Chapter 12 Eve

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Taking a picnic basket full of bread and cheese Eve walked purposefully to the camp of Lord Fenwick hoping to catch a few moments of respite before the guests arrive. Once they filled the castle she wouldn't have command of her time.
The air was cool to the skin, light drizzled from the sun covered in grey clouds. She'd grown accustomed to such bleak days it was almost inconsequential except for today.
Having barely seen her friends this past week, she found herself missing them, hoping the time would soon come when it would end and things would return back to normal. Or would it?
She had heard that Evaline had spoken to the king, her request to remain in the royal army kept the tongues wagging among the servants. Speculation ran rampant as to why she had chosen a switch.
Some have whispered that Prince Byron had made an attempt on her life. Still others had claimed she wanted out of playing hand maid to the princesses. Perhaps the most absurd being she had been seduced by Lord Fenwick.
Eve ignored such outlandish speculation, deciding it was time to throw a brick and squash such rumors.
She entered the camp site, surprised to find the area to be populated by a couple of handful of soldiers. Some of them women. Jutu had mentioned that Lord Fenwick had female soldiers in his entourage, but she never had a chance to see them until that morning.
Two spectacular looking women stood dressed in silver plated armour, their leather pants hugged their lean muscular legs. Surrounding them were men, mostly sporting auburn hair except for a few.
She stood for a moment, her gaze wandering about until she spied Havah and Evaline, both them standing on the side with three other boys that looked very familiar. Their armour was the color of iron just like Captain Jacob. They seemed to be deep in discussion when they spied her.
Waving to her friends she came forward bringing the basket of food. At least she had packed enough cheese and bread to feet the lot of them.
"What brings you here?" Havah asked
Lifting the basket She grinned. "I'm on my break, I thought I'd join you for a spell before things got busy."
"Thank you Eve." Evaline gave her a warm kiss on the cheek when a shadow loomed beside them.  Glancing up, the smile froze on her face as the basket she carried felt suddenly heavy.
Returning the arctic stare of the man that killed her brother, Eve lifted her chin slightly in defiance.
"Lady Eve, we appreciate the gesture," he bowed slightly.
So, he remembered her name.
"I was hoping I could watch for a spell," she told him boldly.
"There's a tree to your right with enough shade, you can see the whole camp from there." He told her.
Nodding to him and her perplexed friends she walked to where he directed and began to spread a blanket.
He was right, the view was splendid.
Removing an apple from the basket she bit into the juicy fruit, whipping the dribble of juice that slid down the side of her lip. The gesture seemed to have captured the attention of one of the soldiers whose mouth hung open.
Rolling her eyes heavenward she bit into the fruit again focusing on her friends this time when the women were called to the front, each one paired with a man. A smile lit her face, inwardly rooting for her friends. She was dying to witness the progress of Evaline when a shadow dropped beside her, blocking a part of light.
Annoyance gripped her face as she turned to intruder, further exacerbated when she saw who it was. The soldier's grin flashing even white teeth, and they were clean too. Surprised by this phenomenon she finally did look at him and discovered he was beardless exposing fine even features, nothing out of the ordinary but he did have twin dimples which softened his face somewhat. His faun colored eyes twinkled brightly, if the sun were truly out it would have been brighter. His golden hair hung down beneath his shoulders , it blew softly away from his face.
"My name is Rufus my lady I thought to watch with you if you don't mind."
He was polite. He spoke in a rich deep voice that appeared cultured rather than rough.
She replied with a shrug and turned her attention back to the pairs noting that she had missed a part of it.
"Friends of yours?"
He was making conversation.
She did not want to make conversation, replying with silence, she hoped he would take the hint and leave. Focusing her attention on the pairs she  was impressed by the display of swordsmanship. Clearly it was Havah that executed her moves with the agility of a seasoned warrior, so did the other two women. Eva was struggling with her focus but she was swift avoiding the blows that would have rendered her helpless.
"Eva, she still struggles with her form but she's improved from the time she arrived."
As if he read her thoughts, the man seemed content to sit there and watch with her. Didn't he have to practice? It seemed he had all the time in the world.
"Now Havah, now there's a woman whose got some skill"
"Some skill?" She scoffed. "I wouldn't quite describe it as some."
"Your familiar with swordplay then?"
Sighing, she hoped to convince him  it was boredom from his mindless chatter. "I am familiar."
"That's interesting, you must have witnessed countless matches between the royal guards."
Turning to deliver a frosty glare. "I've witnessed a war."
The grin disappeared. "A war can brutal for a delicate lady such as yourself."
Snorting she turned her attention back to the sparing, something had changed somewhat, the air bristled with tension as all eyes turned to the new comer. His shoulders broad, his height alone could dwarf the whole royal army. She noted his battle stance as he made a beeline for Evaline.
She stood, curiosity flitted among the team as he brandished his sword.
Gulping a deep breath she waited as Caspian stood shoving Evaline's sparing partner aside he raised his sword and started slamming it her way.
Eva must have been taken aback for a split second for she stumbled before recovering and stood in defense of the attack. For Caspian, such an exercise was as simple as chopping wood but she could see that Evaline struggled with every blow.
Quick to respond she avoided most of his blows until they grew intense. Everyone seemed to stop their practice and focus their attention of the pair.
Eve could see that Evaline was starting to struggle, she was starting to loose her grip and her balance was off kilter. Caspian was about to butcher her efforts with the ease of a mountain lion studying its prey.
This was not going to be good.
She held her breath when Evaline fell, her sword slipped from her fingers landing a few inches away from her, Caspian was relentless, furthering his assault but she noted Eva quickly avoided the blow and scampered to retrieve her sword thus began another brutal attack that was leaving Eva winded.
Looking about her she noticed everyone stood to watch, nobody attempted to interfere. Still the clash of swords continued, she saw Evaline struggle holding her sword with both hands as they trembled.
Eve saw red, her mind fogged by a churning rage that defied any reasoning. Turning to the man beside her she pulled out his sword and ran to the field. Skirts billowing and hair flying in all directions  she block the blow Caspian was about to deliver. The sound ringing in her ears.
"Stop!" She raged.
She saw the surprise register on Caspian's set features.
"What are you doing?"
"Can't you see what your doing? Your no match for her." She was breathing harshly her rage spilling out from her chest in waves.
"Are you going to come to her rescue every time she fumbles," he leered.
Pushing his sword back with all her might she held it up, the skill of years of training as a shield maiden surfacing. She was a woman from Meriadon, tall, strong and facing her opponent with ruthless determination.
"If you have a need to release your anger, then challenge someone your own size," her voice was crisp.
"In battle size doesn't count." He retorted.
"I don't see a battle now, only people training to get better. You sir have come to meddle where your not needed." She remained where she stood glaring at her opponent.
Flicking a glance at Evaline, Caspian lowered his sword while Eve remained mutinously looking at him.  They glared at each other for a spell before he marched out of the field.
"I believe I could say the same about you my lady."
She turned to the voice of Lord Fenwick who stood just beside her. Gently he eased the sword from her fingers, her eyes following the gesture as he returned the sword to its owner.
Turning behind her she took a step toward Evaline who quickly backed away and fled the feild on the opposite direction.
What had she done?
Casting a glance around her she noticed everyone turn from where she stood right at the center of the feild except for the women in the team. Theirs grins were friendly. One of them even patted her on the back.
"I didn't realize this castle boasted of so many hidden treasures." The woman had golden hair and a brightness to her eyes.
"You'd be surprised" Havah said under her breath taking Eve's arm and guiding them toward the picnic Basket.
Chest heavy she turned to her friend. "I've upset Eva."
"She'll get over it." Havah sighed, turning to the other women, she made the introductions and invited them to join Eve under the shade of the tree.
As even sat to ponder on her actions, she made a vow to stop interfering.  Caspian was right, if Evaline were to survive, she had to do it on her own. She was a testament of that consequence.
"With such skill, I wonder why you haven't volunteered before?" Erica asked Eve.
Jolted out of her thoughts, Eve stared at the warrior. "It was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that."
"Where do you hail from?" Estelle asked accepting the bread and cheese from Havah.
"Meriadon." Eve replied.
"Meriadon boasts of shield maidens, are you one of them?" Erica eyed Eve curiously.
"I was their queen." Eve replied stoically.
Both Estelle and Erica blanched while Havah smirked.

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