was about to be pounded into mush by that brute over there." He pointed at the direction of Percival who stood among his gang of five and started kicking dirt. "Since when did you place a single female with an army of men?"
"Since she volunteered." The Captain responded with a grin that did not reach his eyes as he flicked a glance at Evaline.
Xion turned his attention to Evaline his cold gaze assessing her curiously. "Why did you volunteer?"
"I......" she struggled for the right words but nothing seemed to come at that moment.  This man had turned her brain into cotton, barely thinking except for the pounding of her heart.
"You must have a reason?"
"I joined with my little brother," her vocal cords found its purpose.
"Ah, so you have a brother. Where is he?"
"He's with the rest of the lads my lord in the stables," Captain Jacob spoke for her, he must have sensed her absolute lack of comprehension. "Her brother is of the age, and when the prince had ordered his recruitment she volunteered herself." The explanation from the Captain saved her further verbal intercourse with the stranger.
"That was foolish!" Xion remarked eyeing her up and down. His perusal was thoughtful.
"She's rather good with the sword," the captain defended.
They discussed her as if they were discussing the weather.
"But not hand to hand combat it seems.  Her bones will be crushed in no time, best to send her over to my party. I have women in my team, they could train her better then the men," this was addressed to Captain Jacob. "In the meantime her bruises need tending," with that Xion marched away from the group, further afield before he disappeared into an archway that led back to the castle.
"Come!" Captain Jacob ordered, she had no choice but to follow him into the barracks.
Annoyance gripped his features as he paced in front of her in the locker room. His mouth set in a grim line, she presumed, to arrest the river of expletives that would flow. She remained quiet, waiting patiently.
Finally he stopped pacing and faced her arms crossed, a coldness that could freeze the entire field reflected in his eyes.
"The minute you opened your mouth and caught the attention of the Prince you consigned your fate. If you thought that volunteering to be with your brother meant you would see him everyday and enjoy playtime together, well has it been happening?"
Sweat started to form on her brow as she shook her head. His voice was careful, even, but his look was deadly. Deciding to remain silent was the only alternative.
"You won't see him because the lads are meant to train elsewhere," something changed in his tone, a gentleness that did not surface in his expression. "The minute you entered that field seven days ago you became my responsibility and I was hoping to make you disappear within this group of sorry shytes to avoid catching further attention from the prince. Instead you ruffle up the feathers of that brute soldier Percival and catch the attention of Lord Xion Fenwick who happens to be the prince's best mate." He shook his head.
"Oh!" Her eyes widened in surprise as she digested this information.
"Oh....oh?......" his expression turned glacial. "Caspian was supposed to be here training you but instead he has to puff up the ego of that sorry lord Madden leaving me straddled with you! Maybe, just maybe, if he was here, lord Fenwick wouldn't have noticed how incompetent you are and take pity on you!" There was a shrill to the last word making her wince. "Now his lordship would require me to play nursemaid and tend your bruises."
He took a deep breath and released. As much as he admired and respected Eve, the presence of Evaline had become a deterrent. He could not coddle the poor chit. Perhaps Lord Xion's suggestion would be the perfect solution all around. It would certainly improve matters between Eve and him which had become strained of late.
She sighed, all the while thinking he was about to extol some sort of punishment. Plagues.
"Your done for the day Evaline ," she noticed he had dropped the 'mistress.' "Tomorrow you will no longer be reporting here, I'll have Caspian escort you to Fenwick's camp," his tone was resigned and a bit relieved.
Pivoting to leave he halted her flight with his last words
"I've done the best that I can, pray the prince doesn't notice you, for once you are drafted into the games may the gods help you then."
He pushed passed her staring after him, as he swept away she remained for a time just standing there, his words sinking into her mushy brain.
So much had happened that morning, her head spun from everything. Most important was the fact he dismissed her, which meant she could go and see Darren.
She ran from the barracks down the field, the ache in her ribs almost disappearing, trying to remain obscure as she made for the woods where she had heard the boys would be practicing their archery skills. As soon as she heard the sounds of voices, she hid by a copse spying the group of young lads numbering to more than twenty. They were surrounded by their trainers, five of them helping the boys to aim.
They took turns in groups of five, Darren being one of the shortest was on the fifth line.  How she missed him so.  His sandy blond hair glowing under the sunlight that streamed through the canopy of trees. She wanted to grab him in her arms and hug him, ruffle his downy hair with her fingers and pepper his ample cheeks with kisses until he begged her to stop.
A smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she thought about all those things.  She missed his voice, the way he shot question after question about their home and their parents.
What could she tell him?
What could she remember?
Somebody grabbed her from behind and clamped her mouth with a fist. She tried to bite the intruders hands but he dragged her as she kicked the floor trying desperately to escape.
When they were well away from the crowd she was immediately released. She was ready to run when he grabbed her arm.
"It's only me!" Caspian stood tall her arm clasped firmly.
Releasing a sigh of relief, anger swelled in her breast as she pushed against his chest.
"What's wrong with you?  How could you grab me like that!"her voice rose to s shrill.
Pressing his finger against his lips, he coaxed her to remain quiet
"Why have you strayed from the field, your supposed to be practicing,"he whispered.
Calming down, "I've been relieved . It seems I'm terrible at body combat."
Lifting her chin with his index finger his gaze explored her bruised cheek
"Well it's starting to heal it seems.  Whatever salve mother has given works wonders," he raised his brow.
Turning to return to her copse she was once again accosted, pulling her away he dragged her much further .
"I'm off, I told you. I want to see Darren." She protested.
"Let him be Eva, he needs to practice without distractions, and from what I've observed he seems to be getting better. Come let's make for the kitchens, Matilda will have a warm meal for us."
With his hand on her arm she had no choice but to follow at some point his fingers ran down the length of her arm and cupped her wrist. Aware of the sudden intimate gesture her gaze stayed to the soft curls of hair that connected with the apex of his tunic. She longed to twist her fingers into those curls and..........what!
He released her hand abruptly slowing his pace so that she might catch up beside him.
"Captain Jacob told me what transpired, I understand you are ill prepared for body combat."
"Ill prepared is putting it politely. I've never had to hit another human being with such gravity. I understand it takes a certain level of skill,"she replied defensively.
"It seems you've managed to attract a savior, Lord Fenwick to boot. Furthermore, he's invited you to his camp to train. Hmmmm" he sounded amused rather than annoyed. "I should have been present during your training today but with the arrival of Lord Madden I've been otherwise engaged," annoyance crept in his voice. He landed a quick glance. " You aren't angry with me are you?"
"No,"she shook her head avoiding eye contact, "as you aptly put, I have a savior, how bad can his camp be?" She wanted to sound ironic but it came out more as an attempt for further information.
"Fenwick is an easy enough bloke, quite liberal in his thinking.  He allows women to train along side male soldiers." Caspian supplied
"Why is that?" She was extremely curious about the head of her new camp.
"He's the youngest child of five, all siblings are female." Caspian gifted her a grin. "It's said they coddled him too much, he's rather effeminate."
"I can't imagine," she sighed but at Caspian's sharp glance, she quickly amended. "I mean he's built like a warrior ."
Caspian must have held his laughter. "At any rate it will ease my soul somewhat to know that you will be trained properly and fairly."
Curious to know more about her new camp. "Why haven't I seen him in the other gatherings?"
"After the war with Meriadon he was appointed by the king to oversee the management of the annexed kingdom."
"He must be really good," Evaline muttered.
"Or he must really be having good connections,"Caspian replied derisively.
Still Evaline was not convinced it was just good connections.

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