Chapter 13 Havah

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"So what's your story?"
They were in one of the taverns in the village, lord Fenwick having decided the team needed some down time, had opened the invitation. The place was crowded with people, mostly guests of the ruling family arriving for the special event.
Servers were bustling about taking orders, their hands full with trays of drink and food trying not to crash into anyone as they maneuvered through the crowd.
Tables were full, soldiers, royal guards and even some who were dressed in noble finery filled up the space. Havah wouldn't be surprised if the other two taverns were bursting at the seams.
For a kingdom like Pretoria to have only three taverns open on good times like this was hardly productive.  Times were difficult since the dark Fae had risen to power.  Most of the local people where hard pressed to earn good coin as royal events were scarce in the kingdoms. the gathering would help the town recover with much needed coin.
Havah turned her attention to Lord Fenwick, they were both leaning their backs against the bar as they surveyed the crush of bodies.
"No story here," she replied smoothly raising her glass of stale ale at the lord before taking a gulp savoring the taste of the cool liquid.
"There must be a story behind that eye patch you wear."
Pretty boy was certainly in his element, he leaned back with the grace of a cat, rarely making eye contact and so self assured she had to marvel at his candor.
"This," tapping her eyewear, "is just for effect. It keeps the creatures at bay."
"Your scars are not a figment of my imagination,"his smooth drawl almost made her cackle.
"Why Lord Fenwick what a polite way to say I'm unattractive," she fluttered her eyes.
He coughed into his arm suspecting he was suppressing a smile but ultimately he caught himself in time to rebound.
"Your not from Pretoria," he started again.
"You've reached the correct conclusion." She wasn't going to lie.
"Where are you from?"
"Somewhere in between," that was a half truth.
"Let's see what we have so far; your not from around here, you wear your scars like a medal of honor, you fight like a seasoned warrior, far better than some of my men. You don't sleep much and disappear from camp in the dead of night only to return close to dawn. "
"Is there an expectation from this foreplay?" Unnerved by his observations she made a mental note to practice stealth. She would never have guessed he was watching her....closely.
He had to give her a once over, and a very slow one at that, before he spoke. "No offense my lady but I prefer my women....hmmm. Softer."
Raising her glass to his and clicking it she grinned broadly. "So do I."
The sun shone in pretty boy's face as he awarded her his first absolutely cruelty free genuine smile, exposing a glimmer of straight clean even white teeth. If she was any ordinary damsel that smile alone would have wet her knickers . But she wasn't. And he was not flirting with her so.....
"Would you consider leaving with my camp after the Gathering?"
She bit the inside of her cheek trying to suppress a grin.
"You don't have to give me an answer at this moment," he added, perhaps he may have sensed a hesitation.
"And where is the destination?"
He took a moment to respond. "At present we would be returning to Meriadon, unless the king decides otherwise, then it would be back to Fenwick land."
She found her gaze roaming around the room until they rested on Evaline.  The girl was not far from where she stood, surrounded by soldiers from the Fenwick camp, her attention engaged by one of the soldiers who was busy speaking, gesturing with his hands. As if sensing her watchful gaze, the girl turned and smiled in Havah's direction, raising her glass.
She had not seen Evaline so engaged in a long time, she seemed relaxed among these men and women. Her face lit with a glow that had not been present.
"Unless of course there are obligations that hold you back."
Lord Fenwick's comment made her wince inwardly. In truth she had courted the idea of leaving some time back but the young girl and her brother had banished those ideas. She had to credit the lord for being sharp witted. About to respond, a prickling sensation at the base of her spine made her turn toward the tavern door when she realized why.
Caspian strolled into the room with a few of his comrades his eyes searching until they came to rest on Eva.
Tensing Havah watched as Caspian remained undecided, hesitating by the door until his comrades pulled him to the other side of the room. Relaxing her stance she drank a big gulp of her drink almost forgetting Lord Fenwick was beside her and when she turned to him she noted his watchful gaze.
"Is there something going one between the two of them I should know about?" He cocked a perfect brow.
"Nothing that's worth discussing."
He gave Evaline his full attention. "This mornings skirmish cannot be taken lightly. Will that be a regular occurrence?"
"Caspian 's just behaving like an over protective older brother. You and your team have been a good influence on Eva. She needs to find her footing."
He nodded in agreement. "Given the opportunity and correct training I believe she just might."
She was starting to like pretty boy when she felt the sudden prickle once again in the base of her spine.  The room began to spin everyone moving in slow motion, locked in a trans, the noises began to fade away except for one peculiar sound.
It was as if the very air whispered her name echoing around her. It called again drowning  out all other noises.
As suddenly as it came it drifted away and everything went back to normal except the frown on Lord Fenwick face.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes absolutely." she feigned a smile. "I will be calling it a night, the stench of soldiers is not exactly comparable to honey suckle."
The lord had the grace to chuckle.
Nodding she waved to the rest of the team leaving the inn.  Blocking out all possible noises she tuned her mind into silence waiting, but there was no sound except for a scent, one she had not smelled in a very long time.
Pulling the hood of cloak to cover her head she walked in the direction of the smell, it's pungent odor growing stronger as she walked a trail that led into the woods at the back of the tavern.
By now she knew what trails led deeply into the woods that were dangerous, and the trails led to more even paths. She'd lost count of the many times she'd gotten lost but managed to find her way back before dawn, avoiding the more glaring questions about her wareabouts.
Finally, she stopped surrounded by a dense set of trees and the familiar sound of water just behind them.  The flap of wings made her look at the dark sky, the only light coming from moonbeams. Summoning a spell for light several fireflies drifted in her direction.
Flapping of wings moved to her right. Damn!
Her heart hammered in her chest that meant someone was close by. The scent grew stronger one so familiar, of woods and herbs. Pivoting behind her she found the crow only it started to transform before her one good eye.
Dark Fae!
Whipping her sword she faced the intruder, eyes sharp.
He seemed taller than she remembered, pointed ears jutting from his once golden hair, now it was completely silver common among the winter court.
His face was chiseled to perfection as if carved from marble, perfect in every way except for the soulless eyes that were the color of amethyst. They studied her as if she was an insect. The cruel twist of his mouth bared sharp teeth.
Tension gripped her body as she faced her nemesis watching him carefully as he cocked his head to one side.
"I thought it was you the minute I spied you in the river. How have you been princess? " his voice was seductive, but it didn't fool her.
Princess he called her, when once it had been an endearment now it felt like nails digging into her flesh.
"Loot!" His name sounded like a curse as they left her lips. "Your stench can only get you so far," she swung her sword at him but he quickly disappeared before reappearing behind her.
"Tsk tsk I was hoping we had resolved the past,"his voice grated in her ears. The stench of his cloying flesh threatened to make her gag.
"You left me for dead you sick Fae ," she replied with such force pivoting to lunge with her sword but he was so swift he disappeared again. She heard his laughter echoing above her when she looked up she saw the silhouette of his form perched against one of the tree.
"How fortunate that I found you didn't die.  Now I can return you back to your family and all will be as it was."
He was mad!
"You piece of shit! "She roared "You'll have to finish what you started for I will never come willingly! Never!"
His laughter echoed around her as he disappeared from view like a puff of smoke.
Fear rose within her and that's when she ran.

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