Chapter 10 Evaline

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Fleet footed, Evaline ran to the children's quarters like a demon was upon her. The pain in her chest intensifying as she approached the rectangular stone structure. Pushing the heavy wooden doors she ran passed the empty beds until she finally reached the last one.
Huddled in his bed, his back to her, she spied the bloodied welts that crisscrossed across his injured back. His shoulders were heaving most likely from crying.
Kneeling down beside the bed she reached out but her hand froze in the air as the tears finally cascaded down her cheeks. Warm droplets of moisture that reflected the pain threatening to burst from her chest.
He turned his face, red from pain and tears, sitting up slowly, Darren winced as his shredded shirt bunched forward.
Brother and sister were silent, reaching out her hand she held his tightly her tears refusing to stop as she admired his bravery.
When Havah informed her of what happened she didn't stop to think, she just ran from the tents, her armor stuck to her body, hair had come loose from the braids. All she wanted was to see him
"Who did this to you?" Her voice had gone deeper reflecting the anger that threaded to explode.
"He didn't do it. I had to let the bunny go Evaline you have to understated, she told me she had little babies that needed to eat and I let her go"
"What?" Confused she pushed his hair away from his face
"The bunny, she spoke to me." His eyes were wild, innocent and scared. He grabbed onto her hand.
Confused by his statement she was about to speak when Havah joined them. Her smile was warm but her one eye remained cold the color of cerulean and yellow assessing the boy's face.
"Turn around, I brought a salve from Jutu. You know how her salves are the best when you need to heal."
Darren dutifully turned around, Havah passed the vial to Evaline who pushed backed his tattered shirt, grimacing at the angry welts that crusted with blood, she began applying the slave gently, bitting her lip to stem the fresh flow of tears.
She felt him wince, the smell of fresh herbs assailed her nostrils but it would do the job of healing. As soon as she was finished she covered the vial and slipped it within the skirt pocket.
"He's just a boy" she whispered through gritted teeth. Her anger mounting at the injustice. His only crime was to spare a rabbit's life. Darren was a gentle boy, he wouldn't hurt any creature however his confession about the bunny speaking to him was alarming.
How in the world did he hear an animal?
"He's training to be a soldier such punishments are common."
Whipping her head to face her friend  noting her grim expression "He's only a boy!"Evaline replied defensively.
"No one is spared from the cruelties of training Eva, you should know what you signed up for." Havah's words may have been cold but they spoke the truth.
Turning back to her brother she pushed him gently back down on the cot and covered him with a blanket before rising and gesturing Havah to a corner.
"Was it .......?" She dreaded hearing the response.
"It wasn't Caspian as originally planned.  He refused the prince, they took him to the dungeons for insubordination."Havah told her but most of the story had already been spilt before Eva dashed to see him.
Eva emitted a sigh of relief. She felt Havah's hand on her shoulder " We can't be seen here in case someone from the royal guard catches us. You know how he is with people Caspian cares about.  We don't want you to be his next target."
"I can't leave him like this," Evaline protested turning back to the cot she noticed her brother had slipped into sleep.
"Come, we have to go Evaline ," the order was firm.
Removing an apple from the pocket of her skirt she slipped it under his pillow. Kissing his forehead softly she followed Havah out of the dorm room. The smell of cloves and honey mixed with other herbs wafted through the air. He would sleep now and when he woke up, those bloodied welt would fade into scars.
Surprised to see the sisters Erica and Estelle  on their horses they nodded to each other just outside the tents.
"We heard what happened, Lord Fenwick sent us to take you back." Erica said stoically.
Nodding her head in defeat she mounted behind Erica while Havah joined Estelle. The trek to the camp was swift, but she barely felt anything. Evaline refused to acknowledge the rest of the team of men who stood to attention. She could feel their gazes on her as she went straight for her tent.
Finding her cot she sat at the edge and closed her eyes breathing deeply to ease the pain in her chest.
She had come to this kingdom three years ago with her brother after fleeing plagues knew where. Ignoring her fatal injuries, her only concern when she regained consciousness was Darren, her memory completely diluted into oblivion except for the knowledge she had a brother and her name.
In the ensuing months, as her body healed from the numerous wounds, the blow to her head being the most fatal, she recalled nothing of her life before coming to Pretoria.  The only thing that kept her moving was the lifeline thrown by her Brother.  He had been silent during the recovery period, not daring to speak. Gestures became their way of communication and through those moment she discovered his sensitive spirit and complete devotion to animals. On the day he finally spoke, it was to name his pet frog. Shock had rippled throughout the cottage, but it was a relief to everyone that the trauma to the young boy's life had finally faded. Still, just like his sister, young Darren did not recall a past casting further speculation as to where they hailed from. It could have been any kingdom prompting Caspian to cast a wide net that would shed some light on the mystery guests. Unfortunately so many lives were lost, hundreds of families slaughtered in the outskirts of all kingdoms leaving the mystery of their past unresolved.
Life in Pretoria ambled on, Jutu, Havah and Caspian took turns in making sure she recovered.  They took care of her needs and when she was able, Jutu took her to the palace to help doing chores until Eve was given the role of Chatelaine.
Curiosity about her past continued to pester her thoughts but it was as if it was completely removed from her memories. Baffling that it was, she tried as hard as she could to remember anything. Jutu tried to help with potions and the use of Mangalese rituals but nothing worked.
Eventually it did not matter, she had discovered a new family in Jutu , Caspian and Havah.
As time passed and she got stronger, she noticed she could run really fast, could pick up sword fighting skills as she watched Caspian and healed much quicker than expected.
She became the favorite  maid of the chatelaine when she proved unmatched at  any task until the princesses arrived and Eve needed extra help with them.
She helped attend to their needs, managing to avoid the prince as much as she could for to even capture his attention would be a mistake that most other maids realized later on.
Sometimes she would go to the village with her brother and fetch things for the princesses, fancy combs, crystal trinkets and what nots. At other time she would be invited to join their entourage on such excursions but she never ventured outside of the kingdom's boundaries for to do so would have eventually endangered her life. The dark Fae had succeeded in casting a shroud of bleakness in their skies, a warning of sorts that every human was in danger. There were also the Icor Snakes that were planted around boundaries leading to the main rivers and lakes. If anyone needed to cross to the demesne of another kingdoms they had to bring documents that would permit entry into another kingdom. Only the royal families and the nobility could pass through and it was rumored to be an arduous journey that needed a wealth of escorts. Consigned to their fates, brother and sister remained with their adoptive family.
All she knew of life was Pretoria, but sometimes she caught herself wondering where they had truly come from, a nagging question that remained unanswered. Who her parents where? Where were they from? Those questions swirled around her mind for the past three years growing stronger with each passing day.
She couldn't accept that she and Darren were alone, they must have other people, if her parents no longer existed then maybe other relatives she could find.
Once she made enough coin she thought they would leave. Although she would miss her family here immensely they would need to go. She would use Jutu's influence with he king if necessary.
Then there was Havah, another piece of the puzzle. As mysterious as herself. Havah had remained passive about her past, revealing as much as she could which was not much. She rarely spoke of an exiting family, as far as Evaline knew Havah was an orphan just like her. The two girls bonded well and in Havah, Evaline found a sister and friend.
However, after this incident she would have to plan to leave with Darren. She didn't want to put the people she cared about in danger, Caspian's captivity was testimony enough of the cruelty and maliciousness of the Prince. Especially now that his attention has been captured.
Lifting her eyes, she spotted Erica before her, wearing a sympathetic expression.
"His lordship would like to resume training."
Evaline hesitated,she was not in the mood to practice anything at that point. "Can't I sit this one out." she managed to say through gritted teeth.
"My son is not much older than your brother and I understand how you feel for I would be the same if it were my son, we have to protect them by being strong. Show them strength and bravery.  The more you train you'll get better.  Make your brother proud."Erica advised.
"How can I make him proud when I rage inside.  The temptation to take the whip and use it on the prince has been burning in my mind." Evaline shook her head. Those treacherous words were enough to send her to the gallows, but she trusted the female warrior to keep silent.
Erica laughed surprising Evaline.
"I shall pretend not to have heard that treasonous statement however when it comes to prince Byron I think he might actually enjoy that."
"That is sick!" Evaline grimaced
"You might be surprised at some of the depraved things I've heard about him."
Erica patted her shoulder affectionately. "Your doing great girl but you still have a lot to learn."
Evaline followed Erica out of the tent and resumed her training with the rest of the team. Erica was right, she needed to train and while she did she would plot her departure which she hoped would happened immediately after the gathering.
She spied the Lord Fenwick clashing blades with his right arm Rufus, he flicked a glance her way but did not stop. Strength pushed from his body cutting through the thick humid air that permeated around the camp. She watched him for a moment, admiring the graceful way he  blocked each blow. If only she could achieve the same agility. Erica was right, she needed to practice.
Turning to a spot where the women would commence a mock wrestling match, she pulled back her shoulders and marched to the area. Havah had been engaged in hand to hand combat with Estelle, they were grappling each other, an arm hooked around Estelle's neck as their bodies struggled on the ground.
Evaline took her place beside Erica who nodded before resuming an intent gaze at the battling females.

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