Chapter 6 Evaline

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Day 1 of practice
Landing flat on her back, the sun had not risen but she had succumbed several times to Havah's brutal blows. Her arm muscles aching from the tension in her shoulders. How was she going to ge through practice if this is how she felt?
"Get up!"
"I can't! " Evaline panted.
Sheathing her sword, Havah shook her head gazing up at the sky. "Well what seems to be the spark of light referred loosely as the sun is about to rise in an hour. Let's return to the house and eat something before you run along to practice. Besides you need to wash off the grime on your body, you know how particular Captain Jacob is."
"If I knew you would be my tormentor I would never have come out."
Havah's face was only inches away from Evalines's as she grabbed the front of her shirt forcefully.
"You won't take this lightly when your broken and bleeding from what's to come." Releasing her swiftly Havah stood up and started walking away.
Evaline wondered how Havah could have been so swift.  The woman was fast she had to admit and surly.
Washing of the grime was the worst part, she skipped breakfast and pocketed an apple before running off to the barracks with Darren in tow. Thank the mother they could run, panting she shoved her way past the bailey into the further most part of the castle passed another gate into the feild where the soldiers were forming the line.
Captain Jacob stood tall beside Caspian as they surveyed the men and boys. Depositing Darren with a quick kiss she made her way to the other line where most of the men stood a head taller than herself. That was even better, the Captain wouldn't notice she was late.
"Mistress Evaline,"
Her name echoed across the feild. Ignoring the curious glances she walked toward the captain head held high to cover her nervousness. As soon as she stood before the captain and Caspian she stared straight ahead when a quick glance at the captain's grimace as his eyes roamed her person made her look at herself. She was sure she had removed every particle of dirt.
"I can't imagine what part of that attire made you think it was fit for today's practice." His voice boomed near her ear. Glancing at Caspian's amused expression she was hoping he would come to her defense, but he remained silent. Blast him!
"It's all I have Captain."
Jutu had given her an worn leather pant from Caspian's cast offs and she wore her white tunic above it. It was loose enough for practical movement she had nothing else.
"Percival," the Captain bellowed " Come!"
A tall hulking figure with a scar on his right brow came forward, his face grim as he stood beside her.
"Take her to the locker and find something she can wear. The rest of you clowns stop gawking and ready your weapons. Choose a partner!"
Percival did not seem happy to escort her to the locker, he ignored her as she followed behind him nearly stumbling forward when her foot caught a stray rock.
The locker was inside the barracks building a few meters away from the feild. They walked through a darkened hallway made of stone with arched open windows. Finally they entered a square room littered with shelves against the wall.
Standing right at the center of it she took her fill of various war gear and armour hanging against the wall or shoved into shelves. Everything was neatly folded and in good order, when exasperated Percival called out to her.
Bending toward a drawer, her pulled it back to reveal some gauntlets and another set of armor and chain mail. Shoving the gear toward her he stared her down disdainfully.
"Put it on and come out. Make it quick, the captain hates laggards."
She deftly donned the chainmail and gauntlet but dragged the armour with her while she tried to catch up with the soldier.
He turned and glared looking at the armour in her hand.
"I don't know how to put this on. Can't I just do with the chain mail and gauntlet for now." She implored
"Suit yourself, "his tone was grim as they returned quietly to the field. She could feel the chain male digging into the tender flesh of her chest and back. She would have bruises before the day was up.
The pairs had already been cast therefore she would have to battle it out with Percival who was none too pleased with the arrangement. His dark brown eyes bore into hers.
The captain approached them, his cunning eyes took in her attire raising a brow his grim features spoke volumes, he wasn't pleased.
"At some point Mistress Evaline you will have to wear armour. It will be for your protection. Percival here," he patted the hulking soldier on his shoulder, "will practice with you. Choose your weapon and begin the drill."
He walked away turning toward the boys. She didn't know what was worse, practicing with Percival or enduring the Captains wrath.
"So girlie what's your weapon?" Percival's cunning smile leeched into his face making her swallow slowly.
"S...sword," she replied softly. Her voice was feminine, utterly and absolutely feminine, at times she didn't mind the sound but at present she wished it was as deep as Havah.
She watched the the hulking warrior unsheathed his sword strapped to his waist.
"Perfect!"his grin was malicious
"I didn't bring mine!" Horrified, she stared at the hungry eyes of her new tormentor, whose aim was clearly to cut her up into pieces.
"You won't need yours!"
She ducked as he swung. Sometimes there were advantages to being short and this was a perfect moment. He started slicing using his blade with precise strokes. Every time she had to dodge his blows he seemed disappointed. Wasn't this suppose to be practice? It felt more like her execution.
"Wait!" She called out as he charged, she started running first left then right but he continued to block her path. "That's unfair!" She  finally stumbled, almost loosing her footing when an body came right in front of her and stopped the blade that would have sliced her head off.
"Quit horsing around Percival."
Her savior was Caspian, turning to help her up he passed her his sword. In his face she saw brief concern before an emotionless mask slipped into his features.
"I thought she came to train!" Percival sounded like he had just lost his favorite meal.
"With a weapon." Caspian's was deeply critical. Seeing the embarrassed look on Percival face made her day.
Caspian's sword was a weapon she was used to carrying therefore it felt light enough in her hands. Hiding her grin, she stood straightening her body with as much bravado as she could muster, she faced her opponent squarely.
"Mistress Evaline you can begin your training." Caspian she noted was trying desperately to hide the humor in his voice as she turned to face her opponent.
A few moments when Percival was flat on his back dark brown eyes straying up at the female in utter shock as the point of her blade rested on his jugular, he wiped the sweat from his brow watching her triumphant grin.
"How did you learn how to fight like that, girlie?"
"The name is Evaline," she tried to sound forceful but to no avail. The hulking soldier however seemed to have gotten the point.
Standing up, he wiped the dust from his gauntlet and stood crossing his arms against his chest, he surveyed her slowly from head to foot, not a malicious appraisal more considering.
"Your the orphan that lives with Caspian's mother?"
Nodding her head she eased back , the sword on her hand starting to turn heavy as her arms arched from trying to win the round. She would never admit she was in pain but sword fighting was something she knew rather well after sparing with Caspian and Havah on occasion.
Captain Jacob was soon upon them, his nod of approval made her forget her aches for a moment.
"That's the first round, we'll break for awhile before we get to the next round."
She tried to stop herself from rolling her eyes but he caught her expression and flashed her a leering grin. "if your ready to give up Mistress Evaline......"
"No." She stood her ground facing the captain bravely. "I'll be ready".
She watched as the Captain marched off.
"You should have given up." Percival whispered in her ear made her shoved passed him as she marched to where the younger boys practiced and found Darren. He had been given a break. He ran to her with a sack of food his smile radiant.
"I saw you Eva, I saw what you did to that soldier. I'll told them you were good with the sword but none of them believed me."
Eva couldn't help her smile as he ruffled her brothers hair. They found a shaded tree where he opened his sack and shared the bread and cheese that Jutu had packed for him.
"What did they make you do?"
"They made us brush the horses down. Said it strengthen the arms."
"And do your arms hurt?" She bit into her bread and munched hungrily.
"A bit, but soon I'll be as strong as him," her brother pointed to Caspian who was sitting on a bench with some soldiers. As if feeling the weight of her stare he turned in their direction but she quickly looked away.
"What else will you be doing?"
"Later we're to practice with the archers."
"Well that will be good for your aim," she mumbled while chewing when a shadow fell across them.
"Not bad Eva." Caspian sat across from them leaning back to bask against the sun. She swallowed slowly as she watched the muscles cord tautly against his neck.
She handed him back his sword but he shook his head. " I can get something from the armoury before we begin again."
"Keep it. I heard your having trouble with armour. I think I may have one from when I began years ago"
"I couldn't." Caspian was a big man she would never be able to fit into his armor.
"Please Eva, take Caspian's armour. His weapons are the best."
Darren remarked enthusiastically. Caspian's smile made her heart do a summersault.
"Do I truly need it?" This chain mail is torture enough."
"For sword fighting definitely. I may have a padded vest as well. I had them when I was much younger and smaller. There must be something bound to fit your tiny frame."
He mentioned that her frame was tiny? Indeed! "What would I need that for?"
He stood up and his grin widened as he perused her small frame. "You'll see."
All through the rest of the day she was stuck with Percival who seemed to have gotten his bad humor back as he started her torment. It seemed he was mercilessly teased when she won the sword fight, his relentless pursuit of her failure was a motto he wore on his bulking frame as he attacked her like his life depended on it.
When she returned home that night the purple bruises on her chest and back was window dressing compared to the ache in her muscles. Although she healed fast enough, the salve that Jutu rubbed on her sore muscles helped better.
A quick glance at Havah made her shudder, for what she witnessed in her friend's determined stare was a promise of what was to come the next morning.
Day 2 of practice
It wasn't enough that Evaline's arms groaned in agony from Havah's intensive exercises which included carting heavy buckets of water into the shack.  She did not pound Evaline with a rigorous bout of sword play, instead she made her do house chores with the ferocity of a drill seargent.
As promised, she found armour laid out for her on the front door complete with a pair of daggers.  Jutu had managed to retrieve one of Caspian's discarded swords.
Armed with her new gear she managed to clock in early. Marveling at the  efficiency of the captain with his men, they were already dressed and ready, neat and tidy soldiers aiming to conquer. They still stared at her some with curiousity, others leering with a different intent.
Her partner Percival from the previous day had been retained but only for the sword fight.  As the day progressed she was given other partners, closer to her built.
A quick glance at Darren's camp reveal the boys not to be present.  They were taken elsewhere to continue with their archery practice, that was all well as she didn't need the distraction. Furthermore, he would be joining the boys in a tent.  They had packed his clothes the previous night and bade him farewell this morning.
Day 3 of practice
The aches in her body were slowly becoming a habit but she managed to survive until they only lingered as a dull ache.
Lord Madden had finally joined the feild, barely glancing their way, he was mostly engaged by Caspian who barely spared her a glance.
During their break she watched the formidable lord continue his powerful swings. She had seen him in action last year during the Gathering. 
He was built with the same set of corded muscle as the rest, a bit leaner he swung with a grace that was close to poetic. His auburn hair was cut short just below his ears and his armour was more like a vest leaving his thick arms bare. Every move was calculated. He ducked, swung, twirled and twisted.
Indeed. Caspian was very good but Lord Madden was meeting him blow for blow, they didn't stop to rest  instead they continued with their practice until finally Caspian's final swing brought the lord down on his bum. It didn't seem like he minded for  the grin he wore on his face was proof of that.
Realizing she wasn't alone she turned to her left encountering the curious gaze of her recent partner Cem. A strong young man with the most expressive muddy colored eyes.
"I'd seen you gawking," he sat beside her then munching on his half finished apple. "So have the others." he motioned further down left where she saw a group of young soldiers snickering as they watched her.
Ignoring them she turned her attention to Cem. "Why aren't you joining them?" She turned away in disgust .
"'Cause they are being silly." He paused shifting his gaze to the empty feild.
"I thought all of you were in agreement, that I was not welcome."She sounded surly, but couldn't help it.
"I have a sister not much older than you. Klem and Johnny over there," he pointed to two other young men a few feet away from the snickering group. "They have older sisters who work as maids in the castle, not all of us were raised to be brutes. We aren't  all like that. I swear." To prove his sincerity his place a hand on his chest and thumbed it hard. A show of honor she'd witnessed from Pretorian Soldiers sometimes when they responded to the Prince.
He sounded sincere, still her wariness wouldn't leave. This could only be a trick therefore she remained silent.
"Percival, " he continued, "he isn't that bad of a bloke but I've seen you with a sword and you are pretty damn good." he flicked a brief smile before nodding and leaving her alone.
Well well well.

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