Chaoter 14 Jutu

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Jutu heard the door burst open before it slammed shut. She spied Havah, her attention was focused on the closed door, her body heaving as she gulped air.
"Havah? What's the matter?" Alarmed she ran to catch the woman as she fell to her knees on the ground, her hair in disarray, her body slackening as she stared with her good eye.
"He found me." There was such despair in her voice.
"Who found you?"
"Loot, he found me!" she turned to Jutu a single tear drifted down her cheek.
Shock rippled through her but she quickly recovered to help her friend move toward a nearby chair. She brought a bottle spirits and poured two glasses handing Havah one and downing the other.
She had to understand what just happened for consequences would be dire.
"You say Loot found you? How could that have happened? We've shielded your rune marks and bound your magic."
She stared at Jutu with her good eye, sipping her drink as if the very act of swallowing was agony. Reaching out a hand Jutu grasped the icy cold fingers of Havah.
"We did but about a month ago......."Jutu watched as Havah lifted her shirt exposing her ribs,"this started to surface." A thin silouhette of a rune mark shaped like a snake with two spikes was visible on the surface of her skin.
"Why didn't you tell me? I could have cast a spell to dissolve it." Jutu remarked.
"Even if you did, it would have been temporary. If Loot is this close then something is up within the realm of the dark Fae. We should scry."
Jutu shook her head emphatically. "No, they might be able to trace us."
"You've warded the house and I've double warded the perimeter. If Loot wanted to follow me he would have been able to materialize here but he hasn't which means we are safe."
"For now." Jutu remained skeptical. Scrying was a dangerous endeavor, if they attempted it, they would be giving access to a portal which she did not want to happen.
"I'll double ward the place to be sure."Havah offered.
"No, if you do the dark Fae will be able to trace you magic, even if they can't cross the perimeter they can scent that magic was used by a dark Fae. " Jutu remained adamant.
"We have no choice.  We have to know what they are plotting Jutu.  Please for the sake of the safety of everyone, we have to know what the dark Fae are up to!"
"I might know a spell passed down from my great grandmother a Fae from the court of summer." Jutu mused
"Its worth a chance."
Jutu stood and left the house, walking to her small garden of herbs behind the house she scented the air feeling it pulse through her body. Calling forth the light she chanted an old ancient spell to tighten the wards once she felt the energy field build she returned back to the house where Havah prepared a bowl filled with water.
Closing her eyes, she reached down to her core and felt the energy build. Summoning the energy she chanted the words
Valgus vaim
Naita mulle
Mis pimedus planning
Valgus vaim
Naita mulle
Jutu closed her eyes calling for the light to show her what they needed to know. On and on she chanted until she finally felt the wind gather around her, when she gazed at the bowl. There, through the foggy mist she saw catching her breath as the image revealed dark Fae surrounding the kingdoms of light, hoarding their prisoners. One of them, his face obscured in shadow except for his raven black hair that billowed around him. He pointed a blade at the throat one one of the light Fae who was kneeling before him.
The images flashed to another scene, Havah had leaned in to catch glimpses of sporadic visions. One of the visions revealed dark Fae emerging within the human Kingdoms of Mullbroke , Lagenas and Ishtar merging with the humans, casting a binding spell. They were scattering searching. The final image was of dark Fae descending, riding on great beasts bringing with them beasts with spikes on their vertebrae and sharp fangs that could shred flesh.
The dark Fae that led them was of silver hair his gaze intent as he flew on his great beast when he turned and their gazes locked.
Stumbling away from the bowl she grasped her chest which was heaving from excertion caused by a fear so strong, it almost paralyzed her.
Havah quickly picked up the bowl and threw it into the flames.
"He's coming." Havah said, her voice devoid of emotion.
"They were searching for something." Jutu swallowed trying to calm herself as she drank the water from a cup Havah had handed to her.
"He saw me!" She exclaimed petrified of the vision.
"He May have seen you but he won't find you Havah, of that I can promise."
Skeptical Havah gripped her arm. "How can you be so sure? He looked right at me."
"He sensed being watched but that's all, he wouldn't know it's origin otherwise they would have been here sooner. We have put wards on Pretoria to safe guard but time has run out. I have to leave and I have to take them with me."Havah said finally
"Where will you go?"Alarmed, she grabbed onto her friends arm. "You saw, they practically swarmed through all the kingdoms."
"They swarmed because they were searching for her and the boy."Havah sat on a nearby chair staring into the fire blazing within the hearth. "Now that my runes are starting to show it means I'm fully healed and my powers are rising. They can sense it. They can sense me, but not her and certainly not the boy." Jutu noticed the anguish in her voice as she spoke.
"Where will you go? How will you be able to protect her alone?" Jutu was wrestled with her instinct to protect "We can protect her here."
"No Jutu, you knew that this time would come." Havah said with finality. "We can travel to Erinthar."
"No you can't!" Jutu protested vehemently. "It's where the solitary reside, they'll surely find you there."
"What other options do we have? At least it will keep the mortal kingdoms safe. Besides I need to call in a favor. Please Jutu, let them go. Its's time!"
As Havah stared into Jutu's face, she knew that the woman was right. Danger had finally come to Pretoria and none of them would be safe from the dark Fae.
"We must tell Caspian, he can journey with you," she suggested.
"It's best to keep him here that he may protect the Pretorians and keep the mortal kingdoms from collapsing." Havah was determined.
This was a defining moment, whatever she said now would bear weight on what was to come. Closing her eyes she reached for her core silencing her mind she called for internal vision. Feeling the energy rise up from her spine her silent mind reached within the tunnel of images and there she saw what needed to be done.
"Wait Havah," blinking her eyes open she her friend started to gather her things in a satchel. "The Gathering is in a few days, wait until then."
As her friend turned wild eyed she witnessed the conflict within their depth .
"You don't understand Jutu, there isn't any time left. He knows where we they are he will come for them!"
"You think by running away now, you can escape him?" Jutu was incensed having witnessed the danger through her visions. " You will be powerless against him if you do that.  He will succeed and everything we have sacrificed will be for nothing.  You must wait. This kingdom will serve as a fortress. Hundreds of humans will be gathered around providing a diversion. Use it to your advantage as you plan your escape."
She hoped to the gods Havah understood what she meant. Sensing her friends hesitation gave her hope. "Think about it Havah, this is the perfect strategy"
Havah shoulders slumped in defeat, seeing her drop the satchel to the floor Jutu sighed inwardly.
"I hope your right." Havah turned to Jutu skepticism in her expression. "I will need the amulet."
Jutu nodded her consent satisfied that Havah was starting to calm down.
"You will have a long journey ahead, think about your plan carefully."
Jutu turned to retrieved the bauble hidden in a chest under her bed. A simple quartz crystal embedded within a circlet made of liquifying gold protected by rune marks fortified in a-chain of leather strings .
She placed it on the palm of her friend nodding her head as they looked at each other.
When an injured Havah came to her door step three years ago, Havah had revealed to Jutu who she was and what she had happened during the millennial games. What she had witnessed was a horrific episode of the cruelties the dark Fae had inflicted before she was severely injured.  She had escaped within an inch of her life, traveling through portals to remain hidden.
Providence had been on her side when she revealed her purpose and the task to keep Evaline and Darren hidden had been a monumental task.  Together they had stolen the memories of the young orphan and her brother hoping to keep them hidden from everyone. They were relieved when the dark Fae did not search so far beyond the immortal demesnes. Time had run out
Soon the dark Fae would be upon them, Jutu could not suppress the shiver that travelled through her as she thought of the havoc they would cause.  No one would be safe.  Perhaps it was time she cast a wider net.

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